Monday 13 May 2019

Discuss it Online & Sports fans and identity (SkRW3, p. 12, Developing critical thinking)

What we read

We have now read and checked our understanding of both "Discuss It Online" (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013, p. 9) and "Sports Fans and Identity" (ibid. p. 11). 


Our responses 

As usual, Bixby and Scanlon now invite us to think critically about the issues that these readings raise, in this case by relating them to our own experiences much as Ali. K and Paul S. do in the reading on page 9 when they respond to their instructors question in an online discussion. 

Bixby and Scanlon's questions

Think for a couple of minutes about the ideas in "Discuss It Online" and "Sports Fans and Identity"; then write one or two comments to respond to these questions.

  • What is your most important chosen or group identity? Why?
  • Do you think that most people are more interested in being unique or belonging to a group? Explain why you think this. 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education. 


  1. Like most people, I have several group identities that are important to me. It's hard to pick out just one, but I guess that my group of old friends in Thailand is the most important, in particular Yo, his son Ea and now our cat, Thung Nguen. Because we don't live nearby, we don't meet every day, but we do stay in touch, mainly by Messenger and the occasional phone call. For example, when Thung Nguen accidentally leapt off the balcony last week, I got an immediate report, complete with a photograph showing that he was OK after that adventure. We usually meet once a week for a meal, which often goes for two or three hours, and is typically followed by shopping and then some resting. Ea, Yo's son, is 12 years old now, and he likes good food, so is happy to choose venues that I would choose myself. This group is important to me because it gives a strong purpose to my life. Yo is almost blind, so cannot work, which means I support them. That's OK. Seeing the happiness that I can help to create for others makes me happy, and has done so for many years now.

    1. I didn't have time to discuss the second question, but hopefully others have posted some good ideas for me to think about.

  2. My most important chosen identity is bookworms person because It given not only some experience that i can not reaching or affording but also training my English language skill from someone who get the worst score in class to become the one who can use it. I think most people are interested in belonging to the group, so there can communicate with each other and sharing their experiences.

    1. I like this idea. It's very different to the one that I chose, but my membership of a couple of online forums where we read and write, especially write about what we have read, are also important for me. They are a chance to indulge my interest in philosophy and literature, things that not all of my friends are keen to chat about.

    2. I agree with you lek because sometime I didn’t good at something ,so I ask for help from bookworm person.

    3. I couldn't agree more. Reading a book is opening a new world to me. I like to read a book about travelling. It's like I travel around the world by reading these books. Moreover, it's a good idea to learn English by yourself by reading a book.

  3. The most important chosen identity for me is Triam udom suksa student. High school is one of the most important period of everyone's life. Triam udom suksa is a place I wisely chose to attend. I got so many great memories and friendships through the activities. Participating those activities, I understand myself a lot more by doing new things and meeting new people with the new ideas. Triam udom suksa made me change the way I want to do in the future. In conclusion, Triam udom suksa is a important part of my identity.

    1. I definitely agree that being student is also the important group as well as the family because the group that i spent most of my time with. I also got numerous friends, experiences and enjoy a lot. This group will continue to be in contact even though they got apart because of the strong bond of relationship.

    2. I agree with your idea because I am a Triam Udom Suksa student too. I had a lot of new experiences that I would never have from other places. For example, I went to auditioned in English drama club. I've never thought I would do that before. So, being a student in this school is also one of a significant chosen identity.

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  5. In my opinion, the most vital group identity is the family. Family live with us since we were born. Parents also taught us what to do and offer us place to stay and food to be well-fed. Siblings are the people who play with us as the child and support each other when they grown up. Even though there are struggle strike at the family, the members will help each other to pass through it. It’s not only the most important group but also the strongest group.
    The next idea, I think people love to be unique in something such as styles, talents and etc. because they made them remarkable. On the contrary, manner And ethic are some examples people want to be good the same as group.

    1. I totally agree with your idea that family is the most essential group identity. I only thought about life out of home, but I forgot the closed one. Family is everything for me, and I wouldn't come this far with out them.

    2. I am entirely agree with you that family is the most important group.

    3. Family was my first idea, but although that was once the most important group to me, it is no longer.

  6. My most important chosen or group identity is family, because they are the first group that everyone joined. Moreover, you hardly find a true love from the others but in family you can find it with anyone. In addition to, family is not the simple group but it is very special group. For example, you can find teachers in your family: mom and dad.

    In my opinion, I think that most people interested in being belonging to group because it is easier to join them.

    1. I couldn’t agree with your idea. It’s almost the same as mine. What a coincidence! I like that you support different aspects apart from mine that are true love and education from parents.
      For the second answer, I think it’s not always that we want to being belonging to some group because it’s easier to join. Sometime, we want to be unique to be remarkable.

  7. For me, I think being a Potter Head is one of the most important identity. Because I love Harry potter, I need someone to understand me and speak the same language as mine. Plus, joining this group help me to make friends from other countries. That's also help me overcome a fear of speaking English and improve my English skills.

    1. I understand your identity because when i was young, 14-15 years old, i used to read the blog such as to read about updated news in Harry Potter things. It’s a good thing to exchange your perspective with others people and improving your English skills an overcoming your fear are quite impressive.

    2. I like your answer about being a fan of something. It gave me a lot of good experiences as a fan of BNK48.

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  9. 1)Chosen, because it’s about what you choose,what you want to be,so it’s the most important. Every people want their own freedom.
    2) I think most of the people interested in belonging in group because living together feels save than living alone and living in group, you can ask for help from your group.

    1. For me family is the most important because they support me all the time.

  10. My most important chosen identity is my mother. For this reason , she always be my role model since I was a kid as she is a tower of strength of my family. Thus , I will try to do my best to be a good student , a good daughter and will not let her down


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