Sunday, 30 August 2009

The color is no longer an excuse

One of the social constructions that causing me major inconvenience is the concept of the existence of races to the interior of the mankind. It is worrying that, after the systematic efforts that the 20th century did to demonstrate the terrible of the racism, the definition of the different world populations for colors continues being one of the anthropologic mistakes constantly practiced. When I read the title of Nina Jablonski's chat "Breaking the illusion of skin color" it made me happy to know that this "misunderstanding" could be approached with arguments of the biology world.

In disagreement with the ideas of Charles Darwin in "The Descent Man" and by means of the scientific advances of last century Nina Jablonski can define the pigmentation of the skin as an evolutionary adjustment that protected the immunological system of the human species against the adverse effects of the solar radiations. It was the melanin, substance that pigments the epidermis, which preserved intact the immune system of the first hominids in Africa of the severe solar radiations. The later migrations led to hominids of dark skins to other regions less affected by the solar beams and provoked new modifications in the pigmentation of the skin. Jablonski mentions at least three modifications in the pigmentation of the skin of our species, each of which needed a period of adjustment. The changes produced by the communications at present put end to these processes, the acceleration of the migrations is responsible for the persons' accession with dark pigmentations in places of low solar radiations and vice versa. And Jablonski notices on the harmful effects of these changes, as much in the persons of clear skins as those populations of dark skins who live in regions near to the Poles.
When I listened to the reasoning and the proofs offered by Jablonski to establish that the color of the skin is an effect of the evolution, I was happy to know that the science is capable of demonstrating the foolishness of attributing different capacities between the ethnic groups. But after a second of happiness, for finding a scientific argument to illuminate the discussions on the races, a new question arose: is it possible that the people forget the differences? It is possible that the people stop they look for values in the differences? One of the phenomena that would be interesting to understand scientific is the discrimination trend that characterizes the behavior of the human race, the historical valuation of the proper group as the norm that governs the world and the invention of scales of value to catalogue the differences as if the life was a race for the accumulation of virtues or faults. It is sad, but it seems to be that when the color stops being the problem because our racism does not resist the proofs of the science, we are going to have the great idea of looking for another measure that defines our superiority. Because of it, it would be interesting to recognize which is the part of our genetic load that generates the idea of superiority of the castes and why the evolution preserves intact this "not nice" function.

Jablonski, N. (speaker). (2009, August 7). Nina Jablonski breaks the illusion of skin color. Retrieved August 30, 2009 from

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