Monday 27 September 2021

Watching movies: now and then

"Change" is the title of unit 8 of Skillful. To start thinking about that general topic and get to know each other, we'll do a quick response writing exercise that follows up the questions we have already looked at on today's presentation. 

The question
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How have your movie watching habits changed over the past decade? 

Your answer in one or two paragraphs should cover: 

  • What is now your preferred medium for watching movies? Why? 
  • What was your preferred movie medium ten years ago? Why? 
  • What changed? 
  • Time: 16:00 minutes

    I suggest you divide your time roughly as: 
    • planning = 3:00 minutes (we've already brainstormed some ideas)
      In the planning stage, asking yourself information questions can help generate more detailed ideas to include: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Which? 
      • Which will you cover first: the present or the past? Or will you organize your ideas in some other way? 
      • What is your main idea about changes to your movie consumption over the past ten years? 
    •  writing = 10:00 minutes 
    •  editing = 3:00 minutes 


    1. Ten years ago, I was busy accumulating a collection of about 1,000 DVDs. Although I used to go to the cinema with friends when I was at university, I was never a real cinema lover. I think I used to see only four or five films a year; I didn't own a TV until about twenty five years ago, so back in the days when I was a university student, that meant the only way to watch films was at the cinema or some similar showing at my university. But after I got a TV, I could start watching films on video tape. I used to buy a few, but mainly rented them from a shop on Silom. I can't remember the name. Then came the age of VCD, which was much better than bulky tapes that easily get messed up. ANd then came the DVD age, I guess about ten years ago, or maybe more.

      My friends and I would go to Mangpong at Paragon and enjoy browsing the offerings, usually buying a few DVDs on each visit, which we could share. When I think about it, I liked the socializing aspect that went with collecting DVDs. We might not watch them together, but it was a fun part of our shopping trips, especially when my friends brought their eager children who were excited to be getting something new to watch.

      But those days have long gone. I haven't bought a DVD for a few years. In fact, I don't even have a DVD player any more, and have given away all the DVD's that I'd bought. It's hard for physical media such as DVDs or those antique video tapes to compete with the convenience of streaming media. I'd have to check, but I think I've subscribed to NetFlix for at least six years now, and it fulfills all my movie and series demands very well, without piling up on my shelves, or breaking down, or having to be maintained and sorted.

      1. Hi Peter, your comment on collecting DVDs reminded me of my shopping at The Mall Department Store three months ago. I went there to buy a DVD of Pacific Rim movies as a gift for a friend of mine. Before that, she would want to watch the movies over and over again after she had watched it at a cinema. Although I suggested her to subscribe a streaming media provider so that she could repeatedly watch it, she still insisted to own a DVD of the movies. Therefore, I went to Mangpong at the department store to buy one. I think the price of a DVD is expensive, as it costed me 500 Baht. The seller told me that it is expensive because of the license fee. So I think that the shop has changed the way they sell DVDs. I mean they don't sell the media to people to watch, but to collect. I understand my friend how she feels when she owns a DVD of her favorite movies. I think it feels like she can really touch a physical copy rather the online format on streaming media.

      2. Emma, I'm actually a little surprised that Mangpong still has any stores selling DVDs. They disappeared at least three years from the places where I used to buy them.

        I used to feel a bit like your friend about my books. Even though I had been replacing my favourites with digital copies, I still kept the much read paper versions weighing down my shelves. That lasted until a few years ago, probably at least five years now, when I decided that it would be better to declutter my home. I gave the best-looking hardcover books I'd collected over decades to my brother, who displays them on shelves in his much larger home in Australia, and I kept only about 100 of the ones that truly do hold a special place in my life - including four copies of one of Jane Austen's novel, three of which have fallen apart. I also have more than one paper copy of a couple of other texts. But it's years since I've actually read the paper version of a book.

