Wednesday 2 April 2014

Sadness has effects on our health

I believe everybody used to have an experience with a broken heart ; it might happen when you lost a lover, family member or pet.  Heart broken people will feel sad, hopeless or depress, but for someone it is even worst.  Therefore, the sadness which occurs at the heart can effect to their health, make them sick or die.      

According to the article “Can you die of a broken heart?” from  BBC (Jason G Goldman,2014) it says that extreme mental stress can be a reason of death which related to heart problem (p.8).  For over decades, there are examples of some relevance between mental stress and  physical illness.
In mid- 20th Century, wildlife biologists and veterinarians observed animal reaction while it was facing with sudden attack from predator. They have found that when animal gets stress,  it will produce adrenaline to the bloodstream, and turn it into some kind of poison. Next stage, it will damage the animal’s muscles and heart. The result is, it can be death.

After that nearly ten years there were more researches on human, one of these was published in New England Journal of Medicine, It reported that extreme stress, which cause by the earthquake 6.8 magnitudes on 14 January 1994 in Los Angeles was the reason of the massive death related to cardiac abnormality.  

When the emotion gets sick the body will affect too. An easy example that I have heard is a royalty dog, when its owner past away or left it behind, it will stop eating. If the dog keeps living like this, it will get sick and die.  I think in this case, it’s because the dog loves its owner very much so it gets extremely sad.

On the other hand not different from animal, when people get heart broken we are in a deep sorrow. Some people lost appetite, can’t work properly or can’t socialize. All of these are negative behaviors; although these might not bad enough to kill us, we should be aware of our sadness and try to get out of bad situation as soon as we can to prevent damages to our health.         
Can you die of a broken heart? (2014, March 31). BBC Future . From

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