Monday, 31 August 2009

Sounds Great: ideas, explanations and facts.

First, a fact that is generally well know and true: teenager drivers are about twice as likely as older drivers to have a car accident.
Now, a question: do you agree that it would be a good idea for schools to provide driving lessons to teenagers before they get their drivers licence so they know how to drive properly and learn useful driving skills? Yes or No?

In our discussion this morning, Mary asked an important question: if the facts are surprising, how do we explain them? (These may not have been her exact words - I wasn't taking notes.)
In my country, Australia, and a number of other countries such as the US and the UK, politicians, parents and educators correctly realized that younger drivers had more car accidents than older drivers. They decided that it would be a good idea to teach driving skills in high school to reduce their high rate of accidents.
Now, what did you answer above? Is this a good idea? It sounds pretty obvious to most people that it must help if teenagers are taught to drive and given useful skills before they get their licence to drive a car.
But like many great ideas that sound obvious, it is wrong.
When researchers analysed the results of three large sets of data, they found that providing driving lessons in high school actually slightly increased the number of accidents for the teenage group (Roberts & Kwan, 2001).
What's going on? What I think happens is that we often get an idea about what must be true because it seems obvious, so we never actually test it. We just assume it is true because others tell us or because it just seems so obvious. We believe our explanation, for example that driving lessons will reduce accidents, and assume that the facts must follow our explanation. Unfortunately, facts do not always fit themselves to our explanations. What we need to do is check the facts, and if they don't follow our explanation, it probably means our explanation is wrong, and we need a new one.
A more likely explanation of the effect of driving lessons in high school on teenage car accidents is that because they have had lessons, the new drivers think they are better than they really are and so are less careful and take more risks, hence leading to slightly more accidents. However, whatever explanation is given must fit the facts; we can change our explanation to fit the facts, but we can't change the facts to fit our explanation.
So, when you're presenting your ideas in a talk or an essay, if you make a statement about what people do, it will be a lot stronger if you have some supporting statistics. Just saying, "It's obvious," isn't very strong support. It's especially dangerous to your presentation if someone does have statistics or facts that are against your idea. It always helps to get some reliable statistics or other facts to support your idea.
For some more examples of some "obvious" ideas that turned out to be false when tested, including a reference to Roberts and Kwan's study, see the editorial ("Scientific testing") and "Science rules OK: Running societies the rational way" (Muir) in the May 21, 2008 issue of New Scientist.
Muir, H. (2008, May 21). Science rules OK: Running societies the rational way. New Scientist. Retrieved August 31, 2009 from
Roberts I. G. & Kwan I. (2001) School-based driver education for the prevention of traffic crashes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Issue 3. Art. No.: CD003201. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003201. Retreived August 31, 2009 from
Scientific testing can prevent policy disasters (Editorial). (2008, May 21). New Scientist. Retrieved August 31, 2009 from
I listened to this talk in this afternoon and I found it really useful for worker in this era.
He spoke so fast and also used many difficult words that not easy to me to catch up.

De Botton talk about his idea and attitude toward success.

Thank for listening.

Waiting, I have to understand more clearer before I discuss his idea.
However, as I got some of his word, I agree with his idea.
Alain de Botton (speaker) & TEDtalksDirector (producer). (2009, July). Alain de Botton: A kinder, gentler philosophy of success. TEDtalksDirector on YouTube. Retrieved August 31, 2009 from

The more choices we get, the better we will be

The details is coming

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Sunday, 30 August 2009

The color is no longer an excuse

One of the social constructions that causing me major inconvenience is the concept of the existence of races to the interior of the mankind. It is worrying that, after the systematic efforts that the 20th century did to demonstrate the terrible of the racism, the definition of the different world populations for colors continues being one of the anthropologic mistakes constantly practiced. When I read the title of Nina Jablonski's chat "Breaking the illusion of skin color" it made me happy to know that this "misunderstanding" could be approached with arguments of the biology world.

