Wednesday 13 November 2019

Can AQ guarantee your bright future?

Introduction and summary

According to, "Is 'AQ' more important than intelligence?", it was believed that IQ is used to estimate a possibility to succeed in career path, and use EQ to see a chance of being successful in many parts of life. And now, AQ is considered as another important ability that might be able to guarantee your successful future. The writer said it is being searched from candidates more and more now in the hiring process to estimate their ability and capacity to learn new things, to be adaptable and to do troubleshooting because nowadays technology has changed processes in many jobs rapidly and if we aren't willing to learn what algorithm can't do, we will lose jobs to automation.


Response: What is your opinion?

I think this article is very interesting, despite how hard to summarize it within 120 words, and I am very thankful to the writer of BBC for publishing this article that gave me an answer to my curiosity about a promotion after the evaluation period in my company, and this is enough for me to nod my head to agree with. In the article, it said Adaptability Quotient or AQ is not only an ability to absorb new information but also included a willingness to learn, to change, to challenge and get through the hard time of solving many problems, which is hard to see in some people even though they are adult to is working to live. 

The reason why I am thinking like that is, every time, when my boss gives the staff an order to change process in their works, some of them will ask back directly "Can't we do with the same process as we did before?", it is not "Why did you decide to change the process to this one?". Some of you might disagree with me and think that they are not that different because it gave an impression of disagreement with the order. In my opinion, these two questions are not the same question, because one indirectly shows that they show that they don't want to know what is the reason behind the change, there is none of the curiosity, no sign of the will to learn new things and change. But another one shows that they might not want to change, but they are still opening their mind to consider the reason behind the new process was chosen, which mean there is a possibility to change their mind and try. And of course, their evaluation's result which was reflected from their performance is totally different even though we are working in the same office. Because they consider how you questioning and how you state your opinion too, and if your opinion or your question did not show your ability of adaptation to increase your knowledge, it can give negative-impression which affect the result of the evaluation, and close the door from getting promotion to a higher level too.


Question for your classmates

Which quotient do you think is more important to assure you that your career future will be successful, IQ or AQ?

1 comment:

  1. This is might not a good excuse, but I am sorry in advance that I might not conclude this opinion (and lots of explanation is needed) because I had very short time to do it.


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