In the academic writing exercise that is part 5 of chapter 7 of Quest, "Medicine and Drugs: Addictive Substances," Pamela Hartmann asks us to answer one of the questions on pages 224 and 227 (2007).
- I have chosen to answer the question:
What should be done about women who drink alcohol or take drugs when they are pregnant?
- My provisional proposition is:
Pregnant women who have positive tests for drugs and alcohol should be arrested and prosecuted for tormenting babies.
- New born babies will be protected from the impact of drugs and alcohol.
- It will decrease the numbers of drug-abusing mothers.
- It will decrease the numbers of drug-affected babies.
- The government will save money that could be spent for taking care of disable people who were harmed by the effects of drugs when they were fetuses.
- A fetus should be considered as a child, so a mother is responsible for its life.
Having just written the essay that supports my proposition on the smoking question, I'm also thinking of answering this one. Tan's proposition is very different to the one I have in mind, so her suggested supporting reasons, at least a couple which oppose my proposition, are very useful.