Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Skillful 4: Reading & Writing, page 135 - After you watch

Discussion after you watch

Click them to enlarge images
Since all three of Warwick and Rogers' questions for discussion after watching the video "Joint Ventures" develop the topic in the video, and since they also ask for related ideas about that topic, it's sensible to discuss them in one response. 

Although you might approach them differently, it seemed to me that each could be smoothly linked to the following. I thought three paragraphs would work well, but as the author of your response, that's for you to decide. 

The three questions: What do you think? 

  • What positive impacts could this legislation have for both the Indian economy and local consumers? 
  • Some small shop owners are understandably opposed to the legislation. What measures do you think they could take to protect their businesses? 
  • How do you think we can account for the pervasiveness of international brands in today’s society? 

Planning and writing = 18:00 minutes 

You have 18:00 minutes to plan and write a response to the set of three related questions. I suggest you divide your time roughly as follows: 
  1. planning = 4:00 minutes
    The three steps in planning are: choose a topic (given in this case); get ideas on that topic; and organize your ideas on the topic
    It's usually a good idea to plan before you start to write.  Especially in quick response writing, you might change your mind as you write, or get better ideas, but having  a clear idea about what you want to say before you write the first word helps to produce a well-organized piece of work that communicates with your readers. 
  2. writing = 12:00 minutes 
    If you know what you are going to say, the writing step consists of turning your ideas into sentences organized into paragraphs. 
  3. editing = 2:00 minutes
    You don't have much time to review, revise and proofread in a quick response writing activity, but it's still a good idea to quickly read over what you've written and perhaps make a few changes or corrections. 

For more a more detailed explanation of the steps in the writing process, see "The Writing Process" on the blog page menu above. 

A helpful strategy

Avoid writing things like "question 3."

Instead, imagine you are writing for someone who has not read the question you are responding to. Your aim is to clearly communicate your response to that reader, so it might help to paraphrase the question at the start of your response to it. But it will typically be more effective to paraphrase (rewrite) ideas in questions as a statements. 

Because our writing should make sense independently of the question it might be answering, this paraphrasing of questions to provide context is also a useful strategy in exams such as IELTS and TOEFL.



  • Warwick, L. & Rogers, L. (2018). Skillful 4: Reading & Writing, Student's Book Pack (2nd. ed.). London: Macmillan Education

Monday, 27 September 2021

Watching movies: now and then

"Change" is the title of unit 8 of Skillful. To start thinking about that general topic and get to know each other, we'll do a quick response writing exercise that follows up the questions we have already looked at on today's presentation. 

The question
Click to view images full size

How have your movie watching habits changed over the past decade? 

Your answer in one or two paragraphs should cover: 

  • What is now your preferred medium for watching movies? Why? 
  • What was your preferred movie medium ten years ago? Why? 
  • What changed? 
  • Time: 16:00 minutes

    I suggest you divide your time roughly as: 
    • planning = 3:00 minutes (we've already brainstormed some ideas)
      In the planning stage, asking yourself information questions can help generate more detailed ideas to include: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Which? 
      • Which will you cover first: the present or the past? Or will you organize your ideas in some other way? 
      • What is your main idea about changes to your movie consumption over the past ten years? 
    •  writing = 10:00 minutes 
    •  editing = 3:00 minutes 

    Tuesday, 14 September 2021

    Num: Heal your blinded sight with Dhammar

    Recently, two monks who are popular among new generations have been criticised for their manner during an online sermon which has more than 200,000 participants watching their live show. I was also included in this group. This live show gained a lot of attention from teens because both of them are liberal preachers who are full of humor. I would say that I did not appreciate the show as I expected; I thought I would hear an impressive sermon that would guide my life or inspire me, but the content in the show was mostly joking about products that tie in their brands through the live stream. Although the show could not fascinate me, I still want to watch more preaching from their channels. The event it reflects that people have the right to speak and others have the right to criticize; as an audience I have to listen to them in accord with the Buddha’s charter of free inquiry.

