Tuesday 16 November 2010

Phone Apps to Navigate Traffic

Did you ever buy something and think that you really need it in that time, but since you have it, you put it in a drawer without using it or used in a short time? I myself had some clothes without tearing tag, a lot of table ware in a box never used, and a clock stand still no battery. I had kept them for a while, and once again I threw all useless as I was reorganizing my room. When I read the article "Phone Apps to Navigate Traffic", it make me considered why should I buy that facility, which I tend to buy a couple last month ago, GPRS.

In The New York Times, Michelle Higgins inform about the technology which might be useful for drivers. GPS, a satellite-based navigation system, is now available on phone by using applications informed verity of traffic report which some application available for free charge. It can show drivers a density of each road by showing a colour as a sign. For example, green show a flow traffic, and red is an traffic area. Moreover, this technology can report accidents, closed road or construction, and offer driver better solution for less or no traffic road. Nonetheless, some user prefered to use their own experience guessing the best choice to dive which this application never informed before.

Normally, new technologies are produced in order to answer and respond human needs. Some could be sold for a large amount even they had very high price; meanwhile, some was sold in a short period and had no more longer used. However, there is not all of them that be used for a long time owning to the fact that it is a fad and not really useful.

I used GPS as if my navigator and other helpful function. As I appreciate with the point-marked function, which I can mark the interesting place or where I was, it helped me to remind the place I went. However, many times I did not follow GPS recommended the way to drive and sometime it confused me. Then I prefer calling and asking people especially my father who has more experience on the road than me in my country. And I found it is work! Furthermore, I was often spending a long time to understand the map on the small screen because it did not illustrate me an overall picture.

Can it certainly help traffic problems? It might help, otherwise it might cause the problems. The application show on a small screen of phone. When people are driving, they can only glance it while they have to focus on the road. It is very dangerous according to an accident can happen in a second.

If it can make every driver drive on the flow road, many non-used car people tend to using car, more and more, as it more convenient, and then there will be a traffic jam again. Gridlock on street absolutely can not be fix with this solution in a long term as if everyone do not concern the initial problems.


Higgins, m.(2010, November 9). "Phone Apps to Navigate Traffic". The New York Times. Retrieved November 15, 2010 from http://travel.nytimes.com/2010/11/14/travel/14practraffic.html?scp=1&sq=phone%20apps%20to%20&st=cse


  1. I wonder why you can drive safely when you use navigation system on the phone, so I agree with Ked's idea " It is very dangerous according to an accident can happen in a second" (@November 16,2010, 11:28 AM) because the driver should focus on the road, and if the driver does many thing in the same time, car accident will be happen.

    Personally, I do not know how navigator function operates, which network the navigator connects with and how the navigator knows about a density of each road; therefore, I am not sure that the navigator tell me accurately, and I am one person who prefers to use a map. Moreover, when you use the navigator to tell us the traffic density, do you need to connect internet? If the answer is yes, how much do you pay for this?

    I quite agree that the navigator system was created to respond human need. It helps us to find the proper way, and It helps us when we lost our way. Therefore, the navigator system is a good technology, but you need to know how to use it in right way.

  2. The navigator is really useful when we go to some places where we haven't gone there or peple start driving. The size of GPS or Navigator are getting bigger and bigger also some have 3D screen.
    I don't worry about non-drivers because the navigator'll help them to find the ways or directins easier.
    In additon, I don't think that non drivers could drive because of navigators,for example, for finacial reasons or fear of dirving they don't want to drive, they even know the way using a navigator.
    But I really worry about user's memory . People use a nevigator instead of remembering the ways or directions. Nowaday the ability of people's memory is decreasing in our society, in fact they don't remember even short ways.

    But I think we can't stop useing the technology products like a navigator

    - The navigator don't need to connect the internet.
    because it uses an artificail satellite.

  3. I am also interested in mobile technology, which have become more advance in past decade. At the first time I tried GPS, on Garmin, it is very exciting! Garmin is a famous GPS application. The navigator is provided as a free service, if you buy HTC. I was crazy about this application for 2 weeks. Even though, I drove to seven-eleven nearby my house, I also turned on this software. Finally, I had learned that the GPS did not precisely calculate my location. However, some source of information said it works well in some developed countries, where are not Thailand.

    I agree with Ked that "It is very dangerous according to an accident can happen in a second." Therefore, a good driver should follow Gift instruction that “the driver should focus on the road, and if the driver does many things in the same time, car accident will be happen.” (@November 16,2010, 19:11 AM) In my experience, I barely got a big accident once I concentrate with GPS without focusing the road. This lesson teaches me that I have to study a map before I travel anywhere.

  4. One of my Dutch friends complained recently that his reliance has GPS navigation systems when driving has made him lost without it. Before, he used to drive all around Europe wihtout any problem, and with a fairly reliable memory of the roads of major cities, but now, he can't drive any wehre without his GPS aids.
    I suspect he was exaggerating a bit, and I'm inclined ot think that these things would not be popular unless a lot of people did benefit from them. My handwriting has probably deteriorated because I never write by hand except on white boards at AUA, but the advantages that have come from having switched almost entirely to keyboards are immense. I have no desire to go back to writing essays by hand! (And old manual typewriters were a real pain on the fingers.)

    Ked's opening sentences really caught my interest - I do the same thing. I buy things, often in bulk, with ideas of how useful they will be, and they end up cluttering up my home until I throw them out! If I didn't buy things I don't need and will never or almost never use, I would have more money and lot more space in my home. But perhaps you have you buy them to find out. At least my computers have always been well used and provided a lot of value.

  5. Pop,
    My Dutch friend has no complaints about the accuracy of the service he uses in Europe.

    I prefer to walk or let someone else do the driving for me. I don't think I need GPS to navigate my way to AUA, although if I had it on my phone, I might play with it. But I'm not convinced enough to run out and buy it this evening.

  6. Yea, and I have read some Europion experience. They can survive while lost in the forest. Also, the GPS range is covered Mediterranean Sea. That's why beach security use GPS as a recuse equipment. Is that true?

    According to Peter and Ari mentioned that using a navigator effects to user in term of remembering the direction. I think this is belong to user's behavior. The advantage of technology is to make our life more convenient. On the other hand, it also make us lazy.

  7. At first time that I heard about GPS , I thought that it might useful for me because I don't know about the road much and I always get lost.
    However, when I have GPS, I found that I can't trust it all the time. nowadays I still call my father to ask about the road when I get lost.


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