Monday 10 June 2019

Getting into Unit 5 = Movement (SkR&W3, p47, Discussion point)

What we read

On page 47, Bixby and Scanlon present us with the usual unit opening of a large image and several discussion questions. For Unit 5, the title is "Movement" (2013). 


Bixby and Scanlon's questions

You can either click the image on the right, or look at it in your book, to see the full-sized photograph and the accompanying discussion questions. 

The three discussion questions are: 

  • Look at the photo. Why do some birds migrate?
  • What other animals migrate? What animals migrate to or from your country?
  • What human activities can disrupt or interfere with animal movement? 
Think about them for a minute or two, and then respond to these questions with your responses. 


It doesn't matter in what order you discuss them. I usually start with the one that most interests me first, and then see what ideas come next. 

And it's good practice to write so that  your response is a piece of work that makes sense without having read the questions. 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education 


  1. When I think of animals that migrate, the first that come to my mind are bats, specifically, the large fruit bats that I used to see at my home in Australia when I was a child. I'm not sure how far these animals migrate, but I guess not actually to or from other countries. However, they used to impress me and my brothers and sisters because they would fly overhead in vast numbers. There were certainly many thousands of them, and perhaps millions. They came and went every year looking for fresh fruit to eat in the bush land around my family's property.

    Another animal I used to see in my childhood that impressed me were whales. These definitely migrate. They travel all around the world from north to south, again looking for food. At certain times of the year, they would gather off the coast near our home, and we would go to watch them.

    Less impressive in their migrations are the koalas around my family home, but the impact of human activity on koalas is very strong, and very harmful. Koalas live in trees and don't move very much, but they do come down at night to move to new trees, and human roads are a major problem them for them. Koalas are not very good at crossing roads safely, and every time I'm visiting my family, I see a few more dead koalas on the roads.

    1. I didn't have time to respond to the first question, which is not a problem. It wasn't the most exciting for me, and I'm sure others have written interesting comments on it for me to read.

  2. The reason that birds migrate in flocks is the change in temperature and season; moreover, birds also use earth magnetic field and stars to navigate themselves. Salmons whales and dolphins also migrant because water temperature changes significantly. For me, animals that migrate to Thailand are birds and fish. The man-made pollution, global warming, and sonar interrupt birds and fish
    migration and distract them from their original pathways.

    1. What birds and fish migrate to and from Thailand? Salmon? Penguins? Or some other species?

    2. You have a very good information to make such a good support to your state. And you are very well in make good related in your paragraph from the different question.

  3. Some birds migrate because of the seasonal change; for example, a flock of seagull flies to different area when winter is coming or they migrate because the previous habitat lack of food that the animals can no longer survive in that area.

    There are other animals that migrates as well as some birds too. Some marine fish migrate across the ocean following the ocean current. Sea turtle also migrate as one part of their life to lay their egg which is similar to salmon that swim resist the river current to lay the eggs. In Thailand, there are some animals that migrate here to flee from cold weather such as seagull which might carry bird flu to Thailand too.

    1. I like your concluding idea that "seagull ... might carry bird flu to Thailand too." Perhaps it's not a bad thing to interfere in the migration of some animals, but it still seems a bit sad for the animals we harm to help ourselves. This reminds me of Stephen Law's ideas. Is it OK for us humans to hurt other animals because we think we are more important than they are? And vice versa?

    2. I like Now's various example of another animal migration which can show different reasons of migration and many kinds of animal also.

    3. your idea is really interesting because it states many causes of migration that I don't realize. I also like how you connects this topic to bird flu which is epidermic here in Thailand.

  4. Some birds migrate because of the change of the season. For example, when the season changes to be winter, some sources of food or plant are lack, according that ,some animal such as bird has to migrate to another place that they can be alive.

    Sometimes,animal movement can be disrupted or interfered by human activities such as fire burning that affects migration of animal and increases air pollution that disrupt any kind of living things.

    1. I agree with Wan that human activities such as fire burning affect animals movement. Nowadays, as technology continue to advanced, human exploits the use of natural resources and creates pollution to the nature. The world could be better if human consider the importance of nature as their responsibility to their own home.

    2. I like the idea about fire. I hadn't thought of that before. Can you explain it a bit more? Can you add an example or two?

  5. Some birds migrate because of the season change. They have to escape from cold and drought in winter to find a place that are prosperous to live and breed.

    I don't really know what animal migrant to and from my country.

    I think yes, the urbanization of human to in rural area or jungle interfere the animal migrant because when human come to there places the animal will be escape because of their fear in human

    1. Tangmo, the idea in your third paragraph is interesting. can you tell us a bit more about it? What animals, for example, "escape because of their fear in human"? Does this happen in Thailand?

    2. I like the way you separate in to three parts. You have good information of how people impact them. You answer straight to the point and It is easy to read and understand

    3. I really interesting in how urbanization and deforestation cause and affect migration of many animals. Your idea is really clear and valid for readers to understand your idea likes how we interfere animal habits.

    4. I agree with Tangmo's comment that "the human in rural area or jungle interfere the animal migrant" that is quite true.Migration of them don't only make the animals fear but some rural people kill them for fun or for some values especially wildlife reserve.

  6. I think migration happens because climate in places where that animals live has change and animals cant live with that kind of climate. In one year, one places can have differently climate because of season change. So, some animal have to move to another place where the climate is suitable for them for temporary and when the first place back to the climate that they like or can live, they will migrate back.

    In Thailand for some season, we could see many large group of bird that com form other country migrate to Thailand. that's because our place is warmer and have more food for them to live. In, some season thailand may too hot so bird might migrate out of thailand.

    1. The most famous migrate animals that we know are the birds. News report every year about migration of birds and caution about bird flu. However, the climate change can affect the movement of those birds. These day the movement of the birds have changed which we as a human should find the way to protect this natural flow.

    2. I like Krong's idea of the migration in or out in Thailand because the given reason of their migration is true and related to the first question that animals have to migrate because climate in places where that animals live has change that Krong has already answer.

  7. I think they migrate because of season change or may be because they are in reproduction process.
    In my country, there are some shells that migrate.
    Yes I think human activities can interfere with animal movement because of changing weather and some lands can by,for example, emitting global warming gases.

    1. I have already read mine again and i want to add some that i have missed. In question 3, I think human activities can interfere animal movement because of changing weather and some lands by,for example, emitting global warming gases.

    2. I agree with Yo's that human activities can interfere animal movement because of changing weather and some lands by,for example, emitting global warming gases. Human change the cycle of living, the living of human in nowadays interfere animals.

    3. I like you comment your information is very clear and have very good answering. I get a lot new information.I can understand it easily.


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