Saturday 21 June 2008

Could you do it?

If you knew something was wrong, could you still do it?

I mean that you are sure enough to say of something: "I know this is not right." Could you still do something different to what you knew was the right thing? Or would you need to convince yourself first that what you were doing was actually OK for some reason? That is, would you be saying something like: "It's actually OK for me to do this because it will help my children," as you did something wrong?

I've written this as a Yes/No question, but a Yes/No response would obviously not be very satisfactory. Whether you are inclined to think the answer is "Yes" or "No", you're in good company. Socrates, and apparently Plato, thought it was not possible to act against our own moral knowledge. Plato presents this view most clearly in the words of Socrates in his Protagoras. Aristotle, on the other hand, clearly believes the opposite to his predecessors (Ethics, Book VII).

What are your ideas? Can (Do) people do what they know to be wrong?

Please feel welcome to post your ideas either as a comment to this post, or as a new post.

Plato, Euthydemus, Protagoras, Gorgias, Meno. (n.d.). In the Perseus Project. Retrieved 14:53, June 21, 2008, from

Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics. (n.d.). In the Perseus Project. Retrieved 14:56, June 21, 2008, from


  1. I don't think it's necessary to read either of the works I cited, although you might like to have a look at the first few lines of Aristotle's Ethics, VII.2, which gives a neat summary of his disagreement with Socrates.
    I included the references because I had cited the works in my post.

  2. I just thought of a better example.
    Many people buy illegal DVDs, software and other copied goods. They know that these things are illegal, but tell themselves that it's not wrong because the companies are so rich, or something else.
    And that has suggested another possible example (I'm not sure - you might like to comment on this): obviously, a lot of people use drugs such as alcohol, heroin, yaa baa and tobacco and do not think they are doing anything wrong.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. If I have to do something wrong, I actually have my own reason. I'm a smoker and I know it can harm me. I have to smoke because it can help me feel relax and make my coffee have more taste in the morning. I've tried not to smoke in any public area. So, I might kill myself but I never kill others.

  5. Personally, I take it into 2 different decisions whether or not I will do something wrong even I know it is. Take an example of me copying some formula in a test of a maths couse in my high school, I knew it was wrong but I have some (studpid) reasons here. At the time, I did not like the course much and I did not realise how the maths would contribute advantage in my real life. I did not know where can I use equation and geometry thinks when I do a job? As a result, I secretly wrote some formulars and used them when in the test room thinking that I'm not looking into the other friends but I still culculate myself.

    Another example is the pirate programe or products especailly songs and movie files. I often feel happy when I can download some files which costs me when I buy it in the shop. I said to mayself "wow, why do I need to buy it since I'm a free download expert. For sure, those files are copy rights reserved. Like Peter mentioned, the companies who produces those productes are already rich. I'm poor so I can download. :-) Not a bad excuse, right? Yet, I know that this is illegal in this country and I can get busted from this. However, I again said to myself that I just used it for myself not sale or contribute to others. It's not that serious, isn't it?

    From my first hand expiriences above, I come to understand my motivation of doing this that I think the thing I do is not so serious. I'm not going to kill someon or I'm not cheating by copying other answers or hacking teacher's PC to change my score.

    Another reason is that what I will have done would not have a severe effect on others or so less impact that only me doing this is not importance to them.

    To be honest, I used the online dict. 2 times checking some words. Oops!

    It's about 25 minutes writing this paragraph. Off now!

  6. It is hard to define, what is right or wrong.I think, it is up to one's experienced, one's culture, or something like that.Everyone has their reason.Teenager have their reason, which their parents do not understand.Students have their reason which teacher do not understand.Father think that his kid do wrong, while theirs friend think he is not.It is about what way of though do we consider on.

    For example, In CL case(Compulsory License), Thai government cancelled the drugs's license which very expensive, so their citizen can buy drugs in lower cost. This event can be right ,if we use moral aspect. On the otherhand, The drug company think that it is not right because they spend a lot of money to invent these drugs.

    My question is what is the best aspect we should consider on?
    Moral? Laws?

  7. Nont, you used an online dictionary twice!
    Well, I guess that's OK. As long as it didn't interrupt your response too much.

    The responses so far are very good. When I read Nont's and Bank's ideas, they seem to agree more with Socrates than Aristotle.

    A's approach seems to me to look at the question from a a different point of view. And I think that's fine. It would not be fine in a TOEFL exam, or one of our formal writing exercises, but it's perfectly OK in a response writing activity, and the issues that A raised are good ones to htink about. I especially like his example about compulsory licensing of drugs for HIV treatment, which was a very controversial decision.

