Provisional proposition - Peter (3) - nurture persons first
In the academic writing exercise that is part 5 of chapter 7 of Quest, "Medicine and Drugs: Addictive Substances," Pamela Hartmann asks us to answer one of the questions on pages 224 and 227 (2007).
- I have chosen to answer the question:
What should be done about women who drink alcohol or take drugs when they are pregnant?
- My provisional proposition is:
Public health authorities should encourage women who are addicted to or have used significant amounts of drugs, especially alcohol, during early pregnancy to have an abortion.
- it is better for the continuing life of the mother
- it reduces the social problems of unmarried mothers
- it reduces crime and other social problems
- it reduces children growing up in bad situations
- it prevents a needlessly awful life being inflicted on a child
- it saves the public money in ongoing health and other costs
- although it kills a human being, it harms no person
Not sure I'll have time to actually write this essay; I am sure there is some disagreement.