Wednesday 25 June 2008

Implications for psychological therapy?

Over the past week, there have been articles in two magazines that I regularly read which it seemed to me to might have implications for at least some of the different types of psychological therapy that we have been looking at over the past week.
The first was an article in the Economist, "Evolution and genetics: The misfits" (2008) and the second was "Genes explain why Chihuahuas are so high-strung" published on the New Scientist website (Callaway, 2008). Both of these articles are summaries of research published in science journals. The New Scientist article reports on research led by Gordon Lark and published in Genetics (Jones et al., 2008). The article in the Economist looks at the findings of a study led by Dan Eisenberg.

Read the articles in both the Economist and New Scientist. What implications, if any, might these research findings have for the four different types of psychological therapy that we have been looking at?
Might it be important for some types of therapy, but not others? Which one(s)? Why?
Is it irrelevant to all of them?
Is it relevant to all of them?
Do psychologists need to take note of these sort of findings? Why? Why not?
This is a response writing, so any ideas you have are worth writing down. Try and write for about 15 minutes, or a bit longer if you type slowly. You can respond to my questions or to something a classmate has already posted.

Although the dopamine receptor research (Eisenberg, Campbell, Gray & Sorenson, 2008) is interesting and not extremely difficult, there is no need to read either of the original journal articles. I checked them to see exactly what they said, but you can write a perfectly good response to the question here without studying the research. It's a response writing activity, not a research paper.

If you come across something in your own reading that you would like to invite us to respond to, please feel free to post it.


Callaway, E. (2008, June 21). Genes explain why Chihuahuas are so high-strung. New Scientist. Retrieved 23 June, 2008 from

Eisenberg , D.T., Campbell, B., Gray P.B., & Sorenson M.D. (2008, June 10).
Dopamine receptor genetic polymorphisms and body composition in
undernourished pastoralists: An exploration of nutrition indices among nomadic and recently settled Ariaal men of northern Kenya. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2008, 8:173. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-8-173 (See note below re doi)
(There is a provisional abstract available at )

Evolution and genetics: The misfits. (2008, June 12). [Electronic version]. The Economist. Retreived June 23, 2008, from

Jones P., Chase K., Martin A., Davern P., Ostrander E.A. & Lark K.G. (2008, June / Epub 2008 May 27). Single-Nucleotide-Polymorphism-Based Association Mapping of Dog Stereotypes. Genetics 179(2):1033-44 Abstract retrieved June 24, 2008 from


doi stands for "Digital Object Identifier". It is a new system that becoming more common in referencing published work and which has now been adopted by the APA for use in reference citations. For more information see the DOI homepage or the doi entry on Wikipedia. You can easily find a doi referenced article by doing a Google search on the full identifier, for example, doi:10.1186/1471-2148-8-173 would lead you to the article I've referenced above.


  1. ADHD is caused by a chemical in the brain. Patients can't control their behavior except they get reward. In my opinion, Psychoanalysis and behavior thgerapy can't help patients at all. Group therapy or self-helf groups may have a little benefit by learning a way to handle symptoms from other people. Patients should use drug therapy to control or limit this chemical in a suitable quantity all the time.
    Phenotypic stereotypes result from breed standards. So,it likes ADHD that patients should use drug therapy.
    This research is very important to Psychologist to learn about these symptoms and find out the new medicine to treat patients(if it have not found yet).

  2. From two studies, shows that behaveiour such as ADHD or Chihuahuas are so high- strung is associate with the effect of dopamine receptor which link to a genetic.So, I choose 'Drug Therapy' for implication to decease the level of dopamine in the brain.From those article, dopamine controls behaviour. By giving some drugs may be a good choice for psychologists. I don't choose others because they are not relevent.

  3. It's seem to me that, these 2 articles are talking about genetic research.One is that genes cause some kind of human behavior,the other one is that genes cause some kind of dog behavior. For example, person who has a attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may cause by unbalance chemical in their brain which is called dopamine.While, we can notice that dogs, in the same breed, have similar behavior.

    That would be interesting for psychologists. They can do more research on these 2 case to find the cause of their patient's behavior. If the mental illness is come from unusual chemical in brain, they can use a drug therapy to treat their patient.

  4. MOREOVER!!!!

    I think, these 2 articles are very very difficult.Ha ha ha.

  5. I think challenging> was the word A was looking for. But at least they are not very long.
    When I read them, they made me wonder if psychoanalysis could be of much use at all in conditions where the behavioural problems have a genetic basis. for example, if someone is moody and can't settle down (ADHD symptoms), then perhaps psychoanalysis, and also behaviour therapy, will have little or no chance of working because the problem is not really caused by any sort of reason that they could correct. Rather, the "abnormal" or undesirable behaviour might be built into the person's genes. I would agree with Nok that drug therapy would seem to be more promising, because it can directly address the chemistry of the brain that results from the person's genes.

