Monday 10 June 2019

Disease: readings 1 & 2, "Long-distance Care" & "Do We Know Too Much?" (SkRW3, p62, Developing critical thinking)

What we read

We have now read both "Long-distance Care" (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013, p. 59) and "Do We Know Too Much?" (p. 61). As usual, the authors now invite us to respond critically to the ideas from both readings.


Bixby and Scanlon's questions

The questions that ask us to respond to both readings are: 

  • Are all advances in science and technology good for humankind? Why or why not? Give examples to support your ideas.
  • What might be some long-term consequences of so many medical developments that continue to extend human lives? 

Writing tips

  • You can answer the questions in any order. If one idea leads to another and then another for one question, it won't matter if you don't cover both. I usually start with the one that interests me most, and then see where that leads to.
  • To help ensure that your writing is a unified piece of work that makes sense by itself, image that your reader has not seen the questions. In other words, your first sentence needs to function as a topic sentence that clearly states your main idea about the topic. 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. The most obvious result of the rapidly expanding range of medical treatments that extend people's lives is one that most of us probably like: we live longer, and most people prefer to longer rather than shorter. But equally important I think is that the advances let us live healthier lives so that we can enjoy the longer lives we get. Some might worry that having lots of old people around is a burden on the young, but I don't agree with this. Rather, we should get over the modern idea that people simply stop working when they reach a certain age. If someone is 80 and capable of doing the job that they have done for the last 50 years, why shouldn't they continue? This is also likely to help them enjoy life more because work puts routine into life, as well as giving you the sense that you are an independent, self-supporting person who contributes to the national economy. Perhaps the old might like to work less hours, but again, that does not seem a major problem: the jobs can be shared.

    But a more worrying trend in modern medicine, which is my response to Bixby and Scanlon's first critical thinking question, is our ability to re-engineer our own genes. In the past, evolution was a largely accidental affair done by blind nature without reason, goals or any concern except mindless reproduction, but we are now getting the ability to control our own evolution, and this is likely to have truly major consequences for our societies. This is also the topic of Now's coming persuasive essay, so I will be very interested to see what she has to say on her chosen health-related topic.

  2. I think advances in technology and science are good for humankind, because they can improve our life expectancy, life quality, and overall sanitation and our hygiene.
    The long-term effects of so many medical developments ,which prolong our life expectancy, are that the number of population will increase, food deprivation will occur around the world, electronic power won't enough for every household, and pollution will increase and cause many problems to humankind, such as global warming.

  3. All advances in science and technology good for humankind because nowadays we have many problems about health owning that some disease or some wounded injuries need to be cured quickly and accurately,both of science and technology can help us a lot.

  4. No. From my opinion, when human do too much advances in science and technology ,it might reduce our humankind seeing that it may change our original things since we were born.

    Although many medical developments result in a good way, now and in the future ,human life may rely on medical methods , according that, we may not able to use our life naturally.

  5. The more advance in science and technology doesn't mean to be better for humankind. Though better in some science and technology for medical, education, transportation and so on, can help people to have better life,but in long-term if there are not various in use for everyone there are going to have a gap in our society which mean only some people can reach to or can afford higher technology and in the future, it might lead to separation of human.
    Just like in every invention on something, We need an experiment to proof that it works and some of them cause and impact humankind in negative ways. Some impact or example, the pollution or radiation. Some technology reduce pollution but some increase. However, if we carefully use and choose good technology, that would improve our humankind.

  6. An improvement of technology in medical field continue to extend human lives which is good for mankind but for our society the extended life span also gives other long-term effects too. Firstly, the longer lives people have, the more efforts government should consider in order to get the country ready to confront elder society. Another aspect that should be consider is the equality of mankind. Even though, technology can help many lives, Those lives are not every lives only people who have enough money can reach the medication; as a result, it might widen the gap between the rich and the poor.
    On one hand, there is new technology that can help people in remote area ;for example, telesurgery. On the other hand, not all advancements of technology are good for mankind. If people use it for their own benefits such as creating new biohazard weapon or conduct an experiment for genetic engineered super human, our world will become harder to survive.

  7. I think all science and technology are good for humankind because it can help many people who have a disease can live, examples people who have HIV,they have to eat medicine everyday to survive.
    I think some long-term consequences is a surgery,it can make people have a long life and extend human lives

  8. -In my opinion all advances in science and technology are good for humankind because as you can see nowadays science and technology are become part of human life it help us with a lot of things for example in medical factory today there are so many way to treat patient more that before.
    -I think long-term consequences of so many medical developments that continue to extend human lives is that human might be able to cure any disease but in the same time they are going to be so much more disease than it have now because as new medicine lunch out they also brought side effect with them.

  9. In my point of view, i think science and technology are all good for humankind because because in nowadays we use a lot of medical science and technology to cure and protect people from disease, accident and many kind of medicine and supplement. Without science and technology we absolutely can't make it to this day.

    `In my opinion, the long-term consequences of medical developments that continue to extend human lives is can make the world run out of resources, may be humankind tend to faces a starvation. So i think medical development should be made for a good quality of life.


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