    2. I really love to watch movie. In the old days, I went to cinema almost every weekend to watch one or two movie a day. The big screen and the sound system were the key major that attracted me the most beside the stories. However, today I prefer watching the movie on my bed with my phone. Even though the screen size and the sound don't have a significant quality as same as cinema theater. Moreover, I likely to do this even before the Covid-19 start, and I realized that I still enjoy the story no matter what medium I have watched. Another outstanding benefit from watching movie from your phone is that it flexibility. You can watch it any where any time. I heard that cinema will be open on this October. However, what movie that screen in cinema, I will wait until it screen in online platform and watch from that.

      1. My first reaction on reading that Num prefers to watch movies on her phone these days was surprise, even shock. But then I thought about it and realized that a couple of my friends also do the same. I've never watched a movie on my phone, but clearly some people do enjoy that. In fact, one of my friends sometimes watches a movie on his phone while watching something else from NetFlix on my TV. Maybe I should survey my friends to find out just how popular it is to watch movies on a the tiny screen of a phone. (I'm happy with the size of my phone's screen: it only seems tiny for watching movies.)

      2. Nam, I used to watch movies from my phone too until I drop it on my face a couple times. Have you ever experience that problem? So now I change to watch from my iPad. I also prefer watching the movies on my bed. I love how comfortable the way I can lay myself down and watch something. It turns to be my habit which I usually do before I fall asleep. It makes me sometimes sleep late and don't get enough sleep but still keep doing it.

      3. Sea, I have faced the problem like you. I realize that my phone is harder than my face. But my life changed when I bought the long-arm phone holder that can hold your phone strongly and support most of your posture. You can sleep while watching a movie, and you will never be far from your phone. 

    3. Ten years ago, when I was 8, I used to watch movies on A DVD. My mother always bought me one DVD a month. And we used to spend our time watching the movie together on weekends. But when I grew up, there were many things that I wanted to watch. Some of them weren't on the DVD. I can't remember when but Netflix had become more popular at that time in Thailand. So I subscribed and watch movies on Netflix since then. I prefer watching Netflix because there are many contents for you to watch apart from movies and series. Furthermore, yo can watch it on any device.
      In my opinion, the reason our preferred movie medium changes is because the technology are becoming more easier for us to access and they are more convenient. If you want to watch your favorite movies at any time, in the past, buying a DVD would be an option for you. But now, you can just subscribe to online platforms such as Netflix, Disney Plus and more. They are easier and faster for you to watch movies now.

      1. Hi Mook, your comment on the convenience that we can get from the streaming service providers reminded me of my own experience with Disney Plus. Recently, I have binge-watched two sitcom series 'Modern Family' and 'Only Murders In The Building'. Because I can easily access and watch the contents, I have spent more than five hours to watch it which I think it consumed lot of my times during weekends. By the way, it is enjoyable to watch the sitcom as they are humorous and I have an excuse that I can study and learn English from them.

    4. I very much used to enjoy watching movies with my friend and my family, because at that time there was not much amusement to do when you went out. Anyway, for now, the way to watch movies is a lot easier. You can just lay down on your couch and watch whatever you want. That is why I prefer to watch streaming movie. Furthermore, streaming is not as expensive as going to the cinema. This is a huge change in the movie trend.

      1. Since the Covid pandemic happened, I’m stuck to watching movies from my phone. Like you, I loved to go to the cinema because I always liked the way the movies were shown on the big screen, and also the food too. I agree with you that streaming services are becoming more popular than cinemas. I think less and less people are going to cinemas, since watching movies on Netflix is less expensive and much more convenient.

      2. I definitely agree that today Netflix and other streaming services are conquering the movie market. Reflecting this with many years ago when TV were invented, people in those days worried that cinema would die because of that. However, it was survived. Later, VDO, VCD, DVD stealing market share from cinema theater again but it still survived. Today streaming services are another tools that beat up the movie in the cinema again and it becomes a severe issue that make the audiences stay home with comfort. I agree with Emma that no one don't want to wait their time to wait in a long line just for getting a ticket. And another bad experience that cause from crowded people is that when we watch movie such as talking with their smartphone, sleeping during the movie and making an annoyingly noise. So watching movie through streaming on bed is better than sit with many people in the dark.

