Saturday 8 December 2018

Disease: reading 2, "Do We Know Too Much?" (SkRW3, pp60-61, Before reading)

Before we read

Write a comment to share your thoughts on these questions that Bixby and Scanlon ask on page 60 (2013).

  • What are some of your own genetic traits that you feel come from your mother's side of the family? What about your fathers? 



  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. I thought that personality was the most interesting thing on the list of things to think about because when I think of traits inherited from our parents' genes, we usually think of hair colour, height and so on, but intelligence and personality are also inherited. I think I did well be my parents, especially from my father, who gave me genes for intelligence, which is a useufl thing to have today. I'm not so sure that the shyness, my difficulty in speaking comfortably with people I don't know, or even those I do know, is so helpful, but this is something that I think came from both of my parents.

    Actually, growing up on a farm, I saw the same thing with our animals. Friendly dogs were more likely to have friendly puppies, and wild cows that tended to chase were likely to have calves that did the same. I think that this is something that animal breeders have long known, that it is not only physical characteristics that are largely controlled by the genes we get from our parents.

  2. I think that i get my face structure from my father and my personality likewise,however it get my height from my mother so i didn't be tall much. It is quite good that i didn't get my eye sight from my mother so i was't get a short sight or wearing a glasses.

  3. I think I got my appearances, and height from my parents' genes. There are many people tell me that my face is similar to my mothers' when she was younger. Moreover, even I'm taller than my mother, but I'm shorter than my cousins whose mothers are taller than my mother. So I think I got this gene from her. For my father, although i look quiet different from him, we are wearing eyeglasses. Even my eyesight is worse than his but my mother doesn't have this problems. So it is clear that i got this gene from him.

  4. My genetic traits that I feel come from my mother's side is my eyes but about my height I'm not sure because my father and my mother are similar. And I think my personality came from my father more than mother.

  5. The obvious genetic trait I believe I got from my mother is only my facial appearances particularly my eyes and nose. Apart from that, I have all my father's traits which are as follow;
    - Abilities, likes and preferences in almost every type such as the kind of sport I prefer doing, interests in learning secondary languages, and perceptions of arts and music.
    - Some of my appearances are also what I received from my father which are rounded-face, height, shape and yellow medium skin.

    (For eyesight, I develop this on my own from my daily routines and activities of which causing my eye to be quite short-sighted.

  6. The genetic trait that passed down from mother's to me is the sense of caring to other people as many people who know my mother always mention to me that I was very much like her when I was taking care of them.

  7. The genetic traits that come form my mother are appearance and likes. For examples, my face is quite same as mom and I also have the same likes such as flowers and dogs. In contrast,I have just got the short eyesight form my dad.

  8. My own genetic traits that come from my mother side are several.First,I'm tall as my mother.Second,my personalities are similar to my mother's that I'm active person who think and do something quickly and I speak clearly and loudly.It may be relate to my family business that we have to be strong, active,and organized.Finally,I'm not sure about the abilities that are about genetics or not.My grandmother is good at languages.She can speak Thai,English,Chinese and Spanish, so I'm interested in languages too although I can't do it as she do.

  9. Moreover, the character that I received from my father's side is not only the look but also the way of thinking.

  10. I think my own genetic traits that come from my mother's side is stricter about house work I always like a house that every things is orderly and cleanly as same as my mother likes.And about my father side is ....


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