Wednesday 22 May 2019

Before you read "Designing Solutions" (SkR&W3, p20)

What we will read

We are going to read a text about two construction projects that were designed to overcome challenges, but before we read about those, Bixby and Scanlon want us to start thinking about the general topic of challenges and solutions to them. 


Bixby and Scanlon's question

What are some solutions that humans have devised to overcome challenges in the following areas? 

  • agriculture / farming 
  • housing 
  • transportation 
Comment on just one of these areas, presenting the challenges that occur to you and your solutions to them. 

Factors to think about include: 
    • weather
    • water
    • limited space
    • environmental issues
    • energy efficiency
    • geographical challenges 
Remember – imagine you are writing for readers who have not seen the question you are responding to. Your answer should make sense to her if handed, for example, to a randomly chosen student from a different class. 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. The problem is that their are too much investor in Thailand who choose to invest in real estate so the government bill a law to increase the percentage of loan interest.
    The solution is most businessman have their own campaign to catch a customer by decrease a housing price dramatically in a limited time before this law activate.

  2. In Australia, the extreme heat in inland areas is a challenge for housing. It is hard to build a house that avoids the heat in the dry, windless weather, which often exceeds 40 degrees Celsius for weeks at a time. One solution to this in some areas is to build homes underground. In Coober Pedy, this is what people do. Holes and tunnels had already been dug by miners looking for opals, so they turned their tunnels into underground homes. This effectively insulates them from the extreme heat of the desert outside.

    Modern farming is challenged by floods, which are a common problem in many areas of Australia. One solution to his has been to build high levees to stop flood waters spreading to more areas. Another solution is powerful pumps that remove water from fields, although this is only practical for mild flooding.

    Transportation faces geographical challenges in mountainous areas, since a lot of energy is needed to overcome the force of gravity. In addition, mountains are often too steep for any method of transport to move directly from the bottom to the top. One common solution to this is to make roads or train lines go back and forth in gradual ascent rather than attempting to go straight up.

  3. In housing topic, overpopulation is one of the problem that increasing in limited area. In the present, rate of birth increase rapidly every year but mortality rate decrease gradually by the time. From that problem, areas are used as housing, so the solution is raised taxes against birth.

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  5. In Thailand, There is overcrowded population. Land is becoming expensive. In order to use land productively. Assets company planned and built structure that can fit a lot of people instead of single house on that land called “Condominium”. It’s a building with a lot of room that can be sold or rent. Assets company can gain a lot more profit from condominium than single house due to ratio of profitable volume. However, location of buildings are important. They need to be nearby some useful facilities to breath-taking landscapes in order to be popular choice for customers.

  6. Climate change affects agriculture in a number of ways, including through changes in average temperatures, rainfall and climate. The challenge is some areas, the overheating weather has made many vegetables that farmer grow dead.
    One solution that the farmers do to overcome this challenges is to plant vegertables in cool room.

    1. And they can design a special roof that can automatically open and close to provide the sun

  7. Nowadays, we use engine, such as petrol, to drive cars. However, these resources are not renewable. Moreover, some countries don’t have those resources. In addition, using these resources too much can cause the Global Warming. One solution is to use a car that works by electricity instead because electricity can be produced easily everywhere. For example, some countries produce by using the wind power and some countries produce it by using the water power. Another solution is to use public transportations more to reduce those problems.

  8. In transportation, there are many aspects can become the problem such as the weather,limited space,environment issue,energy efficiency,and geographical challenges. For instance, in Thailand environment issue and geographical challenges are the main problem because some places are not suit for transportation such as street or place that hard to find in the GPS. Moreover, the weather can cause the problem too like in rain season in the south of Thailand. So, people can overcome these obstacles by manage their system to deal with such as use the strong GPS to find a place or clear the way to transport to easy to find the place.

  9. We can not deny that transportation is important in our daily life. So, everybody need it. One challenge to transportation is traffic jam. For example, Thailand is ranked as the second in worst traffic. It is because the public transportation is not enough or it is not widely enough. Also, cost of public transport is too expensive. Additionally, the taxes of personal car is cheap and everyone have money to use oil. The solution to these problems are to increase more public transport and make it efficient with the cheaper price. The another one that I suggest is to increase the taxes of personal car and the oil price.

  10. One of the most challenge task for government in thailand is dealing with the cost of living for farmer. Although Thailand is one of the biggest exporter of rice, farmers in Thailand are among one of the poorest group of people in society.
    Government was used many policies and action both fiscal and monetary in the past, however, one of the solution that i think they quite ignored and should dedicate more is giving farmer’s children some scholarship for fundamental studies such as secondary school. For example, In the past in northeast of Thailand 30-50 years ago still look like nowadays, average of education years in school quite low. Most studies support that education is one of the most important factor in mitigate the poor, so it is sustainable method that government should concerned more, it is not only improve only farmer life quality but also improve the quality and quantity of product in agricultural products.

  11. As everybody knows, Farmer is one of the most important occupations in Thailand. In the past,because the rain didn't fall for a long time, farmers faced a water-lacking problem which made them starve, for they didn't have product to sell and gain money for their living. The solution for this problem came from King rama 9. He created a project called Royal rain. Royal rain can make artificial rain for farmers.


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