Wednesday 8 December 2010

What's right's right! Or is might right? (rw5, Lord of the Flies)

In "Castle Rock", when Ralph blows the conch to call a meeting for the last time at the platform where they first gathered, Piggy proclaims his intention to confront Jack with the conch and ask for his glasses back "not as a favour, [not] ... to be a sport", and "not because you're strong, but because what's  right's right" (p. 171).

What does Piggy mean here? What is he saying about right and wrong?
What is the opposing view of moral right and wrong held by Jack?

Who do you think is right?  Piggy or Jack?
Which view of morality is more common in your culture?
Why does this matter? (Does it matter?)


Golding, W., & Epstein, E. L. (1954). Lord of the Flies. New York: Perigee.

1 comment:

  1. ---What does Piggy mean here? What is he saying about right and wrong?
    What is the opposing view of moral right and wrong held by Jack?

    I think it's not directly related in right and wrong. Piggy will sacratically says to Jack that Jack have to give back him the glasses because he doesn't see clearly without wearing glasses, and also he wants to state the things which Jack did is not justice in the people way. Jack only believe that he is justice and he did everything right. Thus, "what's right's right" in my opinion is that "what's right's justice and where is it".

    ---Who do you think is right? Piggy or Jack?
    Which view of morality is more common in our culture?
    Why does this matter? (Does it matter?)

    Certainly, if I lived in communism country, I would say Jack is right because he is power, justice. I would have to do in his way without any protest because Jack is law. If I break it, I will get punishment. On the other hand, I live in democratic country. Piggy is right to take his glasses back from Jack because he is owner. Belonging the glassese without any permission from the owner is not right in the democratic way, and also it is illegal. A lots of people living together in the same society should have law or way to be a standard which everbody have to follow for peace.

    Personally, they are very difficult questions which I might misunderstand and answer in wrong way. However, they very good questions which make my brain awake to think of it.


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