Tuesday 30 March 2021

Skillful 4: Reading & Writing, page 45 - After you watch, 3

What is it?

In their discussion questions that conclude watching the video about nuclear power in Switzerland, Warwick and Rogers (2018, p. 30) invite us to discuss follow-up questions, giving and arguing for our own opinions on related questions.


What do you think? 

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    Why do you think it is taking so long for countries to move towards using cleaner, renewable energy sources?
You have 10:00 minutes to plan and write a response to the question. I suggest you divide your time roughly as:
  • planning = 2:00 minutes (It's usually a good idea to plan before you start to write.)
  • writing = 6:00 minutes, and
  • editing = 2:00 minutes.

A helpful strategy

Imagine you are writing for someone who has not read the question you are answering or the article that the question follows up. Your aim is to clearly communicate your response to that reader, so it might help to paraphrase the question at the start of your response to it. But you need to rewrite (paraphrase) the idea in the question as a statement.
Because your writing should make sense independently of the question it might be answering, it is usually useful to give background, which can often be done by paraphrasing the question into statements that begin your answer. This is also a useful strategy in exams such as IELTS and TOEFL.



  • Warwick, L. & Rogers, L. (2018). Skillful 4: Reading & Writing, Student's Book Pack (2nd. ed.). London: Macmillan Education


  1. In my opinion, one station of energy from fossil fuels or nuclear plants can send energy to state, country or more but for renewable energy like solar energy, we have to buy so many solar cells for one town. Then the government have to spend a lot of money for the investment. And due to the climate change, the weather is not stable. It also affect to our renewable energy. Thus, the way to invest a lot but the result is not stable makes people have to think and study more about it.

  2. Everyone knows that fossil fuels such oil, coal and gas are neither renewable nor clean. And we know that although it is clean, nuclear power comes with dangers: the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Russia decades ago (two decades?) contaminated an enormous area, seriously threatening the health of people who had to flee to escape.

    So, why aren't we more quickly moving to clean renewable energy such as solar, wind and other options? I think the real reason is economics. It costs money to change, and initially, the cost-benefit analysis would say that it's not a good move today. The problem though is that by failing to act promptly, we are digging ourselves into an increasingly deep hole, one from which we might not later be able to escape when the consequences of our bad energy habits are forced on our attention by nature hitting back. If the sea levels rise a little, that could be bad news for Bangkok, and it will be too late in twenty year's time.

    But I think economists are also now saying that the cost-benefit analysis when done to account for the future potential for catastrophic costs says that expensive measures really should be undertaken now. I read an article on this today - I can't remember if it was on the BBC News or in The Economist. If government's listen to the economists, and business leaders, the change might start, even thought it will cost a lot.

  3. We tend to think of cleaner, renewable energy as an ideal energy rather than affordable energy. This is one of the reason why it take a long time for us to move on using other alternative energy. First, renewable energy need more investments and no one want to take a risk on it. Although it might give us several advantages of better health and cleaner air in the future, no one can guarantee that it will be last long. Second, it might be because it seem hard to be successful to produce cleaner energy providing us enough power to our societies. There is no evident that other sources of this energy will balance our demand and supply.

  4. It's well known that clean energy is a great alternative to energy choices.

    But because many economic activities Therefore, the development of alternative energy is sometimes discouraged.

    When the amount of demand is small The price must be high. Even more as an obstacle to the choice of clean energy

    At the same time, everyone on the planet is still not aware of the negative consequences. That will happen to the whole world a lot.

    Therefore encouraging the use of clean alternative energy It's something that happens slowly. As long as humans have not truly seen the penalty of using the old energy.

  5. I think it requires huge efforts and collaboration from every sector to move towards using cleaner, renewable energy sources. In term of the efforts, there are certain challenges for most countries to find possible and effective ways to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. Right now, most countries are working find the way to build battery that can power our homes and aircrafts.

  6. In my opinion, what can be the obstacles for shifting to use the cleaner and renewable energy sources are regarding the effects of the change in the industries and also about businesses, and the level of the people’s awareness on this issue is not ample to make an immediate change.

    It can’t be denied that changing the way of people’s living means that it might result in a wide range of effects in every part of the society, the nation and the world. For example, for the oil company, if we suddenly implement the policy of not using oil for car and we have a law for stopping the use of every type of energy in the traditional way, the companies might not agree with this idea and might try to postpone it or to ask for a delay.

    Another reason is that if we educate people much enough to raise an awareness of using the cleaner energy it might help expedite the process to move toward using the new way of using energy as well.

    Honestly, I cannot finish this in time T.T

  7. Moving toward using cleaner or renewable energy is taking so long because they have to change all the system which they are using and familiar with, then they must learn and set up the system. Moreover, the cost of creating new system is so high that mean they need a lot of investment, a lot of many to make it happen. Not only the cost of materials and setting up, but they also have to invest in people to learn about how to use and how to maintain it. So, it takes time to find enough money and taking time to using renewable energy.


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