Friday 21 November 2014

Immigration reform good for whom

Obama has given importance in immigration reform since he campaigned in 2008. After he was been voted to US president, the immigration reform was ignored due he has given more importance to Health care system. Today he plan about immigration reform seriously.

According to BBC News's "Barack Obama enforces US immigration overhaul," Obama want to reform immigration law by immigrants who has been living illegally in the US apply for work permits even his plan was protested by some American and Republican and Congress. Finally he announced executive orders and bypass congress on immigration reform Amendment.

Even immigration reform policy will not offer citizenship or all of the same benefits as Americans such as Obama care food stamp, this policy will gain many profits to American economic, for example increase GDP, increase the employment wage. Changing illegal labors into legal labors will made national employment wage increase because nowadays many employers employ illegal employee in low wage, plus these illegal employee haven’t paid tax to US government. If these illegal labors become to legal labors and pay tax to government, it will able to increase national government money instead of spending much government money to arresting, imprisonment these illegal labors. Moreover this policy is good for Obama because almost of illegal labors are Latino who is Obama’s voting base, I think this policy was thought as a one of campaigns for his next election.

Although this policy sounds good, Obama passed it without the consent of Congress that is irreverent action to parliament that sound like Obama give more importance to Latino than legal process. Then there are many illegal labors were deported from USA, they don’t have opportunity to become legal labors and coming to USA again is more difficult because border security policy is stronger. They have to live far away from their families in USA; this policy is not fair for them. Does it mean announce amnesty for illegal immigrants who still living in USA now? Why don’t announce amnesty for people who were deported from USA?

Barack Obama enforces US immigration overhaul. (2014, November 21). BBC News US & Canada. Retrieved from


  1. Although I'm not entirely sure whether Thip thinks Obama did the right thing or not in using an executive order to legalize the situation of many illegal immigrants in the US, I do agree that that will be good for the US economy. I also think it's the morally right thing to do, although like Thip, I have some worries about the legal means to Obama's good end.

    Thailand should learn from this and change its own antiquated and exclusionary immigration policies. It is extremely difficult for foreigners to become Thai citizens, and this harms Thai society. As usual, its a small, racist group who want to keep all power to themselves who made the unjust Thai laws that support their xenophobia. Were foreigners allowed to more easily become Thai citizens, they would bring new thinking into politics as well as to business.

    And that reminds me that Thailand would also be greatly benefited were foreign businesses allowed to operate with much greater freedom - that would again be good for the Thai nation and the Thai people, except for the tiny groups of elites who hate fair and open free market competition, so make up false claims about the need to "protect" farmers, or Thai ways and Thai culture to excuse their refusal to allow Thai farmers to make free market choices as to how to use their own land, including selling it to foreigners at fair market prices, instead of to greedy rich Thai people at artificially lower prices.

    Like the US, my own country, Australia, is made up of immigrants, and that has been a very good thing. Sadly, many white Australians of European descent are also racist and don't want to share the wealth with others. They are wrong, and generally Australian governments the last half century have not followed the wishes of that ugly majority prejudice, although the current Prime Minister does seem inclined to listen to their bad reasoning about immigration.

    If a majority of Americans are against greater immigration from Mexico and elsewhere, then Obama was right to lead by acting against their ugly prejudices.

    1. And thank you Thip for a most thoughtful and thought provoking blog post in response to the BBC News article "Barack Obama enforces US immigration overhaul".

  2. Although some suspisions occur becasue of timing of Obama's reform plan, it seems to be good for US people. I'm supprised that the US president has a powerful method such as an excutive order which don't need consent of congress in the democratic country.

    1. Unlike Katie, I wasn't surprised at the president's use of an executive order, but like her and the Republican's, it does worry me. That doesn't seem like a healthy way for a democracy to be deciding such important issues.

      But the Republican's outrage also seems to me a bit dishonest. Obama has used executive orders far less then Republican presidents have on average, and if they really think it so awful, they could have, and I think should have, taken steps to make it much more difficult for presidents to do such things when they were the US government. But the presidents Bush were very fond of executive orders and did nothing to stop their use. In fact, they made it more common. Obama has actually been very restrained in his use of executive orders to bypass congress. But much as I agree with what he has done on this occasion, the means he used does worry me. I would have been much happier had the US Congress, representing the US people, passed the laws.

  3. I also think that this refrom policy sounds good for U.S.economy and illegal immigrants, but I wonder if this policy can really solve the serious immigration issue fundamentally.

    I'm so ignorant about Japanse immigrant system that I am now motivated to do some research on that even though there are much fewer Iimmigrants coming to Japan.


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