Tuesday 18 November 2014

Responding to "Orangutans" - 1

We've just done the reading and most exercises that make up Part 1 of chapter 2 of Quest 3 (Hartmann & Blass, 2014, pp. 46 - 50). In the their final exercise in this part of "Physical Anthropology", Hartmann and Blass ask us to share our own ideas on three more general questions arising from the reading. We are going to do this as a series of short response writings.
  • Should art galleries sell an orangutan's art? Why or why not? Who should get the money? (p. 50, D., 1)
Think about this question for perhaps 30 seconds and then write down your responses in a comment below. You have five minutes. 

Hartmann, P. & Blass, L. (2007). Quest 3 Reading and Writing. New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. Since Nonja is being well cared for by the zoo, I think it is reasonable that they sell her paintings. Nonja does seem to enjoy her paintings, but the reading doesn't say that she feels very attached to them as her possessions, so their removal for sale probably doesn't cause her any pain or violate any right to property that a human author might have.

    I think that selling the work of orangutans such as Nonja and of other animals is OK under similar conditions. But if the animals are abused, treated badly, or forced to "create" art, that would seem to me morally suspect, unlike in Nonja's case where all seem to benefit from the zoo selling her work and using the income to support the zoo's activities of caring for the animals.

    On the other hand, I haven't had much time to think this through and might change my mind by the time I get back home. No problem - I can add a reply to this comment to contradict it if I need to.

  2. Orangutan art in a worth art. In Austria the is an orangutan at the zoo that her paintings are selling for about $300. One time, one of her paintings was selling in much more more to collect money for preservation of Orangutans, Yes galleries of art should sell orangutans paintings because they can earn money and it is a special and unique painting.
    The money has to be divide to the gallery and to the protection of Orangutas

  3. yes,art galleries should sell their art.Because they deserved to get money from their potential. the money that they ve give wil be donate in a foundation of the Orangutang.

  4. IN my opinion, I think art galleries should not sell an orangutan's art because according copyright law an an orangutan's art orangutan is not a owner even it has draw this art since it is a animal not human it doesn't have any right like human have. And art galleries is not a owner of this orangutan and they also did not draw this art. So this art is a work in public domain. Public should have right to get the any profit from an orangutan's art instead.

    1. I think art galleries can selll other artist's art work. It's a kind of agency's role. If the orangutan's owner sell the paintings and use the money for other things not related with orangutans, is it right?

  5. The art galleries should sell an orangutan's art when the money use to orangutan. It could be helpful for raising attention of people to endangered orangutans. So, the painter, orangutan, come to have the money.

    1. I understand your point but I think if the zoo practice Nonja cruelty; control Nonja has to draw 10 or more than that per each day. It a abuse of right. nonetheless the galleries is not a owner of that painting according the copyright law. they are breaking the law.

    2. Why do you think they treated cruelty?If you think that why do Nonja willingly to do the picture everyday?If the gallery is not the owner of the art painting ,who is the right person to own?I dont know they have the law to protect the right of the animal please give me more idea.Thank you very much

    3. I like your idea. Selling an orangutan's art could be helpful to get more people'a attention and also give them a chance to know that orangutan are endangered.

  6. Yes, I agree to sell an orangutan's art because it so cute and can sell a lot of money and this money can help some chairty or some poor school.

  7. I think that they should sell an orangutan's art because it is quite impressive and interesting and it might attract some people.
    The money gained from the selling can be donated to the groups to protect them from poarching and make their habitat better since the number of them is decreasing.

    1. It was a very kind of you to think about orthers first.You have a n idea to garuntee for an orangutan s life.And I agree whit your idea.

  8. As I ve read a story of Nonja that she is an artistic orangutan ,it was satisfied my feeling very much.If her caretaker treated her sincerely it is very lucky to Nonja and she seems to be satisfy.I agree to this point that If the garally have to sell thier art it is fair.Because if someone use a lot of time to teach an animal like orangutan to created picture or special art it is impression and cute.But behind this successful you must think that the money you ve got from this is valuable.It is fairable to think of them first and donated all of the money to protect orangutans in the wild.

    1. I like Jum's idea that "it is very lucky to Nonja" that "her caretaker treated her sincerely." A lot of animals kept in zoos have often been treated very cruelly, sometimes deliberately and sometimes simply because the caretakers did not know how to treat them properly. I guess ignorance might make bad treatment understandable, but it does not make it OK. I can also understand why most (every?) human society once kept slaves, but they were all morally wrong to do that.


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