Wednesday 4 November 2020

Emma In Two + One

A favourite 

I love rock music and 30 Seconds To Mars is one of my favorite rock band. I have been listening to their rock music in 2005; however, the rock band started their first album in 1998. I knew 30 Seconds To Mars from their incredible music video—A Beautiful Lie. I still remembered my first impression toward the spectacular views of huge icebergs in Greenland in the music video. They were stunning and gigantic, but they were ruined. Jared Leto, the lead singer, said that he intended to make the music video to be like a documentary to raise awareness on global warming. He also donated the revenues from the album sold to an environmental charity. I am impressed that he also an activist and he has made contributions to societies. His many songs promote ideas of environmental concerns, equality, freedom, and power of new generations. I have watched his concerts on YouTubes and he always invites his audiences to join the stages with him. I like the way the rock band composts their rock music, as there are many combinations on art, emotion, music, and independence. I am impressed on their independence and creativity that make them unique. I think it is challenged to be different from others and it requires a lot of hard works and determination. 


A second favourite

Color Of The Wind is one of my favorite songs. It is the song that has great meaning. I cannot sing the song because I will start crying. Sang by Vanessa Williams, Miss American of 1984, the song is soundtrack of Pocahontas. I think the songwriter is great and I am wondering how he got the great ideas to write the lyrics, as it really touches my heart. When I hear “But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger. You'll learn things you never knew; you never knew.”, it makes me think about empathy and respect to the others who come from different backgrounds. In our societies, people are different, and we should put ourselves in their shoes to understand and live together in peaceful way. For me, difference is good, but similarity is boring. Like a bouquet, if it comprises of one kind of flower, it will look dull. In contrast, if it consists of several types of flowers, it will look beautiful. I also like “Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?” I think the meaning is wonderful. Wind is around us and we can feel it, but we cannot see the colors of the wind. If we could see the colors, it would be beautiful. 

Not a favourite

Although I enjoy listening to rock music, 5 Seconds To Summer is not my favorite rock brand. The rock brand is a young pop rock brand from Australia. I do not like the meaning of their songs. Perhaps I might be too old to understand that. The first time I heard their song was from MTV. In the music video, they sang ‘She Looks So Perfect’ and I thought the melody is good. However, I did not understand the meaning of the song and I got annoyed with the appearance of the members of the rock brand. They were teenager with naughty appearance. Maybe this style might attach girls’ attentions. I can recall one of my cousins. When he was at the age of 15, he had the similar appearance as the members of the rock brand. At the time, he considered about having tattoo on his back, and he wanted to have a part-time job as a guitarist playing in a pub. It was difficult for him to do that, as his mother was not allow him to do. She said he was too young, and he had to focus on his study. When I think about him and the rock brand, I can see that teenagers from Western culture have more freedom to do what they want to do. 


Now that I have discussed on what I like and what I do not like, I have found that my preferences did not over times. Apart from 30 Seconds To Mars, my top favorite rock brand, I still have other rock bands from 1990 to 2008. I enjoy listening to music that express meaningful ideas. 


  1. I've watched the MTV too but I'm not so sure that are they exit today. Many of my friends like the same band as you. After reading your writing, Jared Leto sounds like an outstanding person. I used to see him only in the film.
    I like the friction in your music taste. In my view, nowadays, types of music tend to be more various and mingle together, therefore, the definition of each people music taste is hard to describe.

  2. As I was reading Emma's post, her discussion of all three topics, I was reminded of how much the world has changed since I was young. I'm sure that 30 Seconds To Mars is well known, but I had never heard of them, or of the Australian band 5 Seconds To Summer. (Is it a modern trend to put time limits in your group's name?)

    But reading Emma's description and explanation of why she is a fan of 30 Seconds To Mars, I wanted to know more, and YouTube of course provided it. The shooting on the ice really is spectacular, but it must have been freezing. YOuTube also let me watch the start of the one of the songs by the group that is not one of Emma's favourites; 5 Seconds to Summer didn't appeal to me that much, either. Like Emma, they seemed more calculated to appeal to teenage women looking for a bad boy - a perfectly reasonable audience to produce work for, but not I'm not really in that demographic.

    In fact, I had rather wished that Emma had added the YouTube clips to her blog post to save me the trouble of finding them myself. If you would like to do that, Google has made it very easy: next to the menu button to "Insert image" is the one to "Insert video", which includes a YouTube option. Then your readers just click it to play the YouTube video in the blog.

    And thinking about our contrasting likes in music, I was wondering whether our likes are crafted by what's around us and get set at an early age. The music I like and listen to today is pretty much what the same as I listened to and enjoyed 40 or more years ago: classical, the rock music of The Beatles, Bowie, Queen and so on, and that's about it. I very rarely listen to new music these days. But on the other hand, I do like to discover new things to read, and a couple of my favourite writers today had not been heard of 40 years ago, or were just starting their careers as academics or novelists. Historian Yuval Noah Harari, for example, had only just been born when I went to university. Harvard's Michael Sandel is a older than me, but it's only the last twenty years or so that I've become a fan of his work in moral and political philosophy. (This is diverging a bit from Emma's topics, but that's not a problem in response writing, where we can explore connections more freely.)


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