Tuesday 2 June 2020

Skillful 3: Reading and Writing, page 163 - Academic words

Academic words 

Vocabulary, not vocabularies
Each unit of Skillful includes a list of words from the vocabulary of academic English. After exercises 1 and 2 check our understanding of them, the three discussion questions give us an opportunity to use the words in discussions related to the topics that have been covered in the unit (Rogers & Zemach, 2018, p. 163).


Rogers and Zemach's questions

  1. What technological devices or phenomenon have most affected modern lives?
  2. How can companies  use technology to gain insights into customers' lives?
  3. Is it positive or negative that technology dominates modern life so much?  



Choose one of the three questions that interests you. Write a quick response to your chosen question in 15:00 minutes. 

I suggest you organize your time roughly as: 
  • planning = 4:00 minutes. You should have some clear ideas about where you are going before you start writing.
  • writing = 7:00 minutes. Quickly turn your organized ideas into sentences in one or two paragraphs.
  • editing = 4:00 minutes. Check that your work is clear and logically organized for readers. Correct mistakes. 


Follow up

Publishing is the concluding step of the writing process because we normally write so that others can read our work, and that is the case with online discussion boards, which are a common part of university courses today. 

The homework is to read and reply to at least two of your classmates' comments on Rogers and Zemach's discussion questions. As with your own comment, this is also an opportunity to practice the academic vocabulary introduced on page 163. 



  • Rogers, L. & Zemach, D. E. (2018). Skillful 3: Reading & Writing (2nd. ed.). London: Macmillan Education 


  1. Although technology can certainly cause problems, I think it's largely positive that it dominates modern life. Technology means that we live much longer than our grandparents did. The technology of modern medicine dominates health care today to treat diseases that once killed people. For example, only 50 years ago, heart disease could not be treated, but today, surgeons can use technology to clean arteries in the heart, and to replace hearts in patients. Similarly, infectious diseases like measles once sickened and killed millions of people, but the dominance of technology over nature means that we can now defeat those deadly diseases. Even the Covid emergency shows that modern life is better because technology dominates so many areas. I can work work from home and we can have a class only because of communication technology, and when I visit shops, a quick scan with a thermometer checks my temperature. Similarly, Covid has killed far fewer people than the Spanish flu of 1918 becuase we can use computer technology to predict outcomes so that we know how best to stop the disease. Some people might think that technology has negative effects, which is true, as we see in Internet scams, the spread of fake news, and so on, but I am sure that the world of human society and our individual lives are much better because technology not dominates more and more aspects of modern life.

    1. Oops - I just noticed a mistake in my last sentence.

      I meant to write "because technology now dominates more and more aspects of modern life."

    2. Technology dominants our life more and more especially for the young generation. When I was young, watching TV was my first priority activity to do during the weekend today kids maybe grab an Ipad to scout for a cartoon to watch on the Netflix channel. Smartphone Ipad and laptops are devices that we have in a household. Many people may criticize that the negative effect of those devices. we heard quite often that is not good for young kids because it could affect their attention span then some families limit the use of the technology tools among children. Moreover, for adults who regularly use a smartphone when they go to bed, the light from the phone triggers the human brain to be active so their body awake and could not sleep properly. Thereby, we should not let those devices dominate your health.

    3. The young kids of some of my friends in Thailand my brothers and sisters, and now nieces and nephews, in Australia fit Num's category of grabbing a device to watch cartoons or NetFlix, and they don't always wait for the weekend. I'm afraid I don't help. When I buy a new phone or other device, I usually give my old one to one of those kids, who are now encouraging me to upgrade to Samsung's latest Galaxy phone and tablet.

      I also like the point Num raised about sleep: my phone is set to go to "Do not disturb" mode at 10:00 PM every night so that only a very small group of people can contact me between then and 6:00 AM the next morning, but I've noticed that if I also turn the phone over so that the screen is facing down, and no light being emitted, that I seem to sleep better. I only started doing that recently, and Num's comment was a useful reminder.