In disagreement with the ideas of Charles Darwin in "The Descent Man" and by means of the scientific advances of last century Nina Jablonski can define the pigmentation of the skin as an evolutionary adjustment that protected the immunological system of the human species against the adverse effects of the solar radiations. It was the melanin, substance that pigments the epidermis, which preserved intact the immune system of the first hominids in Africa of the severe solar radiations. The later migrations led to hominids of dark skins to other regions less affected by the solar beams and provoked new modifications in the pigmentation of the skin. Jablonski mentions at least three modifications in the pigmentation of the skin of our species, each of which needed a period of adjustment. The changes produced by the communications at present put end to these processes, the acceleration of the migrations is responsible for the persons' accession with dark pigmentations in places of low solar radiations and vice versa. And Jablonski notices on the harmful effects of these changes, as much in the persons of clear skins as those populations of dark skins who live in regions near to the Poles.
When I listened to the reasoning and the proofs offered by Jablonski to establish that the color of the skin is an effect of the evolution, I was happy to know that the science is capable of demonstrating the foolishness of attributing different capacities between the ethnic groups. But after a second of happiness, for finding a scientific argument to illuminate the discussions on the races, a new question arose: is it possible that the people forget the differences? It is possible that the people stop they look for values in the differences? One of the phenomena that would be interesting to understand scientific is the discrimination trend that characterizes the behavior of the human race, the historical valuation of the proper group as the norm that governs the world and the invention of scales of value to catalogue the differences as if the life was a race for the accumulation of virtues or faults. It is sad, but it seems to be that when the color stops being the problem because our racism does not resist the proofs of the science, we are going to have the great idea of looking for another measure that defines our superiority. Because of it, it would be interesting to recognize which is the part of our genetic load that generates the idea of superiority of the castes and why the evolution preserves intact this "not nice" function.

Jablonski, N. (speaker). (2009, August 7). Nina Jablonski breaks the illusion of skin color. Retrieved August 30, 2009 from

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Photography in our world today

I chose David Griffin’ 17 minute talk from a TED talk because I think that David Griffin, who is the Director of Photography of National Geographic magazine, is an interesting lecturer, although he is not an academician or a professor in the university.

Griffin talks about how important the photography is today, and he tells us that the photography can link the people to the world by telling a story and creating a visual narrative.

David Griffin says that photographs remind us the important moments in our lives, and he also believes that photography can make the real connection between the people and the world today. Moreover, photography is like a positive agent for understanding the challenges and opportunities that we confront in our real life. He also says that most people do not just use the photographs to look at all the problems, but they also look for the solutions.

I quite agree with what Griffin said because I believe that many pictures can help the people to see something or someone that they want to see but cannot see it by themselves such as the important place in each country, the famous persons, the extincted animal, etc. Therefore, nowadays, we can see more interesting pictures from all over the world through the photography, and these photographs are shown in a lot of media, for example, the magazines, the newspapers, the television, and the Internet. Obviously, Google website convinces me to believe that photography can connect us to everywhere in this world because we can search the pictures that we want to see in this website, not only search for the information. Moreover, I think photography does not only connect us to this world, but it also can connect us to outside the world, because we can see how the space, the planet or the galaxy looks like through the photographs today.

However, I feel that photography does not absolutely connect us to the world if some photographs are not present to the viewers. I believe some countries do not want to show the pictures that badly affect to their countries in the public such as the civil war, the violent riot, the prisoner torture. So, I think that the photography will actually connect us to the world if there is no concealment on any photographs.
Griffin, D. (speaker) & TEDtalksDirector (producer). (2008, August 19). Photography connects us with the world. TEDtalksDirector on YouTube. Retrieved August 28, 2009 from

Friday, 28 August 2009

I like his talk

This is the talk of Clay Shirky. In fact, I don't know who is he, but the topic of his talking seems to be very interesting one, so I tried to watched his talk, and what is a result? That is not wasted my time anymore. The seventeen minutes of his talk is very exciting and his speech is obviously clear for me and also another foreigner too. The topic is "How cellphones, Twitter, Facebook can make history"

Mr.Shirky tried to told his audiences that what is the differences between previous media and today media, and why does this media important? His example is very easy for me to catch up with his idea, and I believe that it is easy for you too.