    5. Recently, I prefer watching movies on steaming services such as Netflix and Disney Plus, because it is convenient and I don't have to go to a cinema and sit with other people. By watching movies via Disney Plus, I don't have to turn off my smartphone. I mean I can do whatever I want to do while I am watching movies. Moreover, I can pause the movies when I need a restroom.
      However, 10 years ago, I used to prefer to go to cinema to watch movies, because the steaming services have been available in Thailand for a few years. I used to have bad times at cinema. For example, I used to wait in a long line buying tickets to watch popular Hollywood movies and I would pay high prices to be able to sit at good seats or I had to sit at the front row.

      1. Emma's comment about standing in line to buy tickets reminded me of that part of the ritual of watching a film when I went to cinemas many, many years ago. (I haven't been for at least 20 years.) Although I liked watching films, I was never a big fan of going to the cinema, but when I did go with friends, buying tickets, buying snacks, queuing to enter, and fumbling in the gloom to our seats was all part of the experience. It was much easier to wait for the film to come out on video tape, then DVD, and now to stream on NetFlix or one of the other streaming services.

      2. I think I can relate to Emma's comment about standing in line to buy tickets too! One time I got to the cinema late and I hadn't got the ticket yet. It was crowded because there were so many people who were waiting to watch the movies. For me, I don't like sitting in the front row because that hurts my neck a lot. So I usually sit in the middle of the back row. I do agree that it is now more easier to watch movies on streaming services instead of going to the cinema. The good point is that you can enjoy the movies any time and anywhere.

      3. Although I said that I used to have bad times at cinema, I sometime enjoy good experience on watching action movies on the large screens and hearing the sound affects which I cannot afford these at my home. I still remembered the time when I watched Jurassic Park movie at a cinema, as I could see the large dinosaurs in the large screen. I mean the large screen helped enhancing my visual experience and I felt like I was in the movies. However, when I watched the movie again on Disney Plus at my home, I could not experience the same think. I mean the dinosaurs looked very small on my TV screen and I did not feel excited.

    6. Nowadays, I prefer watching movies online. I think it is convenient and it is matches my lifestyle. Because I cannot stay focus for the whole movies or sometimes I feel sleepy, it is good that watching movies from the streaming apps can remember where did I stop. And also that I don't have to finish the first movies before to watch another one.
      Compare to ten years ago, I like to watch movies from copied DVDs. There were very popular in Bangkok because of the price. You can bought like ten times cheaper to the original one. But for today the copied DVDs were not that popular because for one DVD you can watch from streaming app for a month with many movies as you want.

      1. I feel sleepy when watching movies like you. Even via streaming, I also sleep sometimes, especially during boring movies. Then I woke up and saw on the streaming apps that my movie was ending and the apps were starting a new movie. So, the function that you mention about restarting watching an unfinished movie does not work for me mostly. 
        Moreover, I think illegal movies, which are copied movies at that time, still exist but just transformed from CD or DVD to illegal movies run on websites.

      2. Although my most favorite media to watch a film is a cinema, I like the idea that you can solve the sleepiness problem by using the function of these modern streaming apps.

    7. 10-years ago, my preferred medium to watch movies was the cinema. I had always gone to the cinema with my friends or family. Watching movies at the cinema was an experience. The big screen and good speakers had always made the movie have an impact on me. The food and air conditioning, made me relax and enjoy the movie even more. However, since the pandemic has started, I prefer watching movies on streaming services, such as Netflix. The convenience is greatly appreciated. Many movies and series which may not be in cinemas are available on it. With my phone, I can watch movies whenever I want, and wherever I am.