  6. And do these and similar biological findings also mean that culture, parental example and education are much less important in forming behaviour than we might think?
    (Another idea that just occurred to me.)
    I'm wondering what New thinks.

  7. Two articles mentions about the same symptom which is people and dogs have a short period of their attention and both because of the problem inside their body that is gene and also neurotransmitters cannot work. I think all of this research and experiment are related in some parts of them because in the dog it's depends on the factors that you can see it as genetic, size, and color but in humans, it's concern about migrated people who have many experience to cope with unfamiliar place. It''s mean the factors in humans more complicate than the dogs.
    "Implications for psychological therapy?"
    I think in humans can be treated with behavior therapy and drug together and maybe can treat by the operations for changing genetics and also in dogs(if they can do it) but others Therapy such as group therapy, maybe it will cause more problem to ADHD because of the environment in therapy have many people and communicate several ideas in a short period. Psychoanalysis, maybe it do not more effect because they already known what is the problems but just need to practice for better.

    Psychologists should to look at it for it might be the better way for treat people who have schizophrenia... Operation for change the genes.

  8. I am waiting for New's opinions too.

  9. I agree with all of you that this research bring some light to psychologist. If it true, all therapy, except using drug, getting the ADHD patient no where because they treat on the wrong spot like Bank said. However, I see one part in the article of the Economist, it's "How 7R causes this is not yet known. It may stem from behavioural differences or it may be that different versions of DRD4 have different effects on the way the body processes food." May be I got wrong understand, Is it means our behavior also cause some chemicals to emerge or increase? If this has some truth in it, the other therapies should still be alive for ADHD patients.

  10. If genes are the cause of Chihuahua’s high-strung behavior and an ADHD child, only drug treatment can help to cure mental illness patients. Both findings can be implied that the environment, parenting, and all outside effects is not the root cause of the problem; as a result, it's no use in wasting time with psychoanalysis, behavior therapy and even forget the group therapy. However, it might be too fast to jump to the conclusion that genetics is all the reasons. Animal behavior may be not same thing with what happens in human, and the research on ADHD is only one symptom where this disorder might be only one case caused by problem genes.

    I think psychologists can use above findings for further examination. They can work with the researcher to identify more disorders under hypothesis that all mental illness is caused by genetics. I believe that the result should reveal some more symptoms which agree to this and also decline to existing findings.

  11. ADHD is a term of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD is always happen in a children ages. They can't concentrate and control their movement. And it is also effect their daily life. For example, they will have a problem about getting along with other peoples. ADHD also have three special cases: Inattentiveness, Hyperactivity and Impulsiveness. I choose "Behavior therapy" because it will help ADHD children how to control themselves. And the most important things to help ADHD children are family

  12. In genetics, all traits can be classified into qualitative traits (mostly controlled by single genes(may be multiple alleles), but not depend on environment, eg. colour's iris) and quantitative traits (mostly controlled by multiple genes and depend on environment, eg. height or longevity). Behaviors like examples in two articles are probably quantitative traits. Therefore, behaviors are really controlled by integration of genetic and environment effects. However, in these articles seems emphasize the effects in term of genetics . Thus, if these behaviors are focused in terms of gene effects, it should be relevant to drug therapy. As we know, how genes can regulate our body is that genes transcribe into mRNA and then mRNA translate into proteins. proteins (may be as hormones) are chemical elements that can regulate our mechanisms including (partly)expression of behaviors. Also, in drug therapy, drugs as chemical elements can operate in the same/similar way that proteins or hormones do. I think in 4 types of therapy we learned, drug therapy seems likely type involving in terms of genetics. Whereas the other types of therapy deal with environment effects, not the balance of chemical regulators(I means proteins or hormones or some kinds of chemical elements)In addition, due to the complete of Human Genome Project (HGP), after the further success of identification all functions, I think every diseases or traits can be found their causes and can be solved through gene therapy. (However, in some diseases like cancer, cardiac hypotrophy or behaviors are complicated because they are controlled by many genes from many loci, so it may be difficult or take more times to know their causes and how to solve).

    >>If you want to see your genome (each locus in each chromosomes regulate different mechanisms), you can access NCBI homepage>Homo sapiens>celera genome project naka<<

  13. I agree with Bank's ideas about the psychological therapy. Because of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who has abnormal chemical level in brain. They have some problem about their behavior when they are in society and may take drugs. I think, they can use the psychological therapy by behavior therapy to treat their behaviors to overcome their problem and to make more confidence when they are encountering with society. In addition, I think they should also take the specific drugs to control and maintain the level of chemical in brain became normal.

  14. From two articles, I think it irrelevant about behavior affect by gene. Firstly, it shows that ADHD children, who cannot control themselves because dopamine - some chemical in their brain. Secondly it shows that Chihuahuas are so high-strung. They happen because of genetic. I suggest drug therapy because it can control some chemical in their body. With another way of therapy, it cannot help because their behavior not happen from fear or bad happen or themselves but from abnormal gene.


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