Thursday 8 December 2016

Critical thinking on "Feeling the Heat" - Skillful 3, p40

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On page 39, we read the article "Feeling the Heat"; again following the advice not only of Jennifer Bixby and Jamie Scanlon (2013), the authors of Skillful Reading and Writing 3, but also of Harvard's Stephen Pinker, we want to practice reading critically. What do we think about the ideas we have just read?

  • Can we expand on the ideas? 
  • How do they apply to our own experience? 


As usual, Bixby and Scanlon give some specific questions to help us develop our critical thinking skills (p. 40).
  • What are some other dangerous jobs or types of jobs that require people to risk their lives? Why do you think some people choose dangerous jobs?
  • Kevin Lynch says that an important skill for firefighters is to be able to "stay calm when things are falling apart."
    Do you have this skill? Give examples to explain why or why not. If you don't have this skill, do you know someone else who does? 
For ten minutes, write down your ideas in response to these questions. 

Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful reading & writing: Student's book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. Philosophers have dangerous jobs. The pattern is set by Socrates, who was killed by order of the law courts of democratic Athens because his freely stated ideas upset the powerful people of that state. More recently, philosopher Peter Singer received death threats when he moved to the US to take up a position at Princeton University. Arguably the most influential moral philosopher now living, Singer's ideas related to animal rights and how they connect with human rights upset some conservative Americans that they wanted to kill Singer! This reminds me of the same sort of bad thinking that leads some people to want to ban books.

    But on the whole, most philosophers today are probably not in such grave danger.

    Do I stay calm when things are falling apart? My reaction is usually anger or panic. If it's not too serious, I tend to get angry, which is not usually a helpful habit, but at least it makes me act. If the situation is really serious, like losing control of the car I was driving at age 17, panic sets in, but my panic in such situations tend to be very calm - and the shock comes later. I didn't kill myself of anyone when that alarming accident, or near accident, occurred. There have been a couple of other situations in my life where my reaction was similar: I'm panicking, but surprise myself at how calmly I appear to be coping. My appearance of calm is not a true reflection of what I'm feeling.

  2. Another dangerous job that require people to risk is labor job in construction area. I think that they do this job because they don't have too much chance to choose. Moreover, this may be the easiest job to get. That's why they need to do this job.

    Although Kevin Lynch says that an important skill for firefighters is to be able to "stay calm when things are falling apart", it's a difficult skill for me because I always automatically frightened when I face with a dangerous situation which sometime make me annoyed very much.

  3. What are some other dangerous jobs or types of jobs that require people to risk their lives? Why do you think some people choose dangerous jobs?
    I am think about pilots. This type of job is risk to lives because if he/she made only a mistake, It could effect to plane accident whether he/she die or not. It causes the risk to his/her life. If he/she have still be alive after the accident, he have to be investigated and proof him/her wrong. He/She need to be in a jail.
    I think most people want to be pilot because it is a well-paid job and they love to travel.

    Kevin Lynch says that an important skill for firefighters is to be able to "stay calm when things are falling apart."

    Do you have this skill? Give examples to explain why or why not. If you don't have this skill, do you know someone else who does?
    I think sometimes I do, but most of the time I don't. I think it is really good skill when you can stay clam in the serious situation. I know someone who is really good at this skill. He is my old boss. He can drill with my emergency situations with calmness for instance when we got a well problem, when we have an injury incident, or when he has to make immediately the presentation to other people without preparation.

  4. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers are included in dangerous jobs. They are not only risk their lives they have a lot of people lives in their hands also when they fly up. I think that people choose dangerous jobs with many different reasons it can be because they need money or they love to do.

    I don't think I have the skill of staying clam in a rush hour but when I think back to the past when one of my building in elementary school was on fire. We were having lunch at that time then 10 later everyone was running out of the school. I was one of a few people who left behind because I had no idea what happened until my teacher came back and grabbed me with her. All I could think of at the time is that I was starving and had to waited in nearby school for hours for my dad to pick me up. In contrast, now I've grown and be able to know such situations quickly so I'm sure if I can handle well in dangerous situations or not.

  5. What are some other dangerous jobs or types of jobs that require people to risk their lives? Why do you think some people choose dangerous jobs?
    Personally, I think they would like to help sufferer from many disasters. they think that are important missions and they get delights from their practices.

    Kevin Lynch says that an important skill for firefighters is to be able to "stay calm when things are falling apart."
    Do you have this skill? Give examples to explain why or why not. If you don't have this skill, do you know someone else who does?
    Yes, I have skill for stay calm when I suffer excited dangerous situations. I usually look something to go out from dangerous such as fire exit doors, life jackets and lifeboat. When unexpected situation happen, I can help myself.

  6. There are policemen and soldiers that are jobs require people to risk their lives. Some people want to prevent community or society from hazards and also protect their beloved, in my opinion.

    Regarding to Kevin's state that "stay clam when things are falling apart" for firefighters' skills, it means to stay clam when they are in dangers, which I thought. I will have this skill,but not much. When I am in a haphazard situation, I sometimes lose control to make decision. Unfortunately, I have never met that situations.


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