Wednesday 29 May 2019

Getting into Unit 6 = Disease (SkR&W3, p57, Discussion point)

What we read

As usual, Bixby and Scanlon introduce "Disease" with a large photograph and some questions to get us thinking about the coming topic and ideas in Unit 6 of Skillful (2013, p. 57). 


Bixby and Scanlon's questions

Discuss these questions in a comment. 
  • How have medical technology and treatment changed since your grandparents were young? What about your parents? How have they changed in your own lifetime?
  • What are some interesting or amazing uses of technology in modern medicine? Give as many examples as you can.
  • What types of medical advances do you think, or hope (fear?), the future will bring? 
Write two or three paragraphs to address the questions in any order. Remember, it's response writing where we want your ideas written down in sentences as quickly as possible. Think for a minute or two, and then write. Then write your next idea, and the next one. And repeat. 

Write as though your readers have not seen the questions. Your writing should make sense as an independent piece of work. 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education


  1. Since I'm getting old, I'm hoping that medicine will soon be able to regrow old body parts. Some of mine are starting to wear out. When I wake up, there often some stiffness in my legs, so maybe new knees, or whole new legs, will soon be useful. And even a new heart freshly grown with my own DNA. I think that these sorts of advances are coming. I hope that they come soon!

    Since my grandparents' time, medicine has certainly come a long way. 100 years ago, even a broken leg was a serious problem, and many people died from simple infections that are easily treated today. Another advance that amazes me is the technology that lets us see exactly what is inside the body, even how it moves. I had an exam for cancer about a year ago, and while the doctor was checking, I was able to see my throat and everything in living colour on the monitor in front of me. It was pretty gross, actually, but still impressive. Happily, he didn't find any cancer growing.

  2. -Medical technology and treatment have become better and better as years past by people are no longer dying from cancer anymore.Nowadays they have medical technology and treatment that is good enough to make patient that suffer from cancer live a normal life.

    1. I thought of cancer, too, and wrote about it in my comment, but I like Ploy's comment beause she also reminds us that we can treat it a lot better today than in the past, and I didn't have time to say that.

    2. I agree with that is good enough to make patient live in normal life.If they do what actually the doctor said , They can live like a normal people.

  3. Medical technology and treatment have been improved a lot since our grandparents were young.For example,some disease can't cure easily because there are not many drugs like they are today. Additionally the technology,for instance, in our parents' generation,X-ray had to use film but in nowadays it does not have to.The technician just send the picture to the doctors and then they can diagnose.

    1. I totally agree with Yo's answer nowadays medical technology and treatment have been improve a lot we don't have to worry about disease as much as before. Everything become faster and easier now.

    2. I couldn't agree more with the x-ray process because i have some physical examination around a couple days ago and it can be check my lung very fast like a 2-3 minutes.

  4. The medical technology develops quickly. People have the life expectancy extend more than 20 century. Man can be accessible easily than before. Many drugs and medical fee are cheaper than. The medicine science explore the curing of many diseases. This development result of my grandparents and parents have a life to be long.

    I hope we can use safety the stem cell for the curing of many disease. I think this medical advance is interested and crucial.

    1. I like Mhon's general comment about the much longer life expectancy today. In Australia, people now expect to live to over 80, and my own mum is still healthy at 89 years. Only 100 years ago, the average life expectancy was much lower - I think about 50 in Australia, but I would need to Google to be sure about that.

    2. I do agree with your idea that the development of medical technology expand people life expectancy and give more opportunity to everyone to reach the treatment method. However, the cheap cost of medicine might not give an effective improvement for patient.The more expensive treatment still ensure the result of the treatment.Besides, I really amaze with the development of stem cell.There is a lab in John monash university that have researched about zebra's fish stem cell too.I hope that one day there will be possible solution for fatal disease.

  5. answer:
    1.When i were young i had seen my grandparents used herbs to
    heal their sickness such as using herbs to boil together
    and then they drank them but now they take a medicine in capsule form as well as my parents

    1. Yes,I think nowadays we can use a medicine in capsule and everything can put in capsule such as herbs.

  6. Medical technology changed over time and never stop to develop since our grandparents generation to our generation.Talking about medical treatment in previous century,people tended to rely on superstition and magic than science so the way people cure disease is not that effective. However,medical technology have developed for many decades there are many reseach that found new way to treat hard disease and to prevent them ;moreover, technology paved treatment method easier and a lot more people can reach the treatment.

    Amazing uses of technology in modern technology are using artificial intelligence as a doctor's assistance or operate the patient itself, new drug pills that will effectively treat specific organ, or new chemotherapy that will not ruin the whole body of patient.

    1. I really agree with you that a number of Thai people still believe in superstition, so it's important to change their believe and adopt other method in medical like chemotherapy.

    2. I agree with Now about the using AI as a doctor's assistance. AI will help to manage many information and analyse these information for evaluating. This evaluating will show many ways to be possible for curing. So AI should be the future of medical science.

    3. I really like your comments.It is so true that in the past , they are believing in magics and superstition. So, they make people curing the diseases wrongly so there are a lot of people died .With better medical technology ,it help people to survive more. Maybe it is easier to get the treatment.So there are a lot more people that can get better after taking the treatments.

  7. medical technology and treatment have changed significantly , because the advancement in technology and computer helps doctor prescribe medicines and diagnose diseases easier than before; for example, doctor , nowadays, can use microscope in micro surgery, which gives patient little pain compared with the traditional surgery. Moreover, using medical data-base makes doctor spent less time to prescript medicines. My parents grow older and older and become more fragile than before. some interesting use of technology in medical care are micro surgery and AI diagnosis.

    1. I agree with the point that using medical database makes doctor spent less time because they have been searching and proving in the past.Thus diseases can be cure easier than before.Moreover many drugs have been improve very much,that makes people have better life.

  8. Compare with the past, we all now have a lot more advance in technology nowadays. Those new technology help doctor to give better way of treatment to patients. In last two generations when we have injured, we might not have any chance to cure it. That might be they dont have any knowledge. The next generation which was my parents gen, technology comes and help doctor to get in to knowledge more but there are still have a high risk after a surgery. but in our generation with higher technology it can help reduce risk which mean it is more safe.
    The modern technology that I really like was using camera to check inside body instead taking big surgery. ALso the vaccine to prevent virus.
    I the future I hope the vaccine would be more various and stronger to prevent all the disease.

    1. I like Krong's presentation that mentioned about ' the generation ' it 's clear to compare by age .
      Moreover , Vaccine is a good idea to give an example because I have ever experienced and it's very useful to prevent virus.

    2. I agree that using micro scope helps doctor to surgery easier than before and using vaccines that prevent some disease can be really effective in our country where there are many disease that has no cure and can transfer from animals to human.

  9. 1.I think medical technology go very fast.When my grandparents were young,they use only modern medicine to help themselves.When they have baby they have no

  10. Nowadays,Medical technology and treatment has grown up and developed dramatically. To be contrast with my grandparents ,At that time there were not much of medical technology and people used to be treated by traditional methods. For example , a childbirth , they birthed their child by traditional doctor at their home . In addition , most of the medicine were made by herb.However , in my parents period , the medical technology was developed better than in the past , so it's more convenience and many untreasted diseases were treated.

    Gift, in-vitro fertilization , etc.


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