Wednesday 27 April 2011

Chewing on Law

We have just read his introduction to Stephen Law's short dialogue "Carving the Roast Beast", in which he tells us the topic and main idea as we expect a writer to do in an introduction. Law's topic in "Carving the Roast Beast" is eating meat, and his main idea about this topic is that it is morally wrong (2003, p. 124)1.

What do you think about this? Is Law right or wrong?
  • Is it morally acceptable to eat meat? 
  • When is it right to eat meat? Why? What makes it right? 
  • When is it wrong? Why is it wrong? 
  • Is it ever wrong to eat meat? Why do you think that? 
  • Is it ever right to eat meat? Why do you think that?
    and moving on 
  • What do you expect Law to do next? If you think he is wrong, what does he need to do to persuade that he is right? 
This is a response writing to share our ideas on Law's topic and main idea. You cannot explicitly discuss Law's supporting ideas because we have not read them yet. Our purpose here is to start thinking about the topic and write down our ideas. That's all. It's a response writing exercise similar to exercise G on page 156 of Quest, so feel free to respond with whatever ideas you like on the topic, or even a bit off the topic, following the same guidelines that Hartmann gives (2007). The questions I wrote above were just some prompts to hopefully get you thinking. 

Law, S. (2003). Carving the roast beast. In The Xmas Files (p.124 – 140). London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.2

Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

The title of my post 
The phrasal verb chew on means "chew over" as defined in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. It also suggests a weaker version of the idea in the verb phrase chew out. I thought that it worked well in the title of this blog post.  

1. Parenthetic citations like this example are usual and are normally required in academic writing. If you use an idea from a source, you must cite that source. For more examples of parenthetic citations, see Hartmann, pages 151 - 153.  

2. And if you have cited a source in your writing, the full reference citation for that source must normally be included in your list of references. Sadly, Hartmann completely fails to do this on page 153. (Why? Where is the expected list of references? Do  you agree with Hartmann's decision here?)
One of our main goals this term is to practise using and correctly citing sources. If this is new to you, don't worry. 
Response writing is not academic writing, so don't even think about parenthetic citations or a reference list as you write your comments. 


  1. I've read the whole essay, so I obviously know exactly how Law supports his main idea, so I'm going to sign out and let Pom uset his computer.

  2. We can eat meat as you want but we need to consider about the number of those animals. For example, if the number of shark is low then we should avoid those kind of food. For more information, there are many ways to increase the number of animal such as prawn or fish because they have a good system to control the temperature degree. Moreover, we can import food from other countries due to the quantity of their supply maybe more than our country.

  3. Stephen's law is wrong because we are human begins we have to eat some real protein from meat. Our body need this nutrition to grow up. This is a cycle of life too.However we should not eat too much.

  4. Eating meat is morally wrong. We should stop animal's slaughter because animal have feeling.They can move and can get hurt as human.To illustrate,Turkey scream loudly before they died. It's a horrible scene that we didn't want to see. Some people who see this terrible scene quite eating meat.If you were animals and someone wants to kill you, you would be sad and angry. Also, we have plenty of food that we can eat without harming anyone such as fruits, vegetables and so on.

  5. It is not morally acceptable to eat meat because some animals can make a food for human for example chicken, cow, pig. It normally for eat it in meal. But some animal can't make a food for human such as monkey, dog, snake rabbit kangaroos. Some human are morally acceptable to kill it and eat it after that. It is very terrible idea for eat these animal. It is not a farm animal. But other country usually have other culture, some country can't eat a pig, some country can't eat a cow.

  6. Stephen is wrong when he think that killing turkey is morally wrong during X-mas because at the present time almost of people eat meat as one of their food, meat is very necessary for our health. If he wanted to against this traditional,he should be more understand why they chose to have turkey for the Christmas. He should find the reason to support his ideas.I think if we want to stop having turkey,we should stop to kill any kinds of animal not only turkey. Maybe killing a tons of turkey in the short period of time is very hurt the feeling of someone who are not eating meat. But in the real world they've killed every animals every seconds. That's the truth. Someone can not eat beef, some can't eat port but they still eat fish. Fish is also alive animal. So you can't chose that I don't eat beef because beef came from the cow.

  7. In my opinion,Law has a wrong idea about eating meet.Every creature have to eat something; otherwise nobody can be alive.In addition,there is no clear reason to avoid meet.He has to tell enough reasons why eating meet is morally wrong.

  8. I fully disagree with Law that the eating meat is morally wrong because human have to use energy which come from meat. Especially, the worker and labor have to use more power so they need energy that come from animal.In addition, The meat is also useful for children for their brain improvement, body development and cells repairing.