  2. A mobile phone is a device that powerful these days, and we could claim that it affects our modern life. The online streaming movie, for example, that the new generation usually uses a mobile phone for watching a TV show and the program that they like without caring about the showtime since they can watch it whenever they want. this tool is changing consumer behavior. A mobile phone can function like a mobile computer that portable and easy to carry around. Many businessmen also use a mobile phone for work, for example, they can send an email to their colleagues through their phone or scan paper or sending a file through their smartphones.

    1. I have an question how different between smart phone and mobile phone? I guess that is the same, so I agree with Num that the smart phone or mobile phone is the most choices that I would choose. It can dominate me a lot to take time with and I always use the phone around 4 hours per day for chilling and serious, perhaps in the same day since it is convenient to carry. Therefore, the mobile phone can be one part in my life except when I have spent time with my friends, family and Peter’s class.

    2. I like Mo's question, but I'm not going to answer it. I was more interested in a point that Num made. When she says that people now watch TV on phones that seems a bit odd to me. I don't mean I disagree. I think it's right, but I hate watching movies or series, or anything longer than a short YouTube video, on my phone. I much prefer to use a larger screen, either my computer, which has a 34" monitor, if I'm in front of that, or preferably when I'm lying down watching a much larger TV screen. But like Num and Mo, I use my phone all the time. I'm not sure that I spend hours actually using it every day, but I'm using it constantly to stay in touch and do things like banking. I love being able to do my banking 24 hours a day via my phone. The downside is that if something goes wrong, either with the connection or the bank's server, it's really annoying. It must be years since I visited a bank in person to anything except use an ATM.

  3. Smart phones and computer are the devices that have affect modern lives a lot. After the smart phones had been published, people have used them in many ways. The smart phones are always coming with something new. People start to add more functions to the smart phones. With a very small size, smart phones are really useful to the modern lives because they can do many thing that we want. They can be used in many ways such as entertaining, working and communicating.

    Coming up with the computers. The computers are the devices that help us a lot to work. We use computers to work for every ages. They are very useful because they can do their job better than the smartphones. Computers have used at every working place. We use it to program , write and planning for work.

    1. I always use my smartphone to work, I think it is very convenience for me. I can scan papers or documents I can put my digital signature on documents and send them to my colleague and we do not have to meet in person anymore. I could capture pictures and use them as a reference to talk in the meeting and we would have had a chat group to set up our meeting without having a physical meeting anymore. I like to work from home and it same with study in Peter's class. I wish Peter still could teach the online classes after the government terminates lockdown rule since my house is quite far and I can enroll more class because I don't have to spend money for my siding expense such as fuel, car park ticket, toll fee, and lunch or dinner since I can safe all those extra cost because I am at home and I had my mom home cook food to eat.

    2. I agree with Good, the smartphone have a new things and have a new function to use in every year. The smartphone is very small size and can be carry easier it useful in a modern life now. I always use my smartphone to work or research a little bit of information, use to contact with each other and check the news in the social media. Moreover, I think so that the computer is a one device that useful because it has a large screen and easy to work more than a smartphone but it hard to carry on. In conclusion, I always use my computer work and study; like presentation and document work.

    3. Good makes general comments about smartphones affecting modern life, but it all seems a bit vague. I was wondering what functions he most uses and how, how often he updates his own phone, and how he uses a smartphone for "entertaining, working and communicating" as he writes at the end of his first paragraph.

      I thought the same about the second paragraph. When I read that "We use computers to work for every ages," I was wondering what different ages use them for what purposes. I'm pretty sure that the way I use my computer is very different to the way my friend's 13 year old son uses his. In fact, I know our uses are very different. He does not write paragraphs on blogs on his computer, and I don't play games with friends on mine, just to give one quick difference, although we do both watch NetFlix on our computers.

  4. The technological devices that have most affected modern life is mobile phone. Nowadays, people need to use a mobile phone to communicate with each other and to work or research something. Moreover, the mobile phone have developed in every year there make a better stably to use. The almost people would to bought a new phone in every year, the mobile phone is a things that influence people to have. In conclusion, the mobile is essentially in a present and they have an influence to the people to bought them.

