Monday 1 April 2019

Music and games

What I read

According to Mark Savage in “Top Scores”(2019), the satisfaction that comes from them in games is not really from collecting the coins themselves. In fact, the sound effect of collecting it is the thing that makes you feel satisfied. Savage says that the soundtrack in the game is related to the player’s feeling. He asks readers to imagine playing racing games without any sound of the car’s accelerating or the breaking of the tires. That would make the game very tedious. He also adds that when the music is starting, the players don’t even notice when it actually starts or ends, but they feel thoroughly the tension of angriness or sadness of the song.


My response 

Games have always played a major part of my life since I was young. I’ve played many kinds of games such as historical games or adventure games. However, I’ve never noticed that music and soundtrack are important things that make the game complete. There’s a logical example for this. In the past, when ‘Contra’, the so-called shooting game, or ‘Super Mario’ was very famous. I used to play those games with and without soundtrack. The feeling while playing it is totally different. When I was playing with soundtrack, the game felt very intense and emotional, whereas, playing it without soundtrack, the game felt so bland and lifeless.

Nowadays, games have developed so much that it becomes as realistic as movies. However, it’s not only the games themselves that make them realistic, one main reason is the soundtracks they give. Even though the graphic of the game is not as beautiful as others, beautiful can increases players’ attractions. Nevertheless, the soundtracks needs to be suitable for the situation in each scene. For example, in the game called ‘Undertale’, an Indy game with 8bit-style art. This game would be absolutely uninteresting without its beautiful soundtracks, which capture many players’ hearts. At first, I didn’t expect anything interesting in an old-fashioned fighting scene, which is completely tedious for young player like me,  in this game. Surprisingly, it turned out to be breathtaking and sentimental fighting scene because of the compatible soundtracks.

 For My question

Soundtracks are very important to every type of games. Do you agree that music is relatable with games and make the games more realistic and enjoyable?



  1. As I read Lily's response, I was reminded of a couple of things. First I thought of movies, where the sound, although we often don't consciously think about it, is important. But when we hear a bit of the sound track from a film, it comes to mind, with all the feelings that the music helped to create in the first place. I haven't watched it for many years, but if I hear the opening music of Dr. Who, I immediately recall the many happy memories of being scared by his adventures. Actually, I'm inclinded to avoid watching it again because I suspect that the stories are very silly and the production pretty sloppy, so reexamination might smash fond memories, as has happened with some other things. As a young teen, I used to love stories by Sax Rohmer, but when I read him again about ten years ago, it was just awful: too silly, unbelievable characters, and bad English!

  2. I agree with you that music is relatable with games; music can makes players feel like they're in games. Many books using the familiar scene, an existing stuff to make it easier to grab readers' attention; however, they won't be effective if readers can't imagine them. What songs can do better than words is words sometimes need good knowledge to understand them, but songs don't; just follow the rhythm and flow, you will understand them without knowing the lyrics. This may be reason why many games use good soundtracks and sometimes also use good character's voices.

  3. I agree with the fact that music makes games more realistic and enjoyable. I have enjoyed playing football and racing games since I was very young and I love the soundtrack and sound effects in those games such as the cheering sound in the soccer games or the acceleration sound in the racing games, which make the games more realistic, fun and exciting. So music and games are definitely related.

  4. This news is interesting to me. The game creator seems that they try to make players get into their games as much as possible by connecting to people's senses. In many games, the player of those games need to use their eye (vision), hands or body (touch), and ears (audition) to be into games they are playing or to understand mood and feel of those games and the player will have a period of time when they are playing that they actually are a character in that game or really stand in the area in that game, which make it more realistic for the player and the fun part come from that. On the other hand, some games, which depends on the type of game, might not need the sound, although having sound would make the game more fun. I am the one who often play games with mute mode. It is mainly because I always play games when I am outside and do not have much thing to do, and also the game I play is a simple game which I just play when I want to play. I am not actually a game player since I am not much playing it. However, I still agree that having music in the game is a really good connecting to players.

  5. I strongly agree with you that music is relatable with games. I think the soundtrack is one thing that makes the games more realistic and funny. It can make the player feel connected to the games and they may feel like the world in each game become the real world. For me, I personally enjoy playing games with effect sound more than playing games with no sound.

  6. I agree that music related with games. I think soundtrack and sound effect make the games more interesting and realistic. Each game has a different soundtrack and gives a different feel. It makes players have feeling like they are really in the games. Sometime it makes players know some happens in the game that they are playing and can find some ways to survive in that situation.


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