Friday 3 April 2020

Skillful 3: Reading and Writing, page 99 - After you watch


In their concluding exercise to the introduction on page 99, Rogers and Zemach invite us to discuss three questions that follow up ideas in the video we have just watched (2018, p. 99).



As we have just done before, we will discuss Rogers and Zemach's question in blog commnets, which is likely to generate a wider variety of ideas in addition to giving us a more permanent record of our ideas while also getting in some practice writing for fluency in a less academic style, but still writing our ideas in grammatically complete sentences that clearly state our ideas.  


After thinking about them for a minute or two, write down your responses to Rogers and Zemach's  questions after you watch the video in a comment below. 
  • Which of these do you think is more dangerous, mosquitos, tigers or sharks?
  • Do you know any ways to stop mosquitos from biting?
  • What are the major causes of disease in your country? 
    • What can be done to prevent them? 

You have 15:00 minutes to plan and write a response to the three questions. I suggest you divide your time roughly as: 
  • planning = 3:00 minutes
  • writing = 9:00 minutes, and 
  • editing = 3:00 minutes.

Remember, your writing should make sense independently of the question it might be answering, so it would be useful to give background, which can often be done by paraphrasing the question into statements that begin your answer.  


  • Rogers, L. & Zemach, D. E. (2018). Skillful 3: Reading & Writing (2nd. ed.). London: Macmillan Education 


  1. Although tigers and sharks are scarier, I think that mosquitoes are far more dangerous. A tiger or a shark might occasionally kill one person, but one mosquito can spread diseases that kill thousands or even millions of people.

    In AUstralia, people usually use smelly things to chase mosquitoes away. The oil from some plants is popular, and today there are sprays and creams you can put on your skin to chase away mosquitoes. I guess because the insects don't like the smell. I don't think the oils or chemicals are dangerous, because pople put them on their skins.

    I'm not sure what the major causes of disease are in Australia, but I don't think mosquitoes are a big problem today. I guess that human behaviour is the problem. Sex is probably a common way some diseases are spread. If people to to parties and use drugs, especially alcohol, they are likely to make bad decisions, including the decision to have unprotected sex, and that is an easy way to spread a lot of dangerous diseases. But also, sick people sometimes go to work, and that is another way disease is spread today. At the moment, my country is trying to stop Covid-19 spreading this way by encouraging people to work from home if they can.

    I think education campaigns are useful, but I'm not sure how successful they are. Everyone knows that cigarettes are dangerous, but many people still smoke cigarettes. And everyone knows that obesity is a serious disease, but again, many of us still eat too much!

    1. Perhaps education campaigns need to do more than just tell facts. I don't think that works. If it worked, people would already have stopped smoking, and stopped eating too much, and stopped not exercising, and all the other things we do that we know are unhealthy.
      But I'm not sure what should be done. Any ideas?

  2. I think Mosquitos is more dangerous because it’s live with our everyday life, it hard to protect yourself from that. it’s tiny and hard to find them. Although, it still has way to protect ourselves form that such as mosquito repellent but it still didn’t cover everything. In my country is still facing major causes of Dengue fever. It’s still can’t find the way to protect from that disease. It so dangerous when you get sick you need to go to hospital immediately. If it too last you may die.

  3. The mosquitos are more dangerous among tigers or sharks since they can spread disease to human and it effect on human's health such as malaria.

    Anyway, we can prevent ourselves from mosquito bite by using a net to cover yourself when you go to bed or destroy the swamp or use a spray or any mosquito repellent to protect yourself.

    Now a day, major disease in Thailand is Covid-19 but it just not only happens in our country since it is a pandemic. The best way to prevent the virus are educated people to help them understand about it and teach them to prevent themselves spread the virus among each other, moreover, government should provide the free test for every one to reach out and do the test as much as possible to help prevention.

  4. Many people might be afraid of tigers and sharks due to the Hollywood movie. However, the mosquitos can be the harmer killers because there are a lot of people passed away by disease from mosquito more than tigers and sharks. We rarely meet those kinds of animals in our daily life.
    Meanwhile, in certain areas of the world especially Asia are the habitat of the mosquitos. There are 2 methods to prevent these tiny killers from us. Destroying mosquito eggs and using products to protect our skin for them such as special lotions.
    In my opinion, the majority of Thai people passed away because of cancers. There are many kinds of this disease which hardly diagnose.
    Moreover, curing cancer requites long periods and huge among of money, leading to problems to access medical treatment.

  5. Mosquitoes, tigers, and sharks are all dangerous animals. However, I think that mosquitoes are the most serious because mosquitoes are always in our daily lives. And mosquitoes are carriers of many diseases such as Dengue fever, Yellow fever, and Malaria, which can cause death too. So, it is crucial to prevent ourselves from mosquitoes.

    There are many ways to protect mosquito biting. Firstly, you should get rid of standing water in your residence because mosquitoes breed in still water. If you would like to raise a water plant, raising mosquito-eating fish can be helpful. Moreover, using window screens can help protect your house from mosquitoes too.

    The most important cause of disease in our country is lacking self-prevention. So, everybody needs to take care more on your health and causes of diseases in our daily lives.


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