    1. I agree with IngIng that smart phone influences to our life in term of easier to communicate than before, for instance, we want to know about how to be the good writer, and we can use the smart phone directly for researching it. However, in the past we could not find the right sources as simple as today, we just have to believe the lecturer that sometimes it might be fake information, who knows? For example, in the lessons of Thai history about King Rama1 that provided he can be a King instead of King Taksin the Great because King Taksin the Great was considered insane at that time. After that he was executed. Thus, it is just the lesson in Thai history but it cannot prove to find the truth. Thus, there are certain Thai that have criticized about this Thai history.

    2. I like the way that Mo takes up the interesting but very vague idea that Inging gave us and makes it more concrete with her example from Thai history. That seems to a good choice of an example because Mo's audience, the people in our class, are likely to either already know it or to find it interesting because they did not know those details about Thai history and how it is taught. I also like the way Mo uses it to show us how modern technology can help to make us much better informed that was possible in the past. I Google things all the time - and when I'm reading a book or something now, I can quickly do a bit of research if I want to, although i more often make a quick note to come back to: Kindle books make it so easy to make notes you can come back to from anywhere at any time.

  5. Currently, part of cyber or technology triggers customer to feel interested in new product or easy to rise up the business since there is one popular method that is famous in term of business, which is digital marketing that called big data. The process of Big Data is entrepreneurs observe into the popular interesting sauces such as which is the most interesting video that population almost look at, then they provide specific data, for instance if customers always focus on education sauces the entrepreneurs just progress about education
    To conclude, the technology is changed our lives a lot like the Big Data one.

    1. According to Mo's blog post, I definitely agree with her, technology triggers me to buy more product. On the Facebook page, for example, I brought tamarin that was soked in the honey from unknown Chaingrai Farm twice in one month because I saw promote pictures advertisement that frequently pops up on my feed and it drew my mouth full out of saliva until I need to buy it. When we are repeated seeing some advertising we might want to use it even we don't really need it that is how it affects me today when I have seen advertisements through my social media. I've got trapped many times.

    2. I agree with Mo the companies that trigger customer to interest their product by technology. For example, the ads at the social media that is the instagram I found a many advertisement whether food, the appliance and many stationary. Moreover, it doesn’t only a companies that use a social media to present but the group of people they also use a social media to present such as a clothes shop. Beside, I think the companies that make a market penetration follow the people that interested any product. In additional, the webpage it also a part to advertise. At that time, I would like to buy a food and they have many advertise of restaurant in the feed of the webpage. In conclusion, I think the use of technology to present it make people more easier to interested.

    3. Inging, as I read your reply, I was wondering whether you also buy things online and how often, and if you do not, why not. Do you, for example, buy food online? What? When? Why? Why not?

      I rarely buy food online, although I occasionally order something in, a bit more often recently than in the past. I prefer to go out to eat. But I've been buying things online for about 20 years now. I started buying books from Amazon, then other things, and now I regularly order things from Australia and other countries that I can't easily find in Thailand. My coffee cups, like the one that I sometimes use as an example in my class, came from England - I've seen that brand at one place in Thaliand, but they didn't have the style and patterns that I wanted, so I got them online.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Firstly, I have heard about what the Big Data. Therefore, I would like to explain more about “Big Data” and to add one example as well. The Big Data is data storages that entrepreneurs analyze from observing the amount of customers’s needed products. Then they will recognize; which products could be right for demanding of customers. For example, there are classified advertisement about sneakers that interrupts me, while I’m watching the Doraemon cartoon on YouTube because I have spent various time on looking at sneaker online shops. This means that the Big Data is used to trigger me to need the sneakers by sneaker shops. Thus, the technology as the Big Data from business managers can be a huge domination to provide insight of products through websites or certain sources to customers like me.

    1. So Mo, is big data now running your psychology, or are you still making your own decisions?

      I hadn't thought of this interesting question until I read Mo's reply to Num's absent comment here. I wonder what others think about this influence of modern technology.

    2. I forgot to give more information that finally, I bought the sneakers when I saw though many sneakers investment. Therefore, big data can convince me to buy it.

    3. Do you think it's disturbing that companies can, and do, use big data to control us?

      What might they be able to do in ten years time? In twenty years?

      Should the use of such techniques be regulated by law, or is big data already controlling the law makers?

      Such interesting questions Mo asks invites us to think about.


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