  9. for this question about i agree or disagree with Law.He right or wrong ? For me i disagree with Law idea. I think meat such as pork, chicken, beef, or fish is a normal food for humans and we usually eat it everyday,because meat have a benefit for the body.It make you have a good health and give energy to you.

  10. Eating meat is not morally wrong because most of people in the world choose to eat meat for their meal to get more energy and nutrition. It's not wrong if you don't kill the big animals for your meals.

  11. It is morally acceptable to eat meat and Stephen Law belief is wrong. Everyone can eat what they want, if someone does not like to eat vegetable, how can he live without eating meat. It is not morally wrong to eat meat because the buddha taught that it is morally wrong to kill animals, but he did not teach that it is wrong to eat other animals.

  12. I disagree the writer`s main idea about your topic: "it is morally wrong to eat meat". I give reasons for supporting my idea. The first eat mead not is morally wrong because this is part the our feeding. Segundo, if you don`t like eat meat, do you have the many others options for your meals...

  13. I don't agree with law's idea.
    First,it isn't good for you health. There are some thing human needed for health what can't be applied by vegetable. If we just eat vegetable for a long time, we would lost my energy and be not health.
    Second, the nature need a balance. if we don't eat any animal's meat, them animal would be more and more, meanwhile, human being would be weaker and weaker. Maybe, someday, human will not be the strongest alive in the world. At that time, we will not have the right to dicide whether should I eat animal's meat or not, and we will be decided by another kind of animal which is stroger than human being.
    Third, If all of us just eat vegetable, Then we have to get more vegetable be planted. It is bad to the nature balance too.
    So, keep a balance diet is best choice.

  14. Although, some people agree with Chewing Law about eating meat is morally wrong, I strongly disagree with this law because the meat is a one of food that is necessary with our health. The meat is a good protein which is very useful and help body repair when we got the injure and also we can get nutrition after eating it.

  15. Eat meat it is morally acceptable, but even you have to take care about the manner of slaughter the animals. It is not morally to do it, if the animals is suffering when the people slaughter it.
    Eat meat is good because It give a balance of our body need of protein. The meat give the proteins but you must have an other kind of food as such calories, carbohydrates that they are neccesary too for you healtcare.
    I excepted the laws is going to regulate the way that the people slaughter it.

  16. Hi,OAT.I agree with your opinion that we need to consider about the number of animals.However,is the number of turkeys getting less?

  17. Dear Pree
    Yes,to slaughter animal is horrible.But,I watched one TV program about plants.In this program,scientists insisted on the fact plants can have feeling as well.How do you feel about this ?

  18. Dear Neiva.I agree with you.Anyway,We have to eat something.

  19. Dear Tina.I totally agree with your opinion.Health of human being and the balance of the natural world are supposed to be keywords here.We are living in a world which has the law of the jungle.

  20. Dear Suzana.It is a nice prediction about what the author are going to write.Do you have any idea to regulate the slaughter?

  21. Pree
    There are some kind of cattle, that are raised for meat or milk or as beast.
    I hope the law regulate cattle slaughter without prior stunning, in other words should be painless for cattle.

  22. I think everyone has your own opinion and this is better. I continue with my opinion because our health needs the protein animal, this is part of alimentary chain. Of course, we need take care the specie not became in extinction.

  23. You're so funny Tina. I like your idea that you said human need the nutrition to grew up and we have to eat but don't eat too much!

  24. I agree with you Oat, not only eat but also find the way to increase the number of those animals plus our global is getting warmer. We should eat in the proper amount and safe the left for the future.

  25. I agree with you Tune Eng because we need some protein for making energy of human. From my experience, I didn't eat meat for 2-3 days then I had no energy to do my activities.

    Pree! I understand your feeling about animals and surely that they can hurt as the same as human but normally, animals may die from other killer. For example, big fish might eat small fish so I beleive that it is not totally worng if we catch them for food.

    Guy! Can I put some of my idea? some people eat dogs such as Korean people so maybe it depends on their culture and they may not think that dogs are terrible food. The same as in China that they eat rabbit in some part of their country because that area may has a lot of rabbit.

    PS. I'll come back again if I finish the assignment early :)

  26. Pree I know how you feel. I had an experience to see they killed the chickens. I stopped having chicken for a while.But I still want to eat meat later. Any ideas you can tell me how can I quit from eating meat.So I can be a vegetarian in the future.

  27. Guy @ April 27, 2011 12:30 PM
    In Australia, it is now common to eat kangaroo. For many people, it is a healthier alternative to beef. I like it - the taste is a little stronger than beef, and it's not as fatty.
    But I still like beef, too.

