Wednesday 4 November 2020

Phing-In two plus one

A favourite 

    Noodle menus can be found in nearly every country in the world and are mostly made by the simple ingredients; flour, water and egg. Nevertheless, each noodle menu represents the uniqueness of their origin and has an outstanding character. For instance cold noodles (Soba) from Japan and Black noodles (Jajangmyeon) from Korea. Moving on to the special exception, pasta, despite looking like noodles, some specialists say that pasta isn't included in one type of noodles because of their ingredients and the type of processing involved. Pasta is made from durum semolina but other noodles usually made by the common wheat. 

In my opinion, I love textures of pasta and its flavours but it's just strange noodles that I enjoy eating it. I was still so curious why pasta is so alienated. This is causing a tiny mission between me and my friend, pasta lovers, which is going to pasta restaurants in Bangkok. We select only the diners that use fresh pasta dought and aren't too pricey. After setting this mission, eating pasta is more satisfying because we use it as an excuse to leave personal chaotic schedule behind and have dinner together. If the mission didn't happen, we wouldn't hang out together for a year. Thank you for tiny strange noodles.


A second favourite

    I always imagine how the previous generation lived while I am reading history books or watching old pictures. The best way to make those imaginations vivid and lively is watching movies. In the mood of love is my favourite to travel the past. It is a romantic drama film which bases on Hong Kong in twenty years ago. The denseness of Hong Kong passes on the movie. Characters lifestyle is shaming and realistic at the same time. Normally, I am not keen on spending time on romantic movies but this secret love story runs smoothly surrounded by ancient-messy roads.

     The shooting location influences me dramatically because it located in Charoen Krung Road 36, Thailand. Nowadays, this street is the same as twenty years ago under government conservation. On any occasion, when I pass this street, the movie scenes and pictures of people in the previous time pop up in my head. 


Not a favourite

    People usually encourage me to face my fears because it will help me to get over it. I can't stand every dentist although they are gentle and touch me tenderly. The reason is that I've had a terrible experience with the dentist. When milk teeth were fully in my mouth, my baby tooth was going to fall out. It tended to have a problem so I was brought to the dental clinic. Anxiety happened in my mind. Then this feeling faded out because the dentist consoled me softly. He said that it will be fine and didn't hurt. After that, he took two of my teeth in one operation for saving time. I didn't expect this situation. Not only was I shocked, but I also could not shut my mouth closely. The numbness had continued for around three hours. It was truly a nightmare for 6-year-old me. 

    Next to several years, orthodontics was popular in Thailand and my parents suggested that I should try it. Making a decision about this was time-consuming and difficult for me. Orthodontics require continuity which means I had to meet the dentist every month for many years. However, I choose wearing braces because of the long-term benefits for my oral health, resulting in a series of nightmares. Facing my fears didn't work well but It's more likely jumping into the deep end.



My life is mixed up with both favourites and non-favourites. Things that I don't like actually can be useful and beneficial. In the same time, favourites can be haphazard and mightn't be related to another one at all.


  1. Phing, I love eating noodles too, but Mama Tum Yum instant noodles. I think Thai style is good for me. Anyway, I sometimes eat out with my friends at Italian restaurant on Silom Road and we order some pasta with lots of olive oil. It is amazing that people are creative to invent a variety of menus that reflect their culture backgrounds--it reveals who they are. Apart from eating pasta at the restaurant, I can have the menu at my cousin's house as he enjoys cooking meals and inviting the people he knew to his house on weekends. He is creative and tries to experiment with different kinds of pasta menus. One day, he tried to cook pasta with spicy shrimp paste dip, and he was successful at mixing the western ingredient with the Thai ingredient. He used to cook pasta noodles with coconut milk to cook a Thai dessert--and the taste was fine. Would you like to try some new menus of pasta, Phing?

    1. Yes, lots of olive oil. Sometimes I cook pasta at home and just eat it with olive oil, some herbs and perhaps a little Parmesan cheese. It's a very simple meal, but filling and delicious.

      In fact, I like olive oil so much, especially the cold pressed, extra virgin ones, that I sometimes just pour some into a bowl and dip fresh bread in it to eat. I believe olive oil is healthy, but unfortunately, it is also an oil, and very high in calories. It's a bit like butter that way, another of my favourite things to cook with and eat that is delicious, but pure fat. I blame nature for evolving us to love rich, tasty oils and fats. It was probably a good strategy for the last couple of million years when our species was being crafted by nature, but it seems an imperfection in us today when economic growth means most of us are constantly surrounded by tempting treats full of oil and fat that we don't even have to run down.

      (That evolved a bit differently to the quick response I started writing.)

  2. I like noodle, and my sister also like it. When I was young, I often ate noodle for launch almost every day since my house next to the noodle restaurant, so I quite closed with owner. Sometime we brought the bow from the shop to eat at our house. One day, my sister told me that when she grown up she wanted to have her own noodle shop. Even though she does not be an owner yet, but every time that she is tiring with her work she keeps mention her dream over again and again.

  3. I think I have quite the same problem with you because when orthodontics became popular in Thailand my parents wanted me to do orthodontics because when I was a kid I’m riding a bicycle with an electric pole and had a crooked tooth.So my parents want me to orthodontics and I don’t want to go to see dentist every month(because I’m too lazy) so I’m talk to them like it just one teeth that crooked so let it be.And I think some of dentist are not scare like dentist for children


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