Tuesday 13 December 2016

Movement - Skillful Reading & Writing 3, p47

Skillful 3, page 47
Source background
On page 47 of our text, Bixby and Scanlon introduce the topic of movement, which is again the title of of the unit. As usual, they open with a large photograph and some discussion points.

Think about these questions for 30 seconds and then respond in a comment.
  • Look at the photo. Why do some birds migrate?
  • What other animals migrate? What animals migrate to or from your country?
  • What human activities can disrupt or interfere with animal movement? 
Don't copy and paste the questions. This is response writing.
You have 10 minutes.  Go!

Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful reading & writing: Student's book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. I'm not sure what Australian animals migrate internationally. It would have to be birds, because the only other option is to swim. But now that I think of it, there are animals that swim around Australia.

    When I was a child, we used to go to watch the whales off Byron Bay. It was a bit boring actually because we were so far away that they were very small. I knew that they were massive animals, but they just didn't look that impressive from a distance. These whales only came at certain times of the year, and as I later learned from documentaries on TV, they were migrating. They still come to the same place and people still go to see them every year. In fact, there used to be whaling ships supporting an industry based on killing the whales, but that stopped decades ago and Australia now opposes all whale hunting. This sometimes upsets Japan, whose people enjoy indulging their greedy lusts for brutally killed whale meat, although the way humans treat whales probably isn't any worse than the cruel way we treat pigs, chickens and the other animals we needlessly kill to eat because we love the taste - is that really a good reason for the mass killings that people order and pay for every day? It also seems to me to directly contradict the First Precept of Buddhism.

    Back to animal migration: when I was a child, every year vast flocks of flying foxes would amaze my brothers, sisters and I as they flew overhead from one place to another. We lie on our backs looking up at them as they flew past in a seemingly endless stream at sunset. I wonder how many there were? They used to come to nest in the trees on our property when the native plants were in fruit. They ate and shat. You could smell them from a mile away!

  2. In my view, many birds migrate to other areas because they find somewhere is warmer and can breed their species.

    Some fish in ocean migrate as well such as dolphins in gulf of Thailand where is my country. They find small fish to eat and feed their babies.

    Many activities of human can destroy by transportation one country to other countries that lead to some species to not native species. This practice may danger to native species because new species from other countries do not have natural enemies.

  3. Birds migrate to seek a warmer habitat and more abundant food source. They migrate because season has changed.

    There are three options for animal to adjust to coming winter: To build a shelter, to migrate and to hibernate. Humans do the first; birds do the second; bears do the last. There are also other reason to migrate other than to avoid cold environment. Some fish, for instance, migrate to lay their eggs because river's water is more suitable to hatch their offspring.

    There are many humans' activities that interrupt animals' movement, such as dam construction,farming and deforest. Dam construction can impede movement of salmon and other fish. farming and deforest reduce habitat of birds and other animals. I've heard a story of humming birds, immigrating birds. They need large area of trees

    1. I never saw any migrating animal in Thailand, not that I've known of

  4. Some birds migrate because they may want to find the new location where it's abundant than the current location.

    Other animals that migrate is fish. I heard that fish migrate twice a year because they want to find a suitable place to lay egg. Salmon is an example of fish which migrate from one place to another place to lay egg. Because temperature in each place is difference in different time. That's why once water in the current location is cold, they need to migrate to find another water which is warmer in order to lay egg.

    Human usually throw garbage in the sea which was eaten by animals. This is easily kill animals because garbage is difficult for digestive system of animals to digest.

  5. They have a lot of reasons for birds migration. Birds migrate to somewhere appropriate their physical living, such as foods, temperature, and geographic. Also, it tends to previous sentence that they migrate to somewhere cause from physical changes their environment and nature causes. Anyhow, birds' home are destroyed by nature causes or human causes, so they have to find new place to survive.

    I'm baffled that other animals migrate from Thailand or to Thailand. It might be fish migrate to Thailand.

    I have no ideas


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