    As we know, free speech is a prominent part of human rights and it also develops the democracy system to get stronger. People have the right to speak, listeners have the right to disagree; then discussion happens to generate new ideas. Many TV channels have debate shows between representatives from the government side versus with representatives from opposite parties. As I remembered when I was a teenager, I was stuck in front of a TV screen with my dad watching the live motion of a no confidence debate. My ideal belief during that time is that the debate may save citizens from corruption. Although free speech is a vital foundation to support democracy, it is what Thailand is still seeking for.              

    The power of speech can form wrong beliefs. For example, when we had a protest between red shirts and yellow shirts seven years ago, many people hated each other even though they did not know each one before. They believe that different sides were their enemies. Best friends did talk together since they supported the opposite side. Many parties speak hate speech regularly  when they protest against the opposite site. The consequences of hate speech distort the reality and shape the majority idea to conceive only what authorities command. To maintain citizens in order, propaganda is used as a tool to manipulate their citizens. Censorship is another significant weapon that dominates people to be under control. To be enlightened from an inaccurate assumption, we have to listen to them with free inquiry that is based on what I have learned from the Kalama Sutta. It is one of many important works from Buddha’s preaching series. What the Kalama Sutta teaches us is that we should not believe things without thinking critically. Buddha presented 10 sources that Buddhists have to be aware of as they might mislead us from the truth. To evaluate and analyze ideas cautiously is needed even if they have claimed that the sources are from an oral history, tradition, news, text books, rumor, one’s own experience, a teacher, an expert, common sense, do not contradict with our bias, or assumption. To be questioning what people say is a coherent strategy that protects us from blind beliefs. Does Thailand have free speech in practice? A simple answer is no. However, the Kalama Sutta will nurture and sharpen our viewpoints. Once you are not obsess with your assumption, your heart will be open and you are ready to hear different ideas from others. Best friends still be friend even they support different parties.  

    The two monks still have an online preaching session every night. They guide people with humorous wit. Now their fandom has widened. Teenagers and youths support them like they support their super stars. The unprecedented live event attracts us. And I hope that we will learn from their preaching and find a peaceful mind in life.  



    Duangkaew, N. (2021, September 05). samruajkovipakvijanpansapap ‘2 p.s.’ muaprarunmaibrabtuasuasaronline [Concerning the criticism of two monks exploring online communication (สำรวจข้อวิพากษ์วิจารณ์ผ่านสภาพ ‘2 พส.’ เมื่อพระรุ่นใหม่ปรับตัวสื่อสารออนไลน์.)] The standard. https://thestandard.co/2-monks-discussion-through-online-communication

    Kesamutti Sutta. (2021, June 02). In Wikipedia.      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kesamutti_Sutta

    Pinker, S. (2015, January 27). Why free speech is fundamental. The Boston Globe. https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2015/01/26/why-free-speech-fundamental/aaAWVYFscrhFCC4ye9FVjN/story.html

    Yok : Benefits of reopening tourist spots in Thailand


    In April 2021, Thailand encountered the second outbreak of coronavirus. The highest number of confirmed cases was rising to 1.3 million, ranked twentyninth in the world ranking of highest cases (Covid-19 situation center of thailand, 2021). Since then, The government began to use pandemic-related restrictions in order to keep infections to a level that does not overwhelm healthcare systems. As a result, there were massive financial losses and an economic crisis in Thailand. From the latest conference this September, Thailand was set to reopen more of its popular tourist destinations starting from next January, betting that a higher inoculation rate could help draw foreign visitors and revive an economy battered by the pandemic. While many local residents are concerned that their country is still not ready and this surge response will introduce the third outbreak again. This essay will therefore argue that our country could derive many benefits from reopening the tourist spots.

