Wednesday 1 October 2008

What Pat reads.

Actually, I love books and I like reading, almost anykind of books but except text books or books that I have to read for studying, I don't really enjoy reading them but I have to. My fevourite kind of books, nuber one is, the biligual poem books. This kind of books are mostly in the size of pocket book, not too big so you can carry it with you anywhere and it usually writes about love, encourage, feeling. So when I read it I thnik like it is true oe not what in the book says, and it quite easy to undertand because it about the ehings that near you, I can also learn English vocabulary from these book, without look for the meaning in dictionary because the translation is right there, on the other site of every pages.


  1. I also have read a English book without dictionary. I have tried to infer the meaning of word if some word that I don't know appeared. But Sometimes I couldn't infer the meaning so, I can't enjoy the novel and would like to give up to read it-_-;;; Do you have such experience? If you have, how can you overcome it?

  2. I have the vocab problem when read English novel as well especially some difficult adj. and adv. used in novel. However, If that book is funny enough, i can read it through though don't have to know those word meaning. I try to underline those word for later finding their meanings. After i read it again with their meaning found ,it 's quite even more funny.


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