Monday 14 July 2008

A Most Controversial Novel

Although the Wikipedia entry on Of Mice and Men may mislead readers, it is certainly correct to note that the novel has been controversial ever since it was published (2008). One idea in the novel that upsets many people is Steinbeck's very sympathetic treatment of mercy killing.
More recently, especially since Diane Pretty lost her court bid to have her husband help kill her in 2002 (Diane Pretty dies, 2002), there have been increasing numbers of people insisting that they have a right to die and that doctors or other people should be free to help them die. What do you think? Do current laws deprive people of basic human rights as Ms Petty argued? Should Thailand legalise euthanasia?


Diane Pretty dies (2002, May 12). BBC News. retrieved on July 14, 2008 from

Of Mice and Men. (2008, July 7). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:05, July 11, 2008, from


  1. It's very hard for me to say it shouldn't be legalized in Thailand or anywhere, this answer firstly rise from my ituition. I have no experience in such terrible pain of both mind & body. However, I think, I do understand that unbearable suffering, just imagination can extremely frighten me. The only one reason that I can support my decision is euthanasia legalisation may leads a lot of people in the society lost the spirit to fight with problems. For example,teenagers ask their friend to shoot them because they want to die follow thier idol who commits suicide or the girl they love make him heart-broken. They tell the society that these situation is unbearable and dicourage them to the zero. What we can do if they have a right to judge their live easily like this.

  2. i'm not sure that it should be legalize in Thailand but i think it depend on the situation. for example if the patient can not be cure and he cant do nth,in this cast i think if his family is ok to let docter kill him and the patient want to die, it should be legalize in this cast because we shouldnt waste money with that and the important thing is the patient is agree to let docter do it. on the other hand i agree with p'pong that " euthanasia legalisation may leads a lot of people in the society lost the spirit to fight with problems".

  3. I agree with p Pong and Peach that if it's legalize many people may die for reason like p Pong and Peach said.
    I think if it's necessary to let someone die, if this people die can make he or she more happy, if he or she die can make others people happy, so done it but it depends on the reasons which they ask others people to commit suicide. For example, in the case of Diane Pretty, it's very reasonable because she had coma symptoms and she known that she would die in the future and until now to that day she going to face with the painful of her illness. I think to commits suicide must be accepted by the doctor and cannot do anywhere as anyone like if it's legal.

  4. I think euthanasia don't need to be legalised. In my opinion, people (also other organisms) should accept in life cycle and natural selection. This means someone who has responsibility to judge someone should die or not is only nature. I believe in karma, so I think every organisms' lifespan partly seem to be set since they were born if not why we have some differrent points(point mutation) in our DNA and these little stranges sometimes can also cause big problems which affect how we will die(with suffering or pleasant)or when we will die. Therefore, I think there is no mercy killing. Killing is always cruelty and has still be unacceptable. Thus, I don't think euthanasia should be legalised in any countries. Also, I agree with P'Pong that if euthanasia were legalised, the amount of people who die unreasonable would be increase.


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