    The biggest benefit of reopening tourist destinations is to solve the economic crisis. In 2019, a year before the pandemic, Thailand had the eighth highest numbers of  tourists visiting annually, with about 39.8 million tourists (UNWTO, 2020). Tourism contributed about 20% of the nation’s revenue, which means that one fifth of Thailand's total income alone comes from tourism (Worrachaddejchai,2021). The travel restrictions and quarantine have affected the country’s economy a lot. The tourism industry accounted for more than a million jobs in Thailand. A large proportion of the population has been unemployed and many companies have had to close due to the effects of the pandemic on tourism. In fact, Thailand has already opened one of their most popular travel destinations, Phuket, this July. The project is called the Phuket sandbox, which allows visitors who have already received full vaccination to stay in Phuket for up to 14 days before moving to other provinces in Thailand or returning to their countries. The government has stated that Phuket is a success. More than 26 thousand travellers visited Phuket in the first two months, providing 1.6 billion baht in tourism revenue (Worrachaddejchai, 2021). If this happens to other popular destinations, our economics would be sustainable for the needs during this pandemic. Surprisingly, less than 1% of the local infections are involved with these visitors  (Covid-19 situation center of thailand, 2021). Why don’t we carry on this success to start with other tourist spots?

    Another benefit of ending this restriction is surprisingly related to relief of depression and anxiety. Everyone has agreed that the covid-19 pandemic is extremely stressful. There are many factors that have impacted a large proportion of the population such as Fear of getting infected, grief for friends and relatives who have been affected, and financial insecurity. Stopping this restriction could be one of the interventions that help us deal with stress. If something helped in the past, it would probably work again. People could come back to travel within the country again. They can go on vacation anywhere based on their leisure preferences and also go visit their friends and relatives in different provinces. Beside travelling, local residents will have more confidence, after waiving the restriction, that the scientific community is successful in developing interventions to help them deal with the pandemic. Imagine if they can do their normal daily routines such as working in the office or shopping at the grocery again without worrying; their mental health would improve a lot.

    Lastly, the key criteria for Thai tourist spots to end this restriction for fully inoculated visitors is a 70% local vaccination rate. The herd immunity is believed to rise as more standardized vaccines are imported. Although Thailand already has 12.7 million fully vaccinated people, which only covers 17.2% of the  entire population, most of the tourist destinations chosen for reopening currently have higher vaccination rates than 70% of its local population (Covid-19 situation center of thailand,2021). The aim of the schedule for reopening  next January is to enable the adjacent provinces, whose vaccination rates are still lagging,  to reach more than 70% inoculation levels before reopening. In addition to vaccination, this September, the daily infections have decreased from 20000 to 140000 and are still decreasing (Covid-19 situation center of thailand,2021). These statistics ensure that our country has an extremely low risk of introducing the next outbreak again, after reopening tourist spots.

    To conclude, while reopening popular tourist spots in the next three months may bring challenges, it provides significant opportunities not only for the economy but also for the population's mental health. The health ministry has already carefully thought about the risk of reinfections following this protocol based on the latest statistics. I hope this move will be able to start very soon. 


    Bloomberg News And Online Reporters. (2021, September  6). Bangkok set for November reopening. Bangkok Post. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2177351/bangkok-set-for-november-reopening   

    Brietzke, E. (2021, May 27). 6 evidence-based methods to head off COVID-19-related depression and anxiety. Elsevier Connect. https://www.elsevier.com/connect/6-evidence-based-methods-to-head-off-covid-19-related-depression-and-anxiety 

    Soon Kormoon Covid-19 (n.d.). Home [Facebook page]. Facebook. Retrieved January 13, 2020 from https://www.google.co.th/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiQq8nYqPzyAhUlyzgGHdPCAFAQFnoECAYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Finformationcovid19%2F&usg=AOvVaw3leUYg_eSyENUKUqQgl7MZ 

    World tourism organization. (2020, August 5). World Tourism Barometer. https://www.e-unwto.org/doi/epdf/10.18111/wtobarometereng.2020.18.1.5 

    Worrachaddejchai, D. (2021, Sep 6). Tourism ministry sets January date to reopen. Bangkok Post. https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/2176951/tourism-ministry-sets-january-date-to-reopen 

    Monday, 13 September 2021

    Sea: BIM (Building Information Modeling)