  8. If you want to write for a bit longer than 15 minutes, that's OK too. I won't complain.

  9. I often do pirate downloading for several materials such as computer programs, movies, musics, etc.(I use etc.) As an architect, I know that stealing the others' idea is very bad and disgusting. However, I view this situation, pirate downloading, as a balancing system of society. I often think that such business gain too much from what it's done for society. The rule of Economics can't satisfy many corners of society. As a result, the pirate downloading culture (I use the word culture 555!!) was established in the net to justify how such business deserve their richness. What's the apropriate value of the Hollywood superstars or Microsoft Windows? Anyway, sometimes I pay, not often!!!

  10. nok said
    Yes, right now I should go to exercise but I don't, because I have to study English ,the most important things for me. So,my body weigh is increased. I think it not good, may be in the future I will get a lot of problem about my health. I give resons for myself to do that to make me feel good (to continue lack of exercise),because I think that I'm doing something which is I had to do. It might be wrong right now but in the future it may be right.

  11. If I know something was wrong, i will try to not do it. Especially for the situation that may cause problem to others people but it depends on that situation or how big of the problem. For instance, I go to AUA with BTS that may cause problem to others people who want to go in the same way of me because many people crowd in to the train and I will be the one who cause the train full or make some students go to school late.I think, it is not a big problem to others people just make them little inconvenience, so I will do it.

    But about the illegal DVDs and software I am ashamed of myself when I think about it or when others people ask me directly like you do but I consume the illegal software everyday when I am starting to do my homework. If I could afford all of the illegal software I will do it right. I really think that because I'm working as an architect and do not want others people steal my idea too.

  12. I think everyone had a lot of reason to do something was wrong. Sometime, I also chose to do it although I knew it was wrong. First, I knew my English skills is weak but I wanna go to study aboard. Someone disagree with me because they knew my Enlsih is not perfect to study in the master degree. But I think it is an opportunity for me to improve and practice my English skills, if I have to waite for my English is perfect I don't know...when it is perfect? I am attending to study it extreamly.
    Another thing,I had lied at my boss about English course every moring I must go to study English course, it is a course of project that I will study at Sweden. It is a neccesary because everyone must study before going to Sweden. If I tell her that is a general course that depend on you decide to study it that make me can't study at here. Because I can't work in the morning. You know, if you can't work for company extreamly you may become an employee who is less value.

    Umm! sorry I took a long time for writing

  13. Ahh, I have something to add. In some situations I insist to do what I think it's right, and I suffer and feel unbearable when I have to break it. It's occur in my architectural design works that I have skills and knowledge well of what is good or bad. Many great architects can not compromise with their clients who ask them to change their design. It's not about their ego, but something that they can't betray what they have faith with, I mean the great architects usually have their own unique design theory. I'm not that serious great but I have some idea of my own that I feel very bad to destroy it. I'm not sure,this is what Aristotle means or not.

  14. I would like to introduce one great architect, just for fun when you search for his work.

    Mies Van de Rohe: He is, a legend,German architect who say "Less is more". I think he must die if someone add another design to his building.

  15. It depends on what situation. for example, If I know that I have english class but I went out to walk with my friend. I think it is okay because it make me relax and don't worry to much about my duty and it is not an important thing. it doesn't effect any people. but if it effect other people I'll try my best not to do it. Sometime i know that it is wrong but i still did it such as told lie to my friend to make them feel better anything like that.

  16. At the first time I read this question, I think of the result of the worst situation in my life(I think) that occur because I still do sth though I knew it was wrong. I've ever allow my friend to copy my answer in the exam when I studied in the elementary school. This is just because I want her to feel I am her best friend. Unfortunately, the teacher knew, so we failed. At that time, I'm very angry my friend and definitly my decision and I promise myself I won't do anything that I knew it's wrong again! (I don't have fortune in doing sth wrong/bad, but I think it's my good fortune!) Also,I grew up in research field, so I know how it's difficult for researcher to discover or invent the new things. I think it's not fair to researcher (the time,the knowledge they spend)that someone can copy their ideas or use their invention without paying back. It's also in case of the illegal softwares or DVD. Therefore, I can't doing sth I knew it's wromg (It may sound strange!, but I will proud that I can overcome my bad inside)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. yes, i still do it if it make me feel relax and not affect to the other.Now, i usually download pirate programs,movies,songs from bittorrent because i cannot earn money by myself so i need free download but i will correct money and buy a legal programs,movies,songs if i really like some of them because i need to support producer of them and i just download to use for my own not for a business so i think it is not affect to the company whom make them.


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