According to Shirky's talk, we are in globalization period, and it is very important to everyone to know every news which is happened around the world. Today's technology gives us that convenience. We can know what occur in U.S.A in the same time its happen even though you stay in Thailand because of Internet. Moreover, by using Internet, you are not only know what is happen in another continent, but you can also respond with them too. That is the difference of today technology and the older. If you were in mid of twentieth century, you couldn't do like that anymore because that media offered one-to-one approach and one-to-many approach only.

In fact, this technology is very powerful for user especially for citizens who want to know the facts that it not generate by their government and use Internet for help them to argue against with their government too. Moreover,Shirky said that it is depends on our capability to make them useful or useless.

For me, I'm strongly agree with Shirky because I can see a plenty of people using and searching information form Internet everyday. We can use this media to watching news instead of buying newspaper or sitting in front of our television. We can go into our government's site to tell them our problem or give them our opinion. And, I believe that this is the way to communicate with another, if your government treat you with no judgment.

What is that mean? That is mean our life absolutely changed from people who lived in two or three decades ago. In addition, it changed in better way which is increase our quality of life because all people can live together with equality.

In conclusion, I think that using Internet such as twitter, facebook, or Hi5 is the most powerful to improves our culture, our city, and our life too. Moreover, again, I agree with Shirky that how useful of Internet is is depend on us.
Shirky, K. (speaker) & TEDtalksDirector (producer). (2009, June 16). How cellphones, Twitter, Facebook can make history. TEDtalksDirector on YouTube. Retrieved August 29, 2009 from

Obviously Wrong

I had never heard of Daniel Pink until this morning, but the title of his 18 minute talk caught my eye. If it was a TED talk, it was likely to be worth watching, and I'm glad I did.
Pink's talks about what motivates people under different conditions, and he says that in many situations, money or similar rewards make performance worse.
As Pink tells us, we would expect that offering people a greater reward would lead to better, faster performance, but that is wrong. The studies he cites, such as work by the economist Dan Ariely and others, clearly show that offering more money, or even offering any money, can make people do worse at a task. This reminded me of some research by Dan Ariely which shows us that it is sometimes better not to offer people money to do something.
The results of the research are surprising, and Pink makes the point very clearly. What I found most interesting, however, is the more general lesson: we have a lot of ideas that we think are obviously true, so we never test them. Many of those "obviously true" ideas are in fact false. For example, people think that if drugs such as Ya Ba or heroin were legalised that the number of drug addicts would increase, but there are no facts, no evidence at all, to support this.
And just as Pink shows that knowing what really happens is important for making policy decisions, so to should other cases change policy; for example, if legalisation does not lead to an increase in drug use, perhaps all the laws against drugs like cocaine and Yaa Baa are a serious mistake that cause more social harm than they prevent. As Pink points out in his talk, policy should be based on evidence, not unsupported presumptions.

A note on embedding the video: on the right-hand side of the Youtube video there are two links, one is the URL, which I used below in the reference citation, and the other is to embed the video, which I used to insert the YouTube video above so that readers can watch it here. To insert it
  1. copy the "embed" text from the YouTube page
  2. in your blog post, go to "Edit HTML" view
  3. paste in the "embed" text from YouTube where you want the video placed
  4. return to "Compose" view. The YouTube video will now be visible.
Pink, D. (speaker) & TEDtalksDirector (producer). (2009, August 25). Daniel Pink on the surprising science of motivation. TEDtalksDirector on YouTube. Retrieved August 28, 2009 from

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

How Well Do We See?