    In 2011, it is about only 13% of 1,000 people in the design and construction industry that were using BIM (Building Information Modeling), with about 43% that were neither aware of nor using it. By 2020, the BIM’s user percentage had increased to 73%, with only 1% that are neither aware of nor using it (NBS,2020). The concept of BIM has been developed since 1970. According to ISO 19650:2019, BIM is “use of a shared digital representation of a built asset to facilitate design, construction and operation processes to form a reliable basis for decisions”. Generally, building design and construction drawings were presented in two-dimensions. BIM has turned them into three-dimensional presentations with all the real details - like when you are playing the computer game The Sims. While many are considering that using BIM requires a massive investment in technology and experts and are worried that it will not be worth the money spent, there are companies which implemented BIM for their construction projects and found a variety of  advantages to BIM. The advantages are the reasons for adopting it.

    The first benefit of using BIM is the reduction of construction costs. Krungthep Turakij (2021) stated that there were usually leftover materials from the construction process of about 15%. LPN Wisdom and Solution Co., Ltd. (LWS) had implemented BIM for their project lifecycle. Although they had to invest about 5% of the project cost for BIM, they were able to  save about 10-15% of waste – reducing 5-10% of the project cost. BIM models can present the entire quantity of the material, so the exact amount of materials can be planned and ordered in advance before the construction begins. As a result, the project can be planned to finish on time, avoiding the cost of delay such as the project overhead and other additional costs.

    A second benefit of BIM, quite related to the reduction of the cost, is the saving of time. By implementing BIM in a design which is presented in three-dimensional form, designers can create many details and show engineering systems related through drawing. During the construction process, there are multiple parties involved such as designers, architects, engineers, and clients. BIM helps everyone understand the same picture and avoid questions and mistakes that will occur. For example, the clients will know more realistically how the space will be, which can avoid the misunderstanding between the designer's intentions and what clients really want. Imagine how much time we would waste to rebuild if the room is created but the size does not fit? How will the building contractor feel to have to redo the same job twice? 

    Another advantage of BIM is the increase in quality of the work. BIM calculates and gives the accurate number for construction. Human error can be prevented. The structure will be built with the exact length and all the components that the program generated. Architecture finishing materials such as tiles will be aware of the starting point and where it will end for aesthetics. Piping systems can be prefabricated from the factory and installed on-site.

    To conclude, BIM is a worthwhile investment for construction projects. Reducing the project cost, increasing the quality of work and saving time are three main reasons. These three main points are also the same as the triple constraint for construction project management. As BIM can improve all the constraints, this tells that BIM will work effectively with the construction projects. As colleges now require BIM in their curriculum and companies have started to use BIM for their projects, it is pretty sure that BIM will be a basic requirement for every project in the future of construction.


    BIM Tuachuay loddonthun kosrang [BIM to reduce construction costs; Thai title: BIM ตัวช่วยลดต้นทุนก่อสร้าง]. (2021, July 3). Krungthep Turakij. https://www.bangkokbiznews.com/news/detail/946829 

    Building information modeling. (2021, August 23). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Building_information_modeling&oldid=1040211936 

    Mineer, D (2015, December 3). Pros & Cons of Using a BIM Model for your Next Project. Construction Monitor. https://www.constructionmonitor.com/blog/2015/12/03/pros-cons-of-using-a-bim-model-for-your-next-project/

    NBS (2020). 10th annual BIM Report 2020 [Data set]. NBS Enterprises Ltd. https://architecturaltechnology.com/uploads/assets/3f388415-32f9-408d-85cc2c1adf13d012/TheNBSBIMReport2020.pdf

    Reyes, N. Top 5 Benefits of BIM Construction. HMC Architects. https://hmcarchitects.com/news/top-5-benefits-of-bim-construction-2020-05-13/

    Somani, N (2019, August 5). 5 Factors to save Time and Cost with BIM!. Linkedin. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-factors-save-time-cost-bim-neha-somani

    Emma: Why people care about wildlife conservation

                From 2001 to 2014, approximately 173 species on Earth were made extinct by humans through the wildlife trade, pollution, habitat loss and the use of toxic substances (Ceballos, 2020). Currently, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has announced shocking statistics on The Red List of Threatened Species, which indicates that “38,500 species are threatened with extinction, including 41% of amphibians, 37% of sharks and rays, 34% of conifers, 33% of reef building corals, 26% of mammals and 14% of birds”. Unfortunately, this trend has not ended. In fact, the risk of losing biodiversity and degradation of ecosystems that people depend on to survive are ongoing, and it is entirely mankind’s fault. Because wildlife conservation seems to be a tedious thing to do and people can forget to consider how their actions have put huge pressure on other species and nature, this essay is going to explain the reasons why people should be worried about endangered species.