    And when I visit Thai friends in Chiangrai, they seem very keen to cook up dog for me.

  28. I've just read the comments - they are great, with lots of ideas for and against Law's main idea.

    So far, most people think that Law is wrong, and have given reasons why they think that. It will be interesting to see if this changes as we read Law's support for the main idea in his introduction that eating meat is morally wrong.

    Personally, I think he's wrong, but you might not like my reason for thinking he's wrong.

    I hope you enjoy "Carving the Roast Beast".

    ANd feel welcome to comment more.

  29. Everyone, Do you know that animals release some poisons before they died? We consume this poison everyday. This poison cause cancer and other diseases.

  30. I agree with Tina. If we eat only vegetable, we will get a lot of chemical from pesticide. So, we should make it balace both meat and vegetable. We can also avoid eating meat by getting in vegetarian festival every year. just once a year it would be great for your health.

  31. Vegetable products do not contain any cholesterol. Also. there several sources of protein that you can eat such as beans, lentils, tofu, nuts, seeds, tempeh, chickpeas,and peas. Many common foods, such as whole grain bread, greens, potatoes, and corn, quickly add to protein intake.

  32. June you can avoid chemical pesticide from vegetable by eating organic vegetable. However, you can avoid those poison substances that animal released during the slaughtering process.

  33. Sorry, you can't avoid those poison substances that animal released during the slaughtering process.

  34. Also, we can avoid the fruit and vegetable that used a lot of pesticides and chemical fertilizers such as cabbage, orange,grape and so on.

  35. I like the way Pree is supporting her position.

    She has provided some solid support for Law, so if you think it's OK to eat meat, what do you have to do in response to Pree's arguments?

  36. Maybe the main idea of law is not we should not eat meat. Maybe it is turkey in christmas dinner is not necessary. In a nother word, we can eat it if we like it, or we can not eat it if we don't like it.
    Then I agree with law's idea, the important thing is that everyone is happy and faimily are together. what is dinner is not important. Culture is not important either.

  37. I agree with Tina when spoke about the important point: family is together and happy! What do you eat, is in second plan. However, I don't agree about the "culture not is important". On last 3 weeks, I visit some cities in Cambodia and there, is part of the culture, eat cockroach, cricket and scorpion... for the people there is very important eat this kind the animal, especially in the feast the New Year! For my culture and I, particularly don't eat this kind the animal...

  38. Kuriko,

    Plant can't move (most of them). Also, they can't scream. They don't have blood. Moreover, they don't cry. Can you tell me how plants express their feelings?

  39. Kuriko I agree with you. The plants are in alive too. they feel when we hurt. also when we take care them. For example some flowers are open when they hear music, also they grow better when the people speak with them.
    About my point the law need to regulate the animal slaughter and the use of pesticide and chemical fertlizers for the plants.
    In my opinion both of them are morally acceptable to eat, only we need to regulate how are they cattle slaughter or grow the plants.

  40. How will Pree respond to Susana's support (May 2, 2011 12:48 AM) for Kuriko's idea that plants can also feel (April 27, 2011 1:53 PM)?

    How would you, how would an academic, respond?

  41. I like Tina's opinion about nature balance ^^

    We have to eat meat !!!!!!!!!!!
    As ecosystem, If we eat only vegetables and ignore eating meat, the number of aninmals will be increased. On the other hand, the number of vegetables will be decreased and may be become extinct shortly. Finally, the ecosystem (food chain) will be destroyed.

    Moreover, vegetables are able to absorb carbon-dioxide and produce oxygen to the world. If the number of vegetables decreased because of eatting vegetables more and more as human needs, it will also reduce the amount of oxygen as well.

    Therefore, I think we should balance eating between meat and vegetables.

  42. Kukik (May 2, 2011 7:14 PM),
    it's a nice argument for Law's supporters to answer.

  43. Hi everyone,

    Kukik, Number of animals will be increased and the vegetable plants will be decreased(part of vegetation) if we are vegetarian.

    In my opinion, the animal and vegetable can breed or not !!!

    If the majority of people don't eat meat, the number of animals will ิำbe the same or less. Why? Because the meat from the slaughter house will decrease due to the prices are down-at-heel.

    Vegetable is not vegetation!!! I think Global warming is mainly caused by deforestation and enormous industry. If we try to stop people to eat vegetable, I think we should find the ways to stop deforestation and enormous industry. In addition, the vegetable can breed if it have good enough soil and water. Therefore, we should conserve soil and water that come from the forest in watershed areas and it will increase the oxygen to the world.

    In conclusion, I support the main idea because we can control number of animals because most of them come from breeding and we also can breed the vegetable.


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