Tuesday 28 September 2021

Skillful 4: Reading & Writing, page 135 - After you watch

Discussion after you watch

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Since all three of Warwick and Rogers' questions for discussion after watching the video "Joint Ventures" develop the topic in the video, and since they also ask for related ideas about that topic, it's sensible to discuss them in one response. 

Although you might approach them differently, it seemed to me that each could be smoothly linked to the following. I thought three paragraphs would work well, but as the author of your response, that's for you to decide. 

The three questions: What do you think? 

  • What positive impacts could this legislation have for both the Indian economy and local consumers? 
  • Some small shop owners are understandably opposed to the legislation. What measures do you think they could take to protect their businesses? 
  • How do you think we can account for the pervasiveness of international brands in today’s society? 

Planning and writing = 18:00 minutes 

You have 18:00 minutes to plan and write a response to the set of three related questions. I suggest you divide your time roughly as follows: 
  1. planning = 4:00 minutes
    The three steps in planning are: choose a topic (given in this case); get ideas on that topic; and organize your ideas on the topic
    It's usually a good idea to plan before you start to write.  Especially in quick response writing, you might change your mind as you write, or get better ideas, but having  a clear idea about what you want to say before you write the first word helps to produce a well-organized piece of work that communicates with your readers. 
  2. writing = 12:00 minutes 
    If you know what you are going to say, the writing step consists of turning your ideas into sentences organized into paragraphs. 
  3. editing = 2:00 minutes
    You don't have much time to review, revise and proofread in a quick response writing activity, but it's still a good idea to quickly read over what you've written and perhaps make a few changes or corrections. 

For more a more detailed explanation of the steps in the writing process, see "The Writing Process" on the blog page menu above. 

A helpful strategy

Avoid writing things like "question 3."

Instead, imagine you are writing for someone who has not read the question you are responding to. Your aim is to clearly communicate your response to that reader, so it might help to paraphrase the question at the start of your response to it. But it will typically be more effective to paraphrase (rewrite) ideas in questions as a statements. 

Because our writing should make sense independently of the question it might be answering, this paraphrasing of questions to provide context is also a useful strategy in exams such as IELTS and TOEFL.



  • Warwick, L. & Rogers, L. (2018). Skillful 4: Reading & Writing, Student's Book Pack (2nd. ed.). London: Macmillan Education


  1. I'm not an economist, so am guessing how allowing partnerships with local firms selling their products directly to Indian consumers will benefit the economy. My first guess is that the magnitude of knowledge and experience that international firms will bring is likely to improve traditional practices, making them more efficient. That efficiency in turn might push local companies generally to become more competitive if they are to stay in business. It's easier to see that consumers will benefit by having easier access to a greater range of products brought in by the international sellers.

    Since it seems inevitable that the greater competition, although good for consumers and likely the economy as a whole, will also pose a threat to traditional small retailers, it will be necessary for them to devise ways to improve their own performance, or go bankrupt. It is unlikely that they will be able to compete on price or product range, which seems to me to leave them the option of providing a more personal service, much as the personal service I get from my local kai yang and somtam has kept me a loyal customer for almost twenty years - her children also have excellent customer relation skills. And since they are always doing a brisk business, often being sold out if I don't get there in time, paying attention to customer relations seems to have an positive impact.

    I thought that how to account for the wide availability of the same products everywhere is not too difficult to explain. People like to try new things, and they will pay for quality. Hence, in Bangkok we can easily buy a range of cheeses from Australia, the US and Europe; we can also buy the latest internationally fashionable clothing, which is in demand becasue seen on YouTube or other channels where influencers do what their title suggests: they influence people to want to buy a product, and in the age of the Internet, where poeple are in the world is becoming less and less important regarding exposure to ideas and trends.

