Tuesday 21 June 2011

A hammock to sleep a nap please!

What a night! If I can only have a nap this afternoon I can manage to study all the day and memories what I studied. That is a good idea as some researches prove quality nap is a way to reinforce learning and memory. And, what about to improve my nap rocking me? Scientists seem it is a good idea.

Quality nap is a way to reinforce learning and memory when we can not boost them by a full night’s sleep, according with Dr Derk-jan Dijk, from the Sleep Research Centre at the University of Surrey, after study two comparative group of persons during a day and the next morning, one group can not sleep during the day and the other is authorise to sleep one hour or ninety minutes nap, then he applies learning and memories tests. The people who slept naps have better scores. He warns that "We should not conclude that we can do with just a nap”, “Sleep is useful for more things than just these particular tests” but "Other research has suggested that people given six hours of sleep a night over a sustained period find it extremely detrimental."[1].

According to Sophie Schwartz and Michel Mühlethaler of the University of Geneva, Switzerland and their team, rocking helps to sleep profoundly. They studied 10 men having two kinds of naps, 45 minutes nap without rocking in a static bed, and 45 minutes nap in a rocking bed. The men who slept 45 minutes rocking nap, they fall sleep in only 4 minutes faster than the other group that represents about 30 to 40 percent faster than the others. They also had a better quality sleep. They stayed 25 to 30 per cent more in a deep stage of sleep a person can rich in a nap. In this stage a person improves his memory and “insulation from noise disturbance”.[2]

Take a nap is healthy way to be alertness to study, when occasionally you can not sleep at night, and the best way is if we can be rock. Why not in a hammock? What about to have hammocks to rent in the spas close to the place you study or work. Is not a good idea? A good business? And a good public health action?


[1] Retrieve Monday, 20 June, 2011 from


Last Updated: Monday, 23 June, 2003, 09:40 GMT 10:40 UK

[2]Retrieve Monday, 20 June, 2011 from


Updated 17:59 20 June 2011 by Andy Coghlan

Journal reference: Current Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2011.05.012


  1. One good thing about taking buses in Bangkok is that the bus can give you a full rock for a good nap. I have always fallen asleep on the bus as long as I got the seat, and I also found that sleeping in the bus is really refreshing. However, I wonder if others have such a good feeling. Some of my friends told me that they can sleep well only on a calm bed, not on some rocking stuff. So maybe the number of samples might not enough to yield a very conclusive result. Some people might sleep well on a rocking place while some might prefer sleep calmly on a fixed bed.

  2. I have heard this kind of study when I attended physiology class. My friends and I did believe the advantages of taking a nap during the day at that time; therefore, we tried taking a nap in our the exam period. We think that a nap would be benefit to our memory and thinking process, but we didn't have time to take any nap anymore when our test came. From my experience, it does work to help your brain and memory because I always feel fresh and ready to learn everything after waking up a nap. Besides, if you want to try taking a nap, I would like to suggest you to do it after having a meal. It would be easier and no need to have a lot of effort to force yourself to sleep. I think some people have an automatic sleep immediately especially in classroom, bedroom, or somewhere which is silent and have a good air flow.

    In addition, I do agree with P'Liu that some people cannot sleeping on rock stuff but some can. Because my mother never sleep on any hard surface area but my father can sleep everywhere even very rock.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree with Milk that taking a nap has plenty advantages. For normal people,the best time to takeing a nap is during 2pm- 5pm approximately 30 minuties.It can help us to improve memory and learning,because it makes us feel fresh and it can reduce stress.For someone who has insomnia problems,they should take a nap ten times a day.I remembered when I was in secondary school, I didn't sleep for three days. At that day time, I had to go to my class. So,during the break time, I took a very shortly nap.However,it made me feel better.

  5. No Milk, what I mean is the shaking place, not the hard surface.

  6. Oh! P'Liu, i'm sorry about that. I mean hard surface...


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