Tuesday 26 November 2019

The true love of the orphan girl


Daddy long legs tells the story of an orphan girl name Judy Abbott who was adopted by wealthy man the man that she had only seen his shadow that has very long legs so she calls him “daddy long legs”.Judy always gets help from him whether scholarships and luxury clothes, which make Judy love him so much. The way that she contacts him is to write a letter. Judy has met with him whereas she doesn’t know who is he but when she got to know him better it make she fall in love with him. But when she knows the truth who is he and he is sick it makes she decided to marry him as his request.



I choose this story because the story is romantic and the story runs uninterrupted, that I can watch or read continuously. My favourite version is the Japanese animation version because the cartoon characters have beautiful lines with cute and bright characters. Therefore, when I am watching the animation it can relieve my stress. And the reason why I got to know the daddy long legs novels is because most of the time, during the semester break, I spend time watching various cartoons, animations, and various Japanese anime until I come across with the anime name daddy long legs that adapted from a novel written by Jean Webster With the Nippon animation studio is the creator And after I watched the animation I have a chance to read the story from the novel so I was fascinated by the romance story of this novel.

    What I have learned from reading and praising daddy long legs is useful English vocabulary and idioms, including allowing me conscious of the difficulties and struggles Of orphans in the society. Therefore, daddy longlegs is one of the novels that I recommend for readers and those who like romance as a stress reliever and to inspire life.



What do you think the orphans have to face in society?


  1. I was wishing that Mod had written a bit more about the trials that orphans have to face in society. That would have given me a bit more to respond to here. But I'm sure others can fill in a bit about the difficulties faced. In fact, one of my oldest Thai friends is an orphan, although his parents didn't die, but abandoned him because they were poor. He has worked hard to improve his life and make it better for his own family, but it certainly was not easy for him, and Thai society does not seem very kind, compassionate or at all helpful to people in such desperate situations. I think some of the ugly economic inequality in Thai soceity reflects this, for example that Thailand is the most unequal country on Earth, with a greedy 1% of the richest people owning an amazing 67% of the nation's wealth.

    (I got a bit off Mod's topic, but in our discursive writing here on our class blog, that's OK.)

  2. I have heard about this story before but never really try it because I am so weak with romantic movie or animation.
    Anyway, to answer mod's question, I think many orphans have to face many difficulties in life. For example, 4 basic needs, of coursed, they can purchase it by their own budget. But it is still not enough and they have to wait for donation so the children can eat better foods and wear better clothes which made me feel sad a bit. So I try to support them more often when I can as, donate some money, or gather books those my friends and I do not read anymore to give them, also feed them some good foods on a special day like on the children's day.

    1. As I read Aom's response, I had a question: should the orphans have to wait for help from donations? Why doesn't the government help them? And why don't the super-rich people help the desperately poor who don't have parents? Actually, it turns out I had more than one question.

      In the US, people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet set a very good example of philanthropy. Gates has given away about a third of his fortune, $30 billion dollars, to help society and others, and he deserved his fortune because he did not merely inherit it when someone died. He worked hard to create value for others, such as myself, who happily paid him for the tools he created, such as MS Windows, Office and so on.

      Perhaps taxes on the fortunes of people when they die should be much higher so that the government has more money available to help the very poor and unlucky. I think orphans are unlucky; it is not their fault that they don't have parents.


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