  2. I think the new government legislation in India will benefit both its economy and locals because this agreement will lead many foreign international companies to build their companies with local companies and offer excellent services and products compared to local shops. Therefore, the customers are able to receive higher quality of services and products and maybe with a cheaper price.
    However, this development might have a detrimental to some small shops. One solution is that the owners should transform their business to online platform if they only offer their product physically. Another measure would be improving quality of their services in order to can compete with big international chains having huge amount of money.
    It is clear that nowadays we tend to use daily products from international brands. I do believe that it is because they provide greater quality of their goods compared to local brands which are likely to be lower in quality.

    1. In my experience, products from counter brands or international brands usually provide greater quality than local brands. I agree with you at that point. I thought that in order to compete with big international firms, local firms might have to provide something unique and special.

      However, I think Thai rules and regulations do not support local products as much as they should. For example, recently the Thai government has legislated Krathom for use, sale, and for pleasure legally. But in another country, such as the USA, using Krathom is not illegal in the first place. So, I think if the law and rules were more open, premium and unique products by Thai local brands could compete with any foreign company.

    2. I agree with your idea about the solutions for small local shop to stay in the business after the coming of international companies that they have to improve the quality of their services. It is undoubtedly that the small local shops are not able to compete on price or product range with the foreign companies due to their huge amount of funds. I also be the loyal customer of a barber nearby by school for 15 years because of their excellent customer realtion skills ,even though they don’t have a modernize shop and tools.

  3. Some of the positive impacts that the legislation have for both Indian economy and local consumers are that the legislation will bring more overall income to the country and improve the economy. Moreover, local people will have a chance to experience new products from international chains. It can also increase the rate of employment as there will be more store for international chains opening.
    However, there might be some opposing opinions about the legislation. To response to the some small shop owners' concerns about the legislation, the government should limit some international products that are similar to the local products. Moreover, instead of advertising only international chains, the government should also advertise and support local stores. So both of the stores can exist together in the society.
    In my opinion, the pervasiveness of the international brands in today's society is mainly because of the connection we have with people around the world. With the technology constantly improving, it is easier to connect with people in other countries and form partnerships with them. Today, investors tend to do business over seas because it can gives you more income. You will also have a chance to know more about the world's market and expand your business too.

    1. I like your comment that the government should set the limit of international products. Because foreign company with huge amount of money easily penetrate to any market, unadaptable local business cannot get any share in the market. Without limited policy of percentage share in the market, foreign business might have a monopoly in any area of trade.

  4. The new legislation might be good for the Indian economy and foreign companies mostly. Because when foreign companies jump into the market, the local shops have to fight with the foreign firms. Mostly, the legislation helps the Idian economy fight a stagling economy more than local shops. Most locals might not be happy with this. They might take action against foreign firms, such as persuading people to ban foreigners and supporting locals.
    Compared to another country, preparing for a foreign firm is the right thing to do. Because when there are a lot of sellers, they have to fight each other. Maybe the strategy is to reduce the price or just sell something that foreigners don't have.

    1. I agree with your idea that many small local shops are concern with the coming of foreign companies. The foreign chains have more potential to produce high quality products with low prices because of their large amount of funds to develop productivity. They might lose their place in their markets. But some of them think that there is a good chance to coporate with them. Joining a joint venture with the foreign companies would be the right move for them if the foreign companies get major of the population’s preferences. Though they have to pay the charge to the franchise , their income might be enough to sustain their business

    2. I agree with you comment, Yok. A joint venture is a good adaptation that small to medium businesses without a lot of money should be most concerned with. Even a franchise is not a good one. As a franchisee, you have to buy all resource and ingredients from the owner. Franchise owners get richer and richer by selling franchises and ingredients, while your revenue depends on your selling.

  5. As the new legislation allows big international company to take part in the Indian businesses, I think it could create positive impacts for both the Indian economy and local consumers. It could give the consumers more variety of products to choose. The shops might can sell more.

    The legislation might effect the small local shops. I think that they could protect their businesses by they have to make their shops unique, such as the way they sell goods with the good service or with care like the customers are your family.

