Wednesday 22 June 2016

The Anthropological View of Religion, Quest 3, page 20 - images of religion

Source background
Our source is Hartmann and Blass's Thinking Ahead question 1 on page 20 of Quest 3 (2007).

  • (1.) When you think of the word religion, what images come to mind? 
Hartmann, P. & Blass, L. (2007). Quest 3 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. Having been raised a Catholic, the images that first came to my mind were the cross on which Jesus was killed by the Romans under the rule of law at the behest of the plotting Jews who wanted him dead because they hated what he said. It seems strange that such a bloody event steeped in hatred should become the starting point of a religion that professes love, but that's the way it is.

    I'm also reminded of the the beautiful angels that were in the story books my parents read to me as a very young child, before I started school - the wings fascinated me, as did the wavy swords that these messengers of love often carried. At the time, it never occurred to me to wonder why God's angels needed swords, but perhaps it fits in.

    The other image that comes to mind is Buddhist monks in Myanmar protesting to force their government to treat the Rohingya and Muslim minorities even worse. And political Thai monks inciting civil disorder against the popular government of the Thai people, or the sincere believers of the Buddhist abbot wanted on fraud charges (is that right? Fraud?).

    And then there are the exciting images of the Ancient Greek gods joining battle before Troy in Homer's epic.

  2. When I think of the word religion, I always think of Buddhism and Christianity. It might be because these two are the most common religions in Thailand. Moreover, I usually think of Buddha, Lotus, Goodness and Badness, and temple. These images might be symbols of Buddhism, it is related. For Christianity, the cross, church, bible, Mary and Jesus are what I think of.

    1. Yes, those religions seem quite common in Thailand. That's why I also imagine like you. Religious artworks are really interesting and meaningful.

      A lot of implicit meaning of religious symbols can be interpreted in different ways. The one that I'm interested in is Yin-Yang of Taoism. It reminds me of balance of everything. If there is black, there must be also white. If there is good, there must be bad. By the way, that symbol is sometimes applied for the superstitious stuff too like the mirror with Yin-Yang. Some people believe that it can get rid of bad things and induce good things instead.

  3. When I think about the word religion, I always think about Buddhism because it is the religion that most of Thai people respect and I am one of the Buddhist. Buddhism teaches people only a good thing and I believe that other religions do that too. I think that religion is something that people hold to and it makes people have faith in something good.

  4. The word religion makes me first imagine the ceremonies in each religion which consists many steps and spends much time. Then, my mind goes to the set of rules each of them identify either in sacred books, such as bible and Quran, or in words of mouth that reproduce specific belief, for example some Buddhist people disagrees with eating meat. Moreover, the word religion reminds me of long history we have to study.

  5. With the background of being a Buddhist, such word remind me of the systematic, complicated spiritual belief to improve human being and our lives. That makes me think of the Buddha images and statues first in my home and temples in Thailand.

    Plus, I also think of the Christian place like churches when I have been in European counties. There are a lot of differences between the religious artwork of Christianity and Buddhism.

    A week ago I just saw some missionary around my areas inviting someone to be a new christian.

  6. When I think of the religion, the picture of the emerald buddha comes to my mind. It is the central of the the temple inside the the Grand Palace in Bangkok. The building there is very fancy and can attract a huge number of the tourists to come. The image is kept in a very high position on the most fancy way of decorating. There are a lot of state ceremony relating to the image and its place. The interesting one is changing its wear when the season has changed. It present my though of religion in Thailand. It's very close to the state's power and too high for the common people to reach.

  7. when I think of the woed religion, diirent countries and places with diffrent religion come to my mind. Everyone in the world has his own rights to choosehis belifes. I don't have a specific religion but I respect the common-sence,for most of the time, the basic items in a religion are good oes.


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