Sunday 4 April 2021

Gubgib: an introduction in three parts

A book, film, or TV series enjoyed

Back in 2010 I was really excited to see Disney princesses since I had grown up watching them, but this Disney princess is different from the others. This princess is Rapunzel from the movie called “Tangled”. When I watched it for the first time, I was really surprised that the Disney animation had  changed because of the new technology they used. Tangled is the first Disney Princess which is a digital 3-D film. All the characters and background look totally different from the older princess. In addition, the details such as flowers and animals are so beautiful that they make every scene charming and I cannot take my eyes off the screen.

 Moreover, I was impressed again by the story which Disney has created in a new version of Rapunzel, I watched Rapunzel in a Barbie version when I was young, but Disney’s version is completely different, and I enjoyed it more. I will not talk about the original of the brothers Grimm that is too scary for me, so I decided to believe in Disney’s version only. If you think the princess is about beauty, dancing, a prince or something like that, you are wrong. The adventure scene of Rapunzel is so exciting and cannot be predicted. Besides the story, the soundtrack is also good. The most famous song is “I see the light,” which  won the 54th Grammy award, in the lantern scene.

I really enjoyed this movie and I want to recommend it to people. This princess movie is not for girls or kids only, everyone can watch and enjoy it whoever you are. After watching it for the first time, I became a fan of Rapunzel. If you want to watch a movie to entertain, I hope Tangled will be one of your choices. Maybe you will enjoy it like me.   



And a book, film or TV series not enjoyed 

I hardly watch Thai TV series or films. I do not mean they are not good, but I am more into Korean series. In 2016 while I was scrolling my Twitter feed, I found a tweet that recommenced a Thai comedy TV series called “Diary of Tootsies”. This TV series is the story of a group of friends, which is three gays and one lesbian, who are heartbroken on the same day and vow to find their soulmates before the New Year. In each episode they show me about their friendship. This series has become famous by quotes from the dialog and people bring it to their life. For example, the word “At-ta-rod” means funny in slang”. I really enjoyed it and watched all the episodes in both seasons.

In 2019, the producer team announced they would make a movie which is related to Diary of Tootsies called “Tootsies & The Fake”, so I wanted to watch it. However, I did not enjoy watching it. I might set too high expectations because I am really watching the series version of it. About the story, I think they are pressing the joke to make the dialog famous as happened before. It made some jokes not work, and the plot can be guessed, which  make it quite boring, and in the movie it has a rape scene in a funny way which is I do not like the most. I think rape is not a joke to make fun with, and showing it in the movie might be a model for some children to follow.

Even though I do not enjoy watching it, I watched it till the end. Overall, the movie is not that bad. It can make you laugh and forget the time or if you want to watch something to entertain you, this movie suits you. You may love it instead of me. 


A regular habit 

My regular habit when I stay at home is to start in the morning. It always begins with having breakfast while I am scrolling my twitter feed to update the trends in Thailand, and as I am a big fan of k-pop, I always check their news on twitter. My first meal cannot be done if I do not drink a glass of milk. I do not drink coffee because it is still too bitter for me.Then I usually surf on the internet. After I turn on the computer and wait for it to be ready, I always go to the kitchen to fill a bottle of water and take it with me to the computer.  

When the computer and a bottle of water are ready, I start surfing the internet and visit websites by steps. First, I begin with Facebook to check the notification and message, I prefer to use it on the web than on mobile. Then I scroll the feed for about 15 minutes to find something interesting. Then I visit YouTube to watch some videos. I mostly watch about baking bakery like cakes and cookies, k-pop song performances and these days I like watching machines making dessert because I think it is amazing and It is hard to see it in my real life. I spent most of my time with YouTube. It is more than an hour.

Recently I started learning English at AUA, so Gmail is the third website I always visit these days to check my homework and in case it has something I need to prepare before the class and for sure I do homework after that. I try to finish homework (if any) before noon because my family has lunch on time at midday. Then, I turn off the computer to have lunch. These are my regular habits in the morning. 
                                                machine making cake video


  1. I am also a fan of Rapunzel in a Barbie version. I thought I would not watch Tangled because the storyline might be the same but after I watched the trailer of Tangled, I changed my mind. At least her mother-in-law is not as bad as the Barbie version because we see that Rapunzel grows up to be a good girl, that means she must receive love from someone during growing up. This is much better than the Barbie version and her character is more funny. I am also impressed that another Disney princess dreams to find true love but Rapunzel is different. She aims to go out of the tower and see the world. I also do not like novels from Brother of Grimm. After my first reading of their novels, which are the original version before the adaptation of Walt Disney, I felt like it stopped my childhood dream and felt thankful for Walt Disney for all of the adaptations.

  2. I enjoyed reading about Gubgib's morning routine, which is similar to the relaxed start to the day that I like for myself, with a large cup of strong coffee, but the short introduction I most liked was her reflections on Rapunzel. Rapunzel seems to have evolved a bit from the story I remember being told by my parents decades ago, which was already a somewhat nicer version than the Grimm's brothers version. I haven't seen the Disney version, which seems a bit more like the bright fairy tale version of my childhood. That story was very short: it was in thin book with lots of large, colourful pictures, and my mother or aunts could read in a very short time. If it's now grown into Disney film, a lot more detail must have been added.

  3. I also enjoy watching 'Tangled', as it is fun and it makes me laugh. I agree with you that Disney's Rapunzel is better than the other version. I really like that way Disney transformed the character of Rapunzel, as it made the princess become an independent woman--that is impressed me. I would heard many people criticized Disney that it created a wrong notion toward females. I mean those people said that the animation studio produced an idea that female would be dependent and incapable. In the previous versions of Disney's princess animations, those princess cannot help themselves and they have to wait for princes to help them. However, in real life, women are stronger and capable of doing anything.


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