    For some people, it does not matter when a salamander or an elephant dies, or they have not noticed when they cannot hear bird songs in the area where they live. However, such tiny losses of animals has made ecosystema a little fragile. The loss of one species creates butterfly effects which have profound impacts on the rest of ecosystems, as when a species interacts with another species, they gain benefits from the interactions, which allows them to survive. Renee Cho (2019) also points out that species have their unique roles in the food chain. If one of them is diminished in the food chain, the effects of the loss will pass on to the whole environment, causing the ecosystems to become vulnerable to disruptions. In Central Asia and South Asia, the snow leopard is a good example of how endangered species are important to the balance of the ecosystem in the regions. The WFF study indicates that as they perform their functions as top predators by hunting plant-eaters such as mountain sheep and goats, they influence the populations of their prey so that these animal species do not overgraze the land, which will in turn create food shortages for other animals living lower down the food chain.

    Another reason why people should care about protecting animal species from extinction is that they are major producers of foods. Despite of the advancements in food technologies, humans still depend on nature to nourish the sources of foods that are consumed for diets, nutrition and medicine. For instance, since most of plants, flowers and crops rely on insects, birds and bats to reproduce, the decline in populations of the animal pollinators has threatened agricultural productivity. The study from  J. Ollerton,  R. Winfree, and S. Tarrant (2011) indicates that over 100,000 different plant species and crops are pollinated by insects and other animals. As Marla Spivak mentioned at TED Global in 2013, more than one third of the world’s crop production depends on bees. Not only insects such as bees and butterflies serve as animal pollinators, but some birds also perform the same function. According to Bird Life International (2019), they pollinate 5% of the plants that humans use for food or medicine, and losing them will cause those plant species to disappear. The study points out that, for example, protecting the bird pollinators on a Hawaiian island can save 31 species of Hawaiian bellflowers on the island from extinction. Similarly, bats are important for pollination. As mentioned by Elissa Nunez (n.d.), over 500 types of plants such as mangoes, bananas, and avocados rely on bats for pollinating their flowers to produce fruits.

    Moreover, despite serving as the perfect places for leisure activities for humans, the oceans and marine creatures, threatened by plastic pollution, climate change and overfishing, are a vital food resource. Jackie Savitz (2013) argues that if 10 to 25 countries had implemented good fishery management, including setting a limited number of fish that can be caught, reducing by-catch and maintaining the environment of the oceans that nurtures the sea life, then 700 million people could have consumed healthy fish meals, which are a great source of protein. By protecting these animal species, we can have sufficient diets to help us stay in  good health and save starvation.

    In sum, people should realize and understand how the horrifying  impacts caused by human activities cause other life to be at risk of extinction. Since we are the main driver of the degradation of ecosystems, we are the ones to end it. 


    Ceballos, G., Ehrlich, P.R., Raven, P.H. (2020, June 1). Vertebrates on the brink as indicators of biological annihilation and the sixth mass extinction. PNAS. https://www.pnas.org/content/117/24/13596

    Cho R., (2019, March 26). Why Endangered Species Matter. Columbia Climate School Climate, Earth, and Society: State of Planet. https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2019/03/26/endangered-species-matter/

    The International Union for Conservation of Nature. (n.d.). Background & History. https://www.iucnredlist.org/about/background-history

    WWF. (n.d.). The Snow Leopard: Elegant and Elusive. https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/wildlife/snow-leopards

    Ollerton, J., Winfree, R., Tarrant, S. (2011, February 21) How many flowering plants are pollinated by animals?. Oikos. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1600-0706.2010.18644.x