    The pervasiveness of international brands in today's society came from the international shipping.

    1. I personally like international brands maybe because I feel they are more reliable and have a better quality. I also think that this belief might be similar to other people around Asian countires. To be fair, I also like using local products if they are good value for money.

    2. I totally agree with you that by registering this new legislation, it will definitely bring more profits and help improve the overall economy. Making the local products unique and interesting is a good way too! As uniqueness is something we are looking for in the products. There are many local products that are good but lack advertising. So I think that apart from making the products different, advertising will also help.

  6. The positive impact that new legislation support international brand is helps the market are wide open for international goods. People have more choice to choose. There will have a competition between international product and local one so the local one will develop themselves to reach international standard.

    Although some small shop owner may worries that they have to compete with big business and they easily to lost their market share with international goods, the government should protect them by set reasonable tax system to control goods from international market. Then the local product are prevented from unfair situation , for example, if Indian local market have selling local fruits, the price of the same kind of fruits from other country should be more expensive so then local product can survive in the market.
    This way, customers have more options to consume the fruit from different country, nevertheless, the local fruit are protected fairly in the market.

    In additional, international brands are pervasively occupy in today society because of the world economic growth. The free trade are national rules that were set in an international market. With media help expand the business easier, for example, people shop what their beloved characters in the series wear it.

    1. I like your idea that many shops will improve their products and services in order to be able to compete with big international firms.
      While setting tax barier to prevent foreign goods to overcome local goods is a good idea, this action might be considered a little bit storng measure.
      However, I would say this measure is common to be applied in many countries as we can see China and the US do this against each other.

  7. For the Indian economy, the legislation that allows foreign companies to invest their funds and run their businesses could have several positive impacts on the job markets, the incomes of the country and the local companies. First, when foreign companies open the businesses in India, this creates many job positions to the job markets of the country. Second, the country can tax the foreign companies as they run the businesses. Finally, the local companies can learn from the foreign companies to improve themselves. For the local consumers, they can have good products and new services that the foreign imports into the country.
    As we can see from the possible benefits of the legislation, I think it is possible to protect their businesses by learning from the foreign companies and adapting themselves to be able to compete for a market share.
    I think international brands have made useful products and services available to today’s society, because they have funds to invest and know-how to do business.

    1. I agree that this legislation will bring many impacts to India's industry. The profit of the country and local companies will rise and bring the country's economy back to a better state. My idea is quiet similar to you that local business should adapt themselves and learn from international chains. I think that's a great idea. By learning from others, it will help you broaden your knowledge of the business tactics and trends in the market.

  8. International products are common in today’s society because countries accept them to expand their market and access good and services that are not found locally, such as technological products. These foreign companies provide convenience and goods to local customers, and foreign investors to the country, increasing its economy. However, it may damage small local businesses of the country because they must compete with larger and more successful companies, and some may not survive due to the large advantage of foreign stores.
    To survive local shops will have to form a network with others in a similar position, or provide a more specific and special service or product that focuses on what they are best at, becoming experts in their field. While staying ahead of trends can make a business prosper, another way is to make presence online, which provides a platform from which you can compete with global businesses on the same level.

    1. You make a very good point when you said that the reason behind the wide spreading of international products is because we accept their products. I also agree with you that local business should become experts in their fields and also expand their business online. This will make their business outstanding and ready to compete in the market. Moreover, this would also help expand their customer base and attract new customers.

    2. I like your idea about the local shop should forming a network and be expert about their products in order to protect their businesses. It made me think of new restaurants nowadays in Thailand that create network from the farms to restaurants. As I watched the review from YouTube, the owner mentioned what ingredients they used which usually selected and came from different places to form the best dishes, such as the crab from the Southern part of Thailand, fresh milk and meat from Saraburi or fermented fish, Pla ra from the Isan, Northeast of Thailand.

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