Monday 9 August 2021

Skillful 4: Reading & Writing, page 108 - discussion 3.2 - consequence phrases

Practicing consequence phrases (also real and unreal conditionals)

In their discussion exercise 3 on consequence verbs and phrases, Warwick and Rogers (2018, pp. 108) invite us to practice the language by sharing our ideas on the three questions there.   

In the explanations and examples we use, it is likely that the grammar of real and unreal conditionals will also be useful. 


The question

  • What events can trigger dramatic changes in someone’s personality? 
    Examples, real or imagined, are likely to help your readers.
You have 12:00 minutes to plan and write a response to this question. I suggest you divide your time roughly as:

  • planning = 3:00 minutes  
  • writing = 7:00 minutes 
  • editing = 2:00 minutes.

A useful strategy - as usual 

Imagine you are writing for someone who has not read the question you are discussing. Your aim is to clearly communicate your response to that reader, so it might help to paraphrase the chosen question at the start of your response to it. 

This is also a useful strategy in exams such as IELTS and TOEFL, where it's important that your independent writing response makes sense independently of the question to which it must respond.  



  • Warwick, L. & Rogers, L. (2018). Skillful 4: Reading & Writing, Student's Book Pack (2nd. ed.). London: Macmillan Education


  1. When I watch films of series on TV, it sometimes happens that a discovery of something about themselves triggers a radical change in personality. For example, in the very silly movie Wanted, the star (not Morgan Freeman) changes from being a timid, mild man to a confident, assertive one as a result of learning that he has special physical abilities inherited from his father.

    More commonly, in TV series and films, awful parents miraculously become loving and understanding when they almost lose their child, or in the case of Romeo and Juliet, they wish that they had been more understanding and less intolerant so that their children would not have died because of their families' bitter hatred of each ohter.

    But I have to confess that I'm a bit skeptical of such changes. Maybe some can last, but although I think events do often result in short term changes to our behaviour, I think that longer term personality change requires constant effort on a regular basis.

    1. Hi Peter, I agree with you that when people discover something in themselves, their personality change. It reminded me of when I discovered my favorite sport: basketball. It happened during I was in school. Because I was tall so my teacher invited me to join the school's basketball team. Before I joined the team I used to be a young kid who was clumsy and nervous. However, when I practiced the sport, I found that I could play with the other team members well. With that friendship, I became to be more confident and brave so that I could be a good team member.

  2. There’s many event that people can be snapped or running out of patient easily, and which a lot of them will blame the past, if I calmed himself, the situation wouldn’t end up like this. There’re so many cause that can change the person’s personality, firstly the depression that often happens on teenager, as those kids wants to be more approachable to other, the one who fail it will face the wave of negative emotion, which if they have negative emotion enough, they will suffer the depression symptoms. Or the heavy one is the PTSD or the shellshock as the example of “American Sniper” movie, showing the best sharpshooter that he has to suffer the nightmare of the person that he need to slay in order to complete the mission.

  3. There are a number of events can bring about changes in someone’s personality. Two of these are accidents and punishment. First, accidents which someone had in the past may trigger unpleasant emotions toward certain actions. For instance, if someone experienced motorcycle accident in the past, he/she may not be comfortable riding it again now. Second, punishment can cause changes in personalities as well. Children, for example, who are often punished unreasonably by their parents might be scared of making decision by themselves.

  4. I think participating military service may bring about chance in personality of someone. A good example is my cousin. My family, I and himself accepted that the event helped transforming my cousin behavior in a good way. Before he attended the military service, he used to be irresponsible person and he would not care about people around him. However, after the tough disciplinary training, he has become more selfless and responsible. He said that had you been in the military camp, you would have learn to be a strong and self-discipline person, as they would have to force you to break your bad habits.

  5. There are many events that trigger someone's personality and attitude. However, I choose " Family History" to be one of those. In my opinion, family can be the strongest influence on people's lives because firstly we were met and taught by our family before attending school, as someone says "This is our first teacher" If someone had like bad behavior parents, often fight and argue. I'm pretty sure that person wouldn't be so happy. From my experience, when I was you I often saw my parents arguing, so that it resulted that my family to be quite emotional when it comes to seeing someone gets hurt or when watching sad movies that has similar scene. It is also make me interested in Human rights that we all have the right to protect our body and prevent any harm as well as interested in women's rights.

  6. I believe that heartbreaking events such as losing someone you love and breakups may lead to personality changes. The changes can be in a good or bad way, meaning that it depends on how strong you are. For example, if you break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, you might want to change yourself to be a better version of you like having your hair cut and losing weight. However, on the flip side, you might get depressed and have problems with mental health when someone you really loved passes away.

  7. I think teenage delinquency is influenced by labelling them as criminals. Becker(1963) claims that had society not labeled people as criminals, they would not turn themselves into delinquents. For example, every morning you stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself I cannot do an exam. If you say that, your willpower to complete the exam will be gone. And that only label from one person. Imagine, if that from society, the power will be more.

  8. Some dramatic experience in brutal train in the army may influenced a person to have mental problem at the end. As a training to be a military crews need them to face a brutally situations in the war fields so train hard for their physically and mentally are a step that all military student need to face it. However, many survilances questioning about had they not been trained by extremely aggressive plan, would they have not be ready for cope with a war zone?

    1. Num, your idea reminds me of a story I have heard from a friend. In jail, prisoners are called by their number not name. This method can make prison guards not think prisoners are human. Then guards can control them in a rigorous method. And they do not feel guilty when they punish the prisoners.

  9. Specific events could trigger dramatic changes in people's personality. I would say that had the children been witnessed violence within the family, they may have suffered with mental health issue. Seeing violence within the family could change how they react to things differently.


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