      1. I totally agree with you that watching movies on streaming services such as Netflix is convenient. I also watch most movies on Netflix too. What you said about the big screen and good speakers make the movies better to watch. And the cinema can provide your with those things. Before the pandemic started, I also went to the cinema many times. But now we can not go out. So for now Netflix is probably what I most preferred too. Just like you!

      2. I agree with you every single word about food, drink, and the big screen makes us enjoy movies more. But one thing that doesn't enjoy me is the price of the popcorn and beverages. I also remembered the first time I bought it. When I paid, I thought, "Why is the price of the snack higher than the ticket?". Regularly, I don't buy popcorn when I go with family. I usually buy one when I go with a friend. Anyway, I have to admit their popcorn is very good.

      3. I think in the same way with you about an exceptional experiences which can only found in cinema. I also agree with your favorite media to watch during the pandemic restriction. The streaming is definitely the best way to watch movie as its various contents can be played anytimes without having to carry a heavy load of DVDs like ten years ago. I think a modern television can now create pleasure like in the cinema as its vision and sound has been developed a lot.

    8. The technological innovation has changed the movie industry a lot, last ten years. There are widespread mediums to choose. The streaming apps have become the most popular recently due to its convenience, prices and contents. Though this, I still prefer watching movies in cinema the most, the same that I prefer ten years ago.
      My first experience with cinema was when I was 5. The film was the first episode of Harry Potter. I remembered how great it was to watch there. The atmosphere in cinema is different from watching it at my home a lot. It was very quite there and dark so that I can focus with the films more intensely. Beside that,The screen is huge and the sound seems
      perfect. I also love the seat at cinema as it feel so comfortable. I cannot feel so much pleasure like this when watch the same content at home.
      Nowadays the cinema also have change a lot compare to the last ten years.

      1. I was a bit disappointed with the film versions of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter stories. The child actors, and substantial omissions from the story, didn't live up to what my mind had created as I had read the books.

        Yok's comment that it was his first experience with cinema made my think back to my first cinema experience. I must have been more than five, but was still in primary school, probably seven or eight years old. I was staying at my cousins' home in the big city, and my aunt took us to a see the latest blockbuster film at the local cinema. As Yok describes, it was completely different to watching a movie on a small TV screen at home. For a start, it was in colour. I think the film might have been a Biblical epic recounting the life of Jesus, although the only thing I can clearly remember are the flowing, red cloaks of the Roman soldiers.

        And that reminds me of the film shown in the first episode of NetFlix's The Queen's Gambit, when Beth sneaks out to raid the drugs in the pharmacy room. But that film within the series would have been a bit earlier than the one I watched at Lismore's Starcourt Cinema in the mid-1960s.

      2. Since the pandemic happened because of my own laziness I find myself watching movies on Netflix rather than going to the cinema even if some of them are open. I agree with you that watching movies have become more convenient due to many streaming services like Netflix and Disney+. These streaming services have made life much easier, but I think cinemas offer an experience that you do not get when watching movies at home on your phone, with their big screens and like you said the atmosphere of the cinema which is very different from watching a movie on your couch.

    9. Your first experience with cinema reminds me to thing of the temple fairs event where I went in every new year when I was young. I would come along with my parents and watch 'LiKae', a Thai traditional performance, and the opposite side of the LiKae stages, there had a big silver screen that screened Hollywood movies. The noise between two different stages battle against each other to draw attention from their audience. Although I loved to watched LiKae at that time, cinema screening had steal the spotlight from it. Then, I walked from the front roll of LiKae stage cross over to watched movie. I really like the atmosphere of temple fair style, there were a lot of food shops, game booths, and combine with some equipment and machine from amusement park such as ferris wheel, carousel, and haunted house. Those memory bring me a happy time in my life back. A joyful experience that I had together with parents, friends and sister is a memorable moment that rarely to find this day since we are all apart living in a different places and occupying with busy work so it hardly to spend time together like those day.


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