Saturday 20 November 2010


I do believe that everyone in this world can remember their father name. There are a group of people, who do not even know or may forget the name of their father. I used to believe that this group is the identity of Thailand until I read "China’s Censors Misfire in Abuse-of-Power Case", which was published by Michail Wines in the New York Times.

The consequence started at one night in October. Ms. Chen Xiaofeng, who was a daughter of poor farmer, was crashed by drunken driver. The driver, whose name is Li Qiming, attempted to escape by speeding up, unfortunately security guards seized him. During the interception, he claimed that he is the son of Li Gang, who is the deputy police chief in the Beishi district of Baoding. Michael mentioned in his article that “The tale of her death is precisely the sort of gripping socio-drama — a commoner grievously wronged; a privileged transgressor pulling strings to escape punishment.”(¶4) After the incident, Communist party tried to conceal and pretended like the accident has never happened. They restrict television network companies about broadcasting the event. The programs, which interviewed victim family, were banned. However, the efforts were unsuccessful, the news rapidly spread in internet and people are interested because the case is about the equality in society. The words “My father is Li Gang” which Li Qiming said when he was arrested, have become a popular over China.

The situation happened in China, likewise, two famous cases in Thailand. The first case is related with son of the member of the house of representative. The powerful man, who was intoxicated, drove through an alcohol checkpoint. He was stopped and forced to do alcohol test. He denied the test and struck a police suddenly, according to the declaration from police. The circumstance was published in every newspaper in Thailand in next day. The privileged son refused the accusation. He declared that police were not impolite and attacked him first. The next case is quite similar. The event was happened many years ago but I do believe that Thai citizen can remember it. It is about a police was shot in the nightclub by the son of politician. The privileged man avoided the detainment by leaving Thailand. His father work hard to help him. At the end, he came back and stay in Thailand peacefully.

The similarities of these three incidents are that all of them are the son of the influential persons and they mentioned that who is their father. This is associated with the equality in society. Mr. Chen Lin, Ms. Chen Xiaofeng’s brother, stated that “In society they say everyone is equal, but in every corner there is inequality, how can you live in this country and this society without any worry?”(¶20) The inequality is likely a culture of developing and undeveloped countries. It is seem like no solution if people in the counties accept this condition. Almost all people do not want to make any problems with powerful one because they have no chance to win. Although commoners win the case, they would get nothing. On the other hand, they waste a lot of money to fight in court and may loss something from vengeances. It would be better if they accept their proposition and sadly feign that the situations have never happened.

Do you think we should let this situation happen again?

What is your solution?


If this were happened with a member of your family, what would you do?

For me, as I said this is culture of developing and undeveloped countries so I let it be.

The solution is that I should catch any opportunities to make a good relation with influential persons or become a powerful guy myself. I think this is the best way.


Michael, W. (2010, November 17). China’s Censors Misfire in Abuse-of-Power Case, The New York Times. Retrieved November 20, 2010 from


  1. this kind of situation seem to happen everyday, but we ignore it.
    I think that this problem can solve by teaching the next generation to be concern with equality in society.

  2. The only solution is to not allow laws that allow censorship - the US is pretty good at that because it has a strong constitution so the US government cannot make laws that stop US citizens saying what they think. Chinese citizen's are denied that basic human right by their own government, so it's easy for their evil government to enforce ignorance on the people. Godfather types like the ignorance that comes from censorship more than knowledge.

    I was also reminded of David's earlier post about why some countries do better than others - China's biggest problem has always been that that it has had a powerful central government, and that is bad for both economic development and justice. Teh US lacks that sort of centralized authoritarian control, and so does better economically and morally than countries like China and most other Asian countries.

  3. But its good to see the Internet helping citizens to undermine unjust legal systems and immoral governments. That is a good sign.


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