Tuesday 2 March 2021

Skillful 4: Reading & Writing, page 37 - Critical thinking: academic words

What is it?

The three critical thinking questions in exercise 3 on page 37 invite us to practice the academic vocabulary in exercise 1. That is: 
  • attribute (v)
  • bulk (n)
  • constitute (v)
  • format (n)
  • infer (v)
  • intrinsic (adj)
  • proportion (n)
  • solely (adv)   


    1. To what extent do you agree that the bulk of technological advancements are positive?  

    2. In what ways has technology diminished our levels of privacy? 
    3. To what do you attribute increased levels of cybercrime? 

    A helpful strategy

    Imagine you are writing for someone who has not read the question you are answering or the article that the question follows up. Your aim is to clearly communicate your response to that reader, so it might help to paraphrase the question at the start of your response to it. But you need to rewrite (paraphrase) the idea in the question as a statement. 



    • Warwick, L. & Rogers, L. (2018). Skillful 4: Reading & Writing, Student's Book Pack (2nd. ed.). London: Macmillan Education


    1. 1. I agree on the states that" a bulk(most of) technology advancement are positive, attribute to the many example that happen/open on service on our life are making us easier to do things, such as the pattern of technological format of the operating system in the large proportion that can be more than a calculator or DOS the singular input and output in these days.

    2. I strongly believe that the bulk of technological advancements have a positive impact on our society. First, a large proportion numbers of students can use digital books at the same time to help them do their research and study with updated information. For me, I am one of them who use these digital formats to help me write essays and send my work to teachers.

    3. I partially agree that the majority of technology advancement is positive. On one hand, it helps human to live a better life. On the other hand, it account for many problems too. For example, it highlights inequality in our society. The more advance our technology is, the bigger gap between rich and poor we can see.

    4. To what extent, I partially agree that the bulk of technological advancements are positive. As we can see, the world are globalized. We can link the world in our hands i.e. using a smartphone. Technology in medical field is a great development too. It let patient to survive longer with good quality of life. On the other hand, somewhat I do not agree with the advancement because it can ruin the face to face relationship.

    5. I strongly agree that the bulk of technology advancements give a positive impact to us. For example, people can learn how to take a good care of themselves through watching a free youtube channel. In addition, the easy connection to the most update knowledge and new findings make it possible for us expand our perspectives.

    6. Although there are obvious dangers that come from technology, such as pollution, nuclear bombs, and loss of jobs, the bulk of technological advancements are positive. I think this because it seems clear that since the scientific revolution began, the economic well-being of more people has constantly been improving, and this should be attributed to the technology that science has made possible. Today, fewer people than ever live in poverty, and our technology in the Covid year constituted a tool that enabled us to rapidly develop vaccines to save lives. This was made possible almost solely because technology that has arisen over the past 30 or 40 years, and without which millions of people would have died over the past 12 months. Instead, the overwhelming majority who might have died were saved thanks to the technology we now have in many areas of human activity, from medicine to transportation systems.

    7. It is obvious that the bulk of technological advancement provides lots of benefits to our society such as better communication, the fasters transportation and accessible education. For example, a remote-learning system enhances education in rural areas. Despite having some drawbacks, the advantages of technological advancement exceed the downside of it.

      1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. I strongly agree that the bulk of technological advancements are positive, because they make our life more convenient. Advancements in technologies such AI and 5G have enable the way we work efficiently.
      However, I think that technology has diminished our levels of privacy.

      1. I wonder how Anik will analyze the effects of both 5G and AI from the perspective she has outlined in her comment above. And who will the people who vote for Donald Trump support in this: Anik or Emma?

    9. It's might be tempting to attribute increased levels of cybercrime to the rise of technology, but I don't that is the most useful way to account for the increase in this type of crime. The rise of the internet has certainly enabled cybercrime, which cannot occur except in cyberspace, but the more useful account of the bulk of cybercrime today is that the usual nature of human beings for at least the past 15,000 years, and probably more, constitutes a full explanation. Our intrinsic characters make us dishonest when opportunity arises, and cybercrime has simply constitute a new environment not well regulated, which makes dishonest behaviour tempting to human beings, the overwhelming majority of whom probably think of themselves as honest people.

    10. In my opinion, the increased levels of cyber crime can be attributed to the development of the internet and the bulk of technology advancements. We can see that the number of cybercrime rises significantly in the past few years, where most people have an access to the internet and possess at least one device that allows them to go online. This is what constitutes to the rising number of cyber crime.

    11. In Financial way, there's the bulk of part where people have to get into the technology even your deposited bookbank is the digital, so people in this era and in the future will have to bound with the digital version thingy, which is somewhat diminish the privacy of keeping their own property and money, because the mother company will intrinsically arrange theirs instead, but they will loose the control over the money that they right fully use, or even worse, the hacking or the bankruptcy will lead to the serious problem and people will not even know.

    12. I think there are many factors of technology that can increase levels of cybercrime. First, people tend to use internet more often and sometimes forget that it can negatively affect on their lives when they show all of their personal information on their feeds. Second, hackers who know your private information will harm you. They will tract on your emails until they get your information. It is very threatening.

    13. I strongly agree that increase in higher advancements in technology is intrinsic to higher level of cybercrime, especially in the banking industry. As we have seen from the news, the proportion of identical thefts are increasing. Hackers have become more sophisticated in destroy online security, as the advancements in computer programming are enable them to do.

    14. Without awareness, I did attribute to the cybercrime like giving my ID number, phone numer and even my saving accounts online in public which the thieves might be able to use it in committing crimes in the cyber arena. There are news that people's money are stolen from the unknown persons through cyber.

    15. The rising of cybercrime can be attributed to the growth of internet users and online financial activities. More internet users can be inferred to a higher number of frauds. Moreover, nowadays the bulk of transition and financial activities change to the online format, therefore, a big proportion of money can be accessed through online platforms.

    16. Cybercrime can be done in various ways and as technology has been developing, it attribute increased levels of cybercrime in either way. Committing cybercrime might be solely relate with profits, for instance, some companies want to know the intrinsic features of the competitors. So they constitute the cybercrime.


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