    TEDGlobal 2013. (2013, June). TEDGlobal2013 - Marla Spivak - Why bees are disappearing [Video]. YouTube. https://www.ted.com/talks/marla_spivak_why_bees_are_disappearing

    Law. J., (2019, January 4). Why we need birds (far more than they need us). BirdLife International. https://www.birdlife.org/worldwide/news/why-we-need-birds-far-more-they-need-us

    Nunez. E., (n.d.). Bats. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/bats

    TEDxMidAtlantic 2013. (2013, October). TEDxMidAtlantic 2013 - Jackie Savitz – Save the oceans, feed the world! [Video]. YouTube. https://www.ted.com/talks/jackie_savitz_save_the_oceans_feed_the_world

    Yujin: Death penalty

    Since early history, the death penalty has been used as a form of punishment. Boiling alive, slow slicing, burning at the stake, the classic hanging, and sawing people alive were a fraction of the gruesome examples in medieval times, especially in parts of Europe and Asia. In early modern Europe, as a mass fear of witches formed, mass executions were conducted and were generalized as a basic form of punishment for minor offences. According to McCarthy (2019) almost 7,000 people were executed for the crime of witchcraft in Europe alone. People may imagine that in this age, cruel executions for witchcraft do not exist; however, a woman accused of practicing the craft was beheaded in Saudi Arabia, where absurd laws for witchcraft are still in place. According to new research from the Death Penalty Information Center (2021), at the present there have been a total of 1,534 executions since 1976 in the United Sates alone. That is the number of students in about three  schools combined. Although the trends for executions have gone down, still 483 people were executed in 2020, and in Thailand 35 people were executed last year, according to Death Sentences and Executions 2020 (2021). Many people argue that the death penalty is an effective solution to prevent criminals from committing crimes. However, this essay will argue that the death penalty should be abolished because it is inhuman and barbaric as well as illogical, ineffective, expensive, and sometimes unjust.

             It is easy to see why many believe that capital punishment would lower crime rates, since they believe it will stop people from committing, or recommitting crimes. However, in recent statistics compiled in the United Sates by Death Penalty Information Center shows (n.d.) that murder rates in the states that allow the death penalty are consistently higher than states that do not have the death penalty. These statistics suggest that capital punishment is not successful in keeping criminals from committing serious crimes. Additionally, a study conducted by Radelet and Lacock in 2009, indicates that 88% of criminologists do not believe that the death penalty is an effective deterrent to crime.

    The justice system in which the death penalty operates is vastly lacking, costing many innocent lives and much money. An average cost for an inmate of capital punishment on the death row costs 1.12 million dollars or about 36,600,000 baht more than the general inmate in the United Sates, according to McFarland (2016). It is extremely expensive because of legal costs. Almost always the person who faces the death penalty cannot afford their own attorney; therefore, lawyers or public defenders must be assigned by the government or state who pays them to represent the offender. On top of that, the trials are held over long periods of time, mounting the expenses further. Those who can afford them, afford skilled and renowned lawyers who will likely be able to free the offender from the offences even if they are guilty of heinous crimes. Those who are innocent but cannot afford professional lawyers can be convicted of the crimes falsely, leading to the execution of innocent lives. According to Innocence Resources 2021) one inmate in every eight are exonerated, and 4.1% inmates on the death row are likely innocent. This is caused by numerous errors in the system, including accusations or evidence that are falsely claimed, witnesses who are not reliable, and as mentioned, insufficient legal representation.

    How then would the justice system manage the criminals who commit monstrous crimes, if the death penalty is abolish? Life in prison is a sensible alternative to the death penalty. Unlike the death penalty, where it is impossible to correct heavy mistakes, a life sentence allows innocent people to have the precious chance of living in society again. Otherwise, people who have committed heinous crimes while having solid and strong evidence to support it should have life in prison with no parole or bail. Life without parole also provides resources for some valuable information for authorities to study; although it may not all be trusted. In a sense, life without parole is worse than death, since conditions in prisons are much more tormenting and mentally exhausting than a quick and easy death for an unforgivable person.