In one of my replies to a question from Mary this morning, I mentioned that most of what goes on in our brains, including the brain processing of what we perceive with our senses, such as sight, hearing, and smell, is never conscious, and that much that is conscious passes through and is never remembered. As support, I referred to a well known series of experiments reported in 1998. At the time, the lead researcher, Daniel Simons, was at Harvard University. What he and his colleague, Daniel Levin, found was that our awareness of what is going on around us, even directly in front of our eyes, is generally very poor.
A brief version of their results, which you might find interesting, was published in the journal Psychonomic Bulletin & Review in 1998. What Simons and Levin found is that we often do not have any conscious memory of what we see. When they arranged for people to be interviewed by strangers, and switched interviewers behind a passing door, more than 50% of people had so little awareness of who was asking them questions that they did not notice the change.
Because this was such a surprising result, the experiment became well know, and other researchers repeated it with variations. I found out about it because it is used by some contemporary philosophers, such as Daniel Dennett in Consciousness Explained, as support for the idea that human consciousness is a fragmented product of largely independent brain operations. Their research also appears in work by Steven Pinker supporting a cognitive psychology theory of how the brain works to create our minds and the rest of what makes us us.
You might like to add a comment on your own ideas about it and the implications it has in other areas.
Dennett, D. (1993). Consciousness Explained. London: Penguin.
Simons, D. J. & Levin, D. T. (1998) Failure to detect changes to people during a real-world interaction. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 5 (4). 644 - 649. Available at

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Magical plan ride dream

Background information: She has been separated from my husband for just over a year and She has a friend that she share a very special relationship with (he is also still married with two young children)

Her dream is about, she met this guy at the airport but he also brought his wife and children. After that, they take off togerther. Then she take off too but by another plan. when the plan take off she realize that she can not fly the plan and the plan continue go down. The plan land softly on the water. She walk on the water to house and she heard his sound call her but she try to hide.

Doctor interpretation: She want to be together with that guy but unfortunately in the dream he come up with his family so it want she want can't be happen. She can not fly the plan and land. It mean she will not reach the goal. At the end, he call her but she try to hide, it reflect that she try hard to make her self avviable for him. However she still fear to rejected from him

My opinion, I agree with ductor because when you do something wrong, you will feel gulity and you will be worry about it. Last reason is what ductor said is seem to be reasonable.

Anonymous' dream

Anonymous is a woman, aged 62 year old, She described the doctor
about her dream which she was losing her hair and she was trying
to make it grow back or hide the spaces.
In addition, her father who died four year ago was also in
her dream and told her she couldn’t do anything about
the loss of hair. The doctor interpret her dream
which mean she afraid of death and then the doctor suggest her
to live each day fully. I don’t agree with impletation of the doctor
because I think when we think of died people
it doesn’t mean illusions of our own immortality are dashed.

Reference: Anonymous, Common Dreams. Ask the Dream Doctor. Retrieved August 5, 2009
from At

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Ahmed's Dream

Ahmed said to dream doctor that he dreamed to the girl he love. He stayed with that girl in car and it's raining outside. She hold everything that is his. When they start to move, they saw a beach beside road and a car disappeared. Then they walking together.
The dream doctor reply to Ahmed that he still in love with that girl because it has raining in his dream. And he would like her to staying together.
In my view, I agree with the dream doctor because when people dream to someone it can show that they think or have a relationship with him/her. However, at the end of his dream has a good sign in the future.
Ahmed & Mcphee, C. (2009). Romance Dreams. Ask the Dream Doctor. Retrieved August 5, 2009 from

Missed exam in Dana's dream

From “Missed Exam” in Common Dream, Dana has a recurring dream that she missed all examination tests when she was a student, and the important one was math which was quite difficult subject for her. Moreover, her missing class was located in a mall where she did not like.

The Dream Doctor interprets her dream that she is worried about something that should be finished in her current life. Her feeling during the dream, worried, is like her feeling before taking the examination in the past.

