A favourite academic area formally studied
Hi everyone. It’s my pleasure to meet you all for the first
time, So I’m going to tell you more about myself. I’m 2nd year class
midshipman and my field of study is electrical engineering and naval science.
All of you may be curious why military student like me has a field of study
like this. The reason why midshipman like me have to learn about electrical engineering
because is because warships literally contain of electrical system such as
communication system, combat information system, and weapon system. Although the
Naval officers especially deck officer branch don’t have to fix or design all
these things themselves, The Naval officers still have to know how all of these
systems work. Not only electrical engineering which midshipman have to learn but
also Naval science which midshipman must use this knowledge when they’re
commissioned as a Naval officer.
Naval Science is not literally theoretical subject. It’s practically
subject which includes of art and science. I am supposed to learn all about
physics, astronomy, ship’s handling, seamanship, Maritime laws, navigation, and
meteorology. To be precise, all of these subjects can not be learnt by
listening to a lecturer or reading a PDF files. Consequently, the Royal Thai Naval
Academy establishes Midshipmen training squadron to help midshipmen be able to
use naval science as their professional skill. Thanks to Midshipmen training
squadron gives me a lot of experience and seamanship, I’ve got a chance to go
abroad and learn about how ship's crews and naval officers work .
Being a naval officer is not about going abroad with learning nothing. We, Midshipmen,
all appreciate Thai citizen whom we love and We swear we will protect Thai
maritime territory including Marine national interest, Democracy and Monarchy
with our heart, and blood.
At HTMS ANGTHONG's port wing. |
Here is a footage During HTMS PATTANI stationed at Chang hi naval base, Singapore , 2018
What we'd done during under midshipman training, 2018
A favourite academic area not formally studied
During free time, I always go
jogging and do the bodyweight training. All of these things cannot help me ease
my tension from class. Hence, I choose to read a book or journal about history
which make me feel leisure before bed time. I especially concentrate on East Asian
history because China, Korea, and japan influences on Thai urban culture.
I am very curious why China always be the most
empowered country in this region So I have to study about Chinese history. Chinese
history isn’t totally about china itself but it covers two more countries such
as Korea, and japan. China and Korea have had a relationship for a long time. Mostly,
Korea always was a Chinese tributary state. Yet, Korea are independence countries
nowadays although they are separated into two. And I also curious why Japanese
culture aren’t like Chinese sometimes despite of sharing their culture during
tang dynasty.
For all of these, I wish I could
learn this connection to understand international relationship and be aware of
incoming events.