Tuesday 13 December 2016

"Invasive Species You Should Know" - Skillful Reading & Writing 3, p48

Skillful 3, page 48
What I read 
Before we read "Invasive Species You Should Know", the first reading in unit 5 of Skillful, Bixby and Scanlon have a question to respond to.

Discuss this question in a comment below.
  • What insects to you have in your area? What problems can they cause?
You have ten minutes to respond to this prompt.

Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful reading & writing: Student's book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. Actually, the biggest insect problem in my country is mosquitoes that are contagion many diseases to my country for example malaria and dengue.

    We have a lot of mosquitoes every where in Thailand. The more mosquitoes increase populations, more people get diseases, especially, children and older adults.

  2. I guess at least a few of use immediately thought of AUA's insect invaders, the cockroaches. These seem to thrive in every city. At least every city I've lived in has had plenty of cockroaches. Silom Road has no shortage of them. Thankfully, my condo building is largely free of them. Cockroaches don't scare me, but they are a bit disgusting. When I lived in Sydney years ago, my home was always largely free of cockroaches except one or two big ones that would sometimes immigrate from outside. My partner or I usually dealt with these quickly. Our preferred weapon was chemical warfare - spray aerosols seemed to work very well at killing.

    Just down the road from us, one my friends lived in an apartment that was overrun by cockroaches. That was perhaps a bit scary, simply from a health perspective. If I went into her kitchen at night, you could them rustling, and turning on the light showed thousands of them (maybe only hundred?) scurrying for shelter. What is really weird is that Anne was much cleaner than Michael and I. We cleaned house about twice a year, but Anne kept her place very clean all the time. Perhaps cockroaches like nice clean homes?

    Sometimes at my condo I've noticed ants, but they don't worry much. If they ate the concrete or something, I would worry, but I don't think the small black ants I see can do much harm, and they leave me alone. I just don't leave food out and they don't appear.

    I don't notice other insects very much in Bangkok, but when I visit my family in Australia, there are lots more. And there were when I was a child. Apart from the annoying mosquitoes, there were beautiful big Christmas beetles, pretty little lady bugs, bees, and lots more. We used to catch them and see how long we could keep them alive. If we were lucky, they laid eggs that hatching into worms before turning in chrysales and finally emerging as a new generation of moth or butterfly. I liked the big blue monarch butterflies, but there were lots of others fluttering around my mother's garden and our farm land.

  3. In my view, most of insects in my area are pests. There are Aedes, cockroachs, flies and termites. These insects are problematic and not easy to deal with. Aedes for example, can infect humans with malaria and other diseases. We can barely get rid of them. Not to mention the itchy aftermath from their bite. Cockroach are dirty and can cause a lot of diseases. Unfortunately they are too cleaver and once we have killed one of them. The rest will never fall for the same trick again. Flies are irritable for both humans and pets they can cause diarrhea. I also wonder how to get rid of them. Termites are the most destructive creatures. Because of them people have to pay higher to build a building. They are beneficial for farmers, but to people in cities they are a nightmare.

    There are some insects that I like, such as butterflies, beetles, and dragonflies. Sadly these insects are quite rare in my city.

  4. cockroach is an insect that causes me a lot of problems. Although it's a tiny creature, it's the most dirty and scary insect in my opinion.

    I used to walk in a wet market around my living. Suddenly a cockroach climbed and ran around my body which make me extremely scared and ran around the market. That's why I hate cockroach very much.

    AUA is another place where a family of cockroaches want to live in the toilet. This tiny creature can easily make people scare because it's dirty. However, in some country people consider cockroach as a pet and take care of it very well which make me amazed very much.They said that cockroach is a clean and cure creature which I totally disagree with them.

  5. They are plenty of insects in Thailand. Some of them are troubles. Still other don't make problems. Mostly insects around my house are trouble things, for example, cockroach make problem lots of problem for me; they are cause diarrhea and dysentery, increase rates of asthma and allergies, and also spread many diseases. Finally, They are dirty because they live in dirty place that a lot of bacteria and viruses. For another example, fly also make problems similar in cockroach's causes.


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