I quite agree with the Dream Doctor that she must have something in her mind which interrupts her feeling and make her to be nervous, and then lead her to have a poor dream. But I think that the Dream Doctor don’t focus on the mall in her dream that she hated. He did not ask her why she did not like that mall. In my opinion, a mall should be somewhere that unimpressed situation took place in the past. I suggest that a mall may be her workplace in the current life that her problem may be occurs, so the Dream Doctor should ask her more questions about her work that she is doing now. He should ask that “How long does she work?” I think that she may work in the current workplace for a long time because she told that this dream is recurring. That means this problem has also interrupted her feeling for a long time. Moreover, the Dream Doctor should ask her that what her job is about. If her work is related to the numbers or the figures such as an accountant, a financial staff or an auditor, it’s highly possible factor that cause her to dream about trouble in math examination.
Dana & McPhee, C. (2009). Common Dreams. Ask the Dream Doctor.
Retrieved August 5, 2009
Carmelita dream: A Response by Atipong

Carmelita described her dream that she dreamed 3 times where she visited and talked with her father. He seem happy and peaceful, but in the recent dream his father didn’t talk anything and seem upset and unhappy. After that, her mother became worse condition of illness.

The Dream Doctor mentioned that communication from the death mostly related to the specific events happen in the particular moment .That dream occurred prior to her mother’s worsening condition, therefor it seem like the source of dream was her mother’s illness which her father worried about.

First of all I would to say I do agree with the doctor because there is a lot of samples similar to this case, that the deceased came to warn people about the bad coming proceedings. In this case she dreamed before her mother has become worse condition ,so it is a logical reason to believe that her father concerned and came to warn her about her mother.


Jen & McPhee, C. (2009). Supernatural Dreams. Ask the Dream Doctor. Retrieved August 5, 2009 from

The great job of Mister Dream Doctor

Sandra has written to Dream Doctor because she suffers from lucid dream. According to her letter a few times when she was asleep, she dreamed with being awake. She felt, and she believes that happened, that she was walking around her bedroom. In her dream she tried to return to her bed and walked up, but she couldn’t control her own movements. After a while of failed disturbance tempts she could returned to her normal rest. She is not like a normal sleepwalker, she remember everything.
The answer from the Dream Doctor is really sad. Mister Dream Doctor founds Sandra’s sleep disorder very interesting, he calls her problem REM Behavior Disorder and he suggests that people who suffer from that illness has terrible accidents when they are asleep, so he sais that it is a good thing that Sandra has the possibility of being "awake" during her dreams because she can prevent her own accidents. Now, let me explain my point. What is wrong for me? First of all, I think that is quite difficult understand why people dreams with something if you don’t really know the person and your only knowledge about his life is a small letter. Second, and related with the firs point, here the doctor does his best, define a category for Sandra’s dream! But that action doesn’t really help her. I don’t believe that a medical name for a problem could resolve it. And I think Sara agrees with me, in her second letter she says that the Doctor give a great help to her. I like to think in that sentence like a nice irony. She says that now she knows that her problem is not a unique problem she doesn’t feel lonely anymore. Is like saying "because mostly of the people is afraid to the bullets, if I am in a gunshot I am not going to feel alone". Does it really matter?


Charles McPhee (2009). "Lucid Dreams. Ask the Dream Doctor"

Nice dream of a girl--Walking on water

I chose a great dream of one girl, and everyone may prefer to dream like this. It is about a girl whose pen name is "Walking on water". The main idea of her dream is that she was in some place and saw an ocean, then she though that if she has been able walk over the ocean, it would has been very nice, and then, she simultaneously walk over the water in her dream as soon as she though, so I think that it is such a great thing and might have fun, isn't it? The doctor said that it is very nice and beautiful dream, moreover, in her real life, some miracle has occurred since the strong heart that she has, and I agree with the doctor. If she strongly believe walking over the ocean is possible even in her dream, in her real life, she must successful in her work due to the strongly believe in her performance too.
Walking on water & McPhee, C. (2009). Lucid Dreams. Ask the Dream Doctor. Retrieved August 5, 2009 from

