Thursday 26 June 2008

Why do people write paragraphs of definition?

Having all just spent some time and effort, in fact a lot of time and effort, writing a paragraph of definition for the word culture, perhaps it would be a good idea to reflect a little on why writers write such paragraphs. It might even help your revision.
  • How did the writer use her main idea about the meaning of abnormal in "What is Abnormal?" (Hartmann, p. 173-4)
  • In what sort of essay might you use the paragraph of definition you are working on this week?
    What might the main idea of such an essay be?
    What sort of thesis statement might your paragraph about culture support? Can you suggest one or two thesis statements for such an essay?
  • How might you use the main idea of your paragraph in that essay?
    I mean, what purpose might your main idea about the meaning of the word culture serve in an essay?



Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill ESL/ELT.


  1. To me, people write paragraphs of definition is one of the ways that help the writer start to write an essay. In my paragraph on this week, I begine by giving an example. Next, I show definition from on line dictionary. Finally, I use classification. To show that there are several meanings of culture which support main idea 'the meaning of culture' in different ways from varity of sorts. I'd like to suggest one thesis statement as follows;'By giving an example, showing a definition and classing the meaning of culture, would be one of the best way to point out the meaning of culture'.

  2. To organize and summarise their idea of that word.

  3. The paragraph of definition give the meaning of that word to reader khnow and understan own meaning

    I think the paragraph of definition will help the writers can organize ideas setep by step including to guildline the writing of essay.I think the part of introduction of essay is very importance because it has thesis stasment includes the main ideas, topic, and supporting sentences. It is are going to tell what is happen in the next paragraph? like-body and conclsion.So, if we knew how to write paragraph that may be useful to write essay.

  4. People write essays more commonly than paragraphs, so a paragraph is usually only a part of an essay, and it is a part of an essay because it helps to support a thesis statement. The support for a thesis statement often requires that the meaning of a term be clearly understood, which is one reason why a writer might need to spend one or more paragraphs defining a word or term. For example, if the thesis statement of my essay were, "From a correct understanding of the meaning and purposes of culture, it follows that one of the greatest threats to Thai culture today is the Ministry of Culture," then it would be necessary to necessary to clarify exactly what the word culture meant before showing why the Ministry's usual actions were so very harmful to culture.
    Similarly, in an essay discussing the morality of abortion, it might be necessary to argue for a particular definition of what the terms human being and person mean. If the foetus is not a human being, then the objections to abortion are much less than if it is.
    Sometimes, court cases hinge on the meaning of words: when terrorists flew planes into NYC's World Trade Centre, was that one event or two events? It depends what the word event means, and US$ 7,000,000,000 in insurance also depends on the meaning of that word, which is why lawyers for both sides have spoken for hours and submitted thousands of pages in support of different definitions for their clients.
    The meanings of words matter a lot, and every academic discipline has to worry about those meanings, be able to define important terms, and support those definitions.


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