Monday 7 December 2015

Provisional proposition - Peter (1) - legalize all drugs

Provisional proposition - Peter (1) 

In the academic writing exercise that is part 5 of chapter 7 of Quest, "Medicine and Drugs: Addictive Substances," Pamela Hartmann asks us to answer one of the questions on pages 224 and 227 (2007).  
  • I have chosen to answer the question:  
     What can be done about the problem of drug addiction? (p. 227) 
  • My provisional proposition is: 
     The sale and use of all illicit drugs should be legalized.  
Briefly, I think this is one effective solution (there might be others) because:
  •   It will increase tax revenue. 
  • It will save money on policing costs. 
  • It will reduce corruption. 
  • It will reduce drug related crime, especially violent crime. 
  • Saved money can be used for education, rehabilitation and health care. 
  • It will not increase drug use rates, and may in fact lower them. 
  • It's also morally right - but this is not one of my supporting reasons, which are all solidly practical. 
Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

1 comment:

  1. I've used Hartmann's proposition in her example persuasive paragraph on page 227 for my proposition here.
    I tried to copy and paste, but I think I can support a more general and stronger proposition than Hartmann does in her one paragraph answer - I have a full essay in which to persuade you that my proposition is right.

    I added (1) to the title because I might also propose an answer to one of Hartmann's other questions.

    So, do you agree with me and Hartmann? We are especially interested in your reasons if you think we are wrong.


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