Jen's Dream: A Response by Peter

In the "Supernatural Dreams" section of the Dream Doctor, Jen describes a dream where a friend of hers comes back to visit her. It is not a pleasant dream. Jen's dead friend is threatening and unfriendly, which scares Jen, who is saved by her boyfriend.
The Dream Doctor's interpretation is that her dream means that Jen feels bad that she has continued to live when her friend died at the very young age of 22.
The first I wanted to know was how did Jen's friend die. Did she die a violent death? Was she killed in an accident? It surprised me that the Dream Doctor did not ask this because I think it is important. He does ask whether or not the friend died in a bathroom, but only as a note. This suggests that the Dream Doctor thinks that how Jen's friend died is not important, but I don't agree. I think it is very important.
I wrote the above before class this morning, but didn't have time to finish. The other thing that struck me as I was reading the Dream Doctor's reply to Jen was an error in his grammar. It isn't really serious, but I think he should have corrected it: the first sentence of the second paragraph of his reply is a statement, not a question, so it should end with a full stop, not a question mark. I thought the wrong punctuation made a long and complex sentence even more confusing. A couple of other mistakes were not important. Although I've commented on the grammar, I don't think you need to do that, and I wouldn't normally, but it struck me as an annoyance when I was reading his reply, so I decided to include a comment on it in my response.
It's also useful for your readers' to make the name of your source a link. Use the Link button on the blogger menu to insert a link to the web page. It's the button shown here on the right. I used it in my first sentence above and in my reference below. If you click on those links, the page on Ask the Dream Doctor that has Jen's letter and the Dream Doctor's interpretation will open.
Jen & McPhee, C. (2009). Supernatural Dreams. Ask the Dream Doctor. Retrieved August 4, 2009 from

Atipong Boonphupontonti(Joe)

August 05,2009
My usuual dream.

A long time ago,when I was youg i had had a weid dream.I dreamed
about an acienct war of Ayotaya kingdom.In my dream I were a captain
who lead my people to fight with enimeis.My men were shot by the arrows.
Many were dead but I didn't although I were shot by a lot of arrows.That
was abnormal,But It was funny so funny!I felt like I was in a Fantasy
movie,then I got up.
I think that dream have no meaning more than that it showed how I think or worried about at that time.There are not thing more.I have larnt about the machanicsm of brain to create dreams.Dreams is just a chamical reaction in brain to show memory of people.Therefor I think we can not use dream to predict any thing.

Tum's opinion about the dream's meaning

In my opinion, dreams is represent about happen in owner's dreams' mind that they still maintain and don't want other people to know about them. For example, If someone worry about your work, which can't be done by it's dead line, he or she will always dreams about their work. However, in Thailand or other, people often go to see predictor for ask them about their dreams. I think that is very ridiculous. How can another people know about your dreams or your mind better than yourself, so in my perspective, they should try to find by them self what their dreams mean, and they will know about something in their mind pretty well.
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My recurring dream (Peaw)

Yes. I have recurring dream in my dreams am in the dark place with my mother. But my mother was die 10 years ago, in my dreams my mother couldn't talk with me, so I try to talk with her and she doesn't response to me it really made me upset.

I think that dream means my mother still with me she didn't go anyway, she try to protect me. I told that dream to my father he just told me to go to the temple for offering the food to the monks. it will make me feel better.

Recurring dream

I never have an unusual or recurring dream but I think recurring dream is mean about some trouble or problem in our life.Everybody have many problems in life. For example problem about work, study, family,love etc. So a big problem that stick in you mind and you can't figure it out that is the cause of recurring dream. May be something that you scare when you was young (like a ghost).