    Death Penalty Information Center. (n.d.). Murder Rate of Death Penalty States Compared to Non-Death Penalty States. https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/facts-and-research/murder-rates/murder-rate-of-death-penalty-states-compared-to-non-death-penalty-states 

    Death Penalty Information Center. (2021, September 1). Facts about the Death Penalty. https://documents.deathpenaltyinfo.org/pdf/FactSheet.pdf 

    Death sentences and executions 2020. (2021, April 21). Amnesty International. https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/act50/3760/2021/en/ 

    Innocence resources. (2021). Witness To Innocence. https://www.witnesstoinnocence.org/innocence 

    McCarthy, N. (2019, October 29). The Death Toll of Europe’s Witch Trials. Statista. https://www.statista.com/chart/19801/people-tried-and-executed-in-witch-trials-in-europe/ 

    McFarland, T. (2016). The death penalty vs. Life incarceration: A financial analysis. The Death Penalty vs. Life Incarceration: A Financial Analysis, 7(4). https://scholarlycommons.susqu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1026&context=supr 

    Radelet, M. L., & Lacock, T. L. (2009). Do Executions Lower Homicide Rates? The Views of Leading Criminologists. Radelet Production Proof. https://files.deathpenaltyinfo.org/legacy/files/DeterrenceStudy2009.pdf

    Good: Is disagreement good?

             It is natural that when our ideas are opposed, as a human with echo chambers we seem to feel unpleasant to any comments against us, and this could lead to a conflict (Niedbala, 2019). It is clear that most people do not enjoy encountering a negative argument. Then, when it comes to different opinions in conversations, many tend to avoid showing their opposing opinions as they think that would be also impolite and could create an undue problem. Moreover, many employees, for example, may have thought that it is better if they just advocate their supervisors’ ideas; otherwise, they think it is going to have a detrimental effect on their careers (Belcher, 2016).

    Although disagreements are able to cause an immensely negative effect on a relationship, I, however, think that we should express it truthfully as its benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

    Better results come from the process of disagreement. In fact, this usually forces us to generate numerous methods to solve difficult problems with the best solution we can provide. During the conflict, we also have time to thoroughly consider each possibility and different perspectives from others (Gallo, Maimon, & Ashkenas, 2018). Although conflicts are painful sometimes, innovative outcomes are created through this process by weighting between advantages and disadvantages of each solution. This development can be applied from households to companies where there are many people and it is unavoidable to face this kind of difficulty. 

    With the limited background you have, it is impossible to know and understand everything correctly. It is better to share possible solutions and listen to other ideas carefully to find the best one so that you will have a great opportunity to learn new things about how other people think. This will help you develop your thinking process to become much more logical and diverse. Otherwise, you might be dubbed an arrogant and unreasonable person. Even if you are parents, you do not have to feel embarrassed to accept your children’s disagreement. In  contrast, it is beneficial to think critically and challenge your own assumptions.

    Besides, conflict leads to improvement in interpersonal skills such as negotiation skills (Sawhney, 2020). It is evident that when you are trying to persuade other people, apart from reasonable arguments, you need to influence them through your gestures, tone, and so on. All of these require practice, which you can train and improve gradually from various conflicts that you have experienced before. Thus, instead of being upset, you must feel that the conflicts are enhancing your negotiation skills in order to make you an outstanding negotiator.

    Many firms are trying to adopt diversity in their working culture as not only is it about equality but it is also related to a sense of being dynamic. However, people from different backgrounds could bring many ways of thinking, which is able to lead to a conflict in some circumstances. In organizations, although homogeneous groups find their work more positive, it is much more effective when it comes to diverse groups (Parker, Medina, & Schill, 2017). Thus, if they want to create that kind of atmosphere, encouraging inclusivity with positive disagreement would be the perfect way. 

    In conclusion, while there are people who avoid opposing others because they do not want to be in a problem, this behavior is spoiling the productivity and the opportunity to learn new things as well as its benefits such as improving diversity in the workplace and interpersonal skills coming from the conflict. I would suggest anyone who is still aware of conflicts change their attitude and consider it a good action.


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