Sad Honesty

I do not specific think that dreams have real meanings. I prefer to think that we dream with things that are not resolved in our daily life, and it is because of that a waste of time trying to revel the specific drama behinds our dreams.
But do not get me wrong, I am not saying that think in our dreams is a complete waste of time...only the usefulness Psychology tempt to give one universal answer to the particular problems in the world.
Actually, I found dreams quite interesting. They have the ability to bring to our lives the things we hide and even our deepest desires. One can lie oneself about ones feelings, but it is impossible to denied that a lot of things return to our minds over and over on the nights. So, the dreams can act like a judge who runs over our sense of honesty, they know with who we are dreaming about, they know what acts we are playing in our heads and even the things we desire the most. If the truth they show us is sad, unfortunately we can not accuse another people for our personal thoughts. Instead of complain ourselves we should use this sincerity help to resolve our daily life.
and enter your source reference citations here (If your post doesn't cite any sources, delete this entire section)

Kae on Dreams

Interpretation dreams by psychologist has both advantages and disadvantages. For the advantages, dreams can make you feel better and have more energy to do anything in your life when you wake up if it is a good dream. For example, I like David Beckham very much, then when I dream that I meet and have a dinner with him. After I wake up in the morning, I will feel happy and smile all day. Moreover, it can make me to thinking positive on the problem that I may have on the next day. On the other hand, there is also the disadvantage about dream interpretation. If I have a bad dream, it will make me feel bad when I wake up. Besides, I am possibly more worried and anxious about my dream. For instance, in Thai culture, Thai people believe that if you dream about the broken tooth, that means there will be some one in your family or people who you know will die soon. So, I try to ignore my bad dream if I think that it will interrupt my feeling.

Sign dream

Dreams for me is the sign to check your mind. As you know, our mind will correct every emotion from every happen in your life and if you keep thinking about something or some happened in your life, you don't let it pass, it could be come to your dreams.When you sleep with worry, your sleep won't be deep sleep and it is not good because your body can't rest completely. So whenever I have dreams,I will try to get out all unnecessary staff from my head. Caution! to check that your dream is a sign or not, you have to observe your feeling when you wake up that are you fresh or you feel tried. If you feel tried, that's the sign to purify your mind.

The way to purify your are many. First one is relax your self by any ways. For example, taking your pet for a walk, going to temple, exercising and etc. Second, pray

A fantastic dream

Assignment 1 : Exercise D Response writing
August 5,2009

Describe an unusual or recurring dream that you have had. Explain what you think it means.

When I was young, I had a fantastic dream. I am sleeping in my bedroom
and I wake up to sit near my bed. I see the picture which has the image
of buddha in the wall and around of the number.
Suddenly, I woke up and told my dream to my mother.
Then, tomorrow morning she went to buy the lottery that
has the two last number as same as I told her from my dream.
on the annouced lottery date,My mom saidWe won the lottery
and got the money. It sound fantastic!!
In my opinion, I think it is unbelieveable and the dream happen
after I go to the temple around 2 -3 temples in one day.

Peter on Dreams

Do dreams have meaning? I don't think so. At least, I don't think that dreams have meaning in the same way that our consciously created sentences, symbols and art have meaning. They have meaning because we intend to give them meaning, but when we dream, there is no intention. My own dreams are created by my brain, but I'm not creating them, and they don't have any intended meaning. Of course, the brain asleep is still the same brain that creates our mind, our self-awareness and our intentions when we are awake, so it's not surprising that some of the same functions are continued when we are asleep. And some of those functions might be working on bits of problems that we were thinking about during our waking hours, so it sometimes happens that dreams relate to things that we have been doing or thinking. For example, there are cases where scientists have got the answers to problems in dreams. The most famous example I can think of is Kekule, who discovered the hexagonal arrangement of carbon atoms in benzene molecules. He said this answer to the problem he was working on came to him in a dream.
This does sound like Kekule's dream had meaning, but did it? I think a part of his brain was continuing to work on the problem as he slept, and he was lucky that he woke up and remembered the answer. It acquired meaning when the awake and conscious Kekule gave it meaning; until then it was a meaningless dream that might have disappeared without trace, as most dreams do. At least, most of my dreams disappear and I never remember them. I sometimes remember for a few seconds after waking that I was dreaming, and maybe even about what, but by the time I brush my teeth, most of my dreams are gone forever, and I think I don't even remember most dreams for a few seconds. They are like little ripples that are never seen, heard or recorded by anyone. And it probably doesn't matter.