Thursday 18 October 2012

Art: Themes and Purposes. Quest 2, p. 71 - 75.

For the rest of the term in Quest, we will be reading about and discussing art.
Painting Van Gogh by T. F. Chen, 1991
An obvious first question might be: What is art?
However, Hartmann limits her discussion to a much narrower set of art: the visual arts, starting with the image above on the opening page of chapter 3, and we too can probably ignore the difficult question of what art is, even if we do not limit ourselves here to the traditional visual forms of art that are the subject of chapter 3 of Quest (2007, p. 71 - 104).

Write two comments responding to each of the following questions.
  • What is your favourite work of art? Why do you like it? (p. 71) You need not limit yourself to visual art in responding to this question. 
  • Look over the pictures on pages 74 - 75. Which one do you like the most? Why? Do you know something about any of these pieces of art? (p. 72)
    I've been able to find better copies online, as below. Click on the picture to open a larger version of the image. 
There is no need to do any research or reading to respond to these questions. Just write down your ideas. You might prefer to write two separate comments, and you are of course welcome to also reply to earlier comments.
The Art Critic by Norman Rockwell, 1955 

Aquila degli Abruzi
by Henri Cartier-Bresson
, 1952.

Street Scene, Haiti, by Laetitia. 20th C.
Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. My favorite art work of art is music. Especially, Rock music. When I listen to it, it makes me happy.

  2. Based on the number of times I've read it and loved it, I would have to say that Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice is my favourite work of art. This novel was written about 200 years ago, but Austen's work has always been popular, not only with educated readers, but everyone. She takes the seemingly boring and uninteresting life of an upper middle class family in England at the end of the 18th century and makes them come alive. Not only are they believable, but their simple pursuit of love, and worries about money become a fascinating plot where everything is connected with everything else.
    And from the very first sentence to the last, Austen's language is perfect: it conveys the emotions, events and attitudes of her characters and teh events clearly, and simply. But behind the simplicity is an extremely sophisticated art that is consistently witty, educated and fun to read, even when the topics being discussed are profoundly human and familiar to readers in very different situations.

    I don't think it's the greatest work of literature I've read, but Pride and Prejudice is easily my favourite.

  3. My favorite work of art is Hillsong Music. I like very much all their musics, because they worship God in a beautiful way. I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in their songs. For me is awesome. I have a dream to go to Australia and to see Hillsong playing one time.

  4. My favorite work of art is Percy Jackson which a novel about the adventure of demigods, who are hybrid between God and human. I like it because I am interested in Greek myth. It is a fancy novel. Sometimes, I believe in magic because many things unbelievably happen. I also think Greek myth have been influencing our today's world. Many company symbolize their logos in Greek characteristics. Usually, some academic school represent their logos by some signs of Greek's god. For example, many medical school always have their logos which are the sign of a Greek torch with two snake, which symbolize of medical Greek's Good. (I forgot what is his name)

  5. My most favorite work of art is Inception movie for 3 reasons. Firstly,it introduced the idea about lucid dream. Secondly, I like the way that the author tells the story(plot of story). Finally, I like the end of the story that the author imply the ending in two side and let the audience think about it.

  6. My favorite art work of art is music. Especially, Rock music. When I listen to it, it makes me happy. I like going to concert very much. So, I wanna go there in Bangkok, but I didn't know how to get the ticket. Someday, I want to know it.

  7. my favorite art work is the movie"Hero".It's a history movie which talk about the "Qin" empire unify the first kingdom of China.And this movie break the record of movie's box office in china of 2001.It shock the whole country in that year.

  8. My favorite work of art is a musical, which title is The boy from OZ.I like it, because of the beautiful music,dancing and the story. Since I watched it, I started to go to the theater not only to watch musicals but also plays. I like to watch musicals or plays better than watching TVs.I sometimes hum some melodies from the musical, which always makes me very happy. I watched Japanese version in Tokyo, and wish to watch the original English version in New York someday.

  9. My favorite work of art is a movie, Load Of The Ring, which leads me to be movie lover. I was suprised at technology of movie, and also I was into the story and charactor. Since I wathed this movie, I became to watch it often.

    1. This seems to me one of the rare occasions where a great book is successfully recreated as a great film, or series of films. Actually, although Tolkien thought of his story as one book, my copy of Tolkien's story, like most, comes in three volumes, corresponding to the three films that make up Peter Jackson's telling of the story in film.

  10. I love Salsa. It is one kind of dancing. In my opinion it is a beautiful movement that you can use every parts of your body with a salsa music. I feel very enjoyable to do it. It is interested me since the first time I listened the music and I was looking at some couple of people were dancing together on the floor. I feel enjoy and would like to move myself with them. After that I had chance to study in Salsa dancing class. The teacher is a woman, and she could teach very well how to move my body from the first step. I know that I was falling in love with it. I was very exiting and happy every time when i went to the class, even thought I did not have more chance to get in class. I would like to practice more and would like to join salsa club in Thailand if I have time.

    1. Jan, do you know some Salsa class in Bangkok? I will love to learn! I never danced before. Maybe, we can enjoy class together! What do you think?

    2. I think I did not answer well in question. Sorry Peter.

      Grace, I do not know where, but we can think about it.

    3. Jan,
      It's a perfectly good response writing. You were thinking in response to the question and writing down your ideas in fluent and clear English sentences, as Grace's response shows. That makes your writing here a success.

  11. MY favourite work of art is sushi. I love to cook and eat it.For me this's not just a food, but this's art. And the way that I cook or eat it, or my feeling during eating are wonderful. I love moisture and a taste of fish. And when I see a chief was cooking sushi or cutting fish that make me interesting. I try to cook sushi even it's not so good now.

    1. I rather like Donut's comment. In my introductory comments above, I write that "we too can probably ignore the difficult question of what art is" (even when we quote ourselves, we must use "quotation marks"), but as Donut's response shows, the very difficult question of exactly what art is does quickly come up.

      Is sushi or other cooking art? Can they be art? When are they art and when not? When I make my breakfast omelette, am I creating a work of art that is quickly destroyed when I gobble it down?

      These are fairly deep questions and we cannot begin to answer them without first having the argument to answer the question that both Hartmann and I thought we could avoid: What is art?

      Please feel welcome to share your ideas on this question that Donut has pushed forward for attention.

      And just to add one final complication to consider, I think that cooking is often an art, even if it's not art.

  12. My favourite pieces of art are the Dan Brown's unputdownable novel series consisting of The Da Vinci Code, Angles & Demons, and The Lost Symbol. All of them tell a story of an interesting Havard professor of symbology that experience adventurous mission.

    Brown's plots are full of information about arts, history as well as myth that appears in western countries, particularly in Europe and America. When I read them, I usually visualise and imagine the wonderful well-known scenes in the west.

    I can travel in Rome and the Vatican City and find many interesting facts inside the Christaindom, when I read Angles and Demons. Also, I know more about CERN, the largest laboratory in Europe which is located in Switzerland.

    The Da Vinci Code brings me to Louvre Museum and learn more about some amazing information of the world-class scientist, like Sir Isaac Newton.

    Another novel, The Lost Symbol, leads me to think more about relationship inside the family together with the mystery story of American history, especially American politics, because the content relates to Capitol Building (the building of US Congress) and Freemasons, a clandestine association.

    1. I enjoyed the films, which I think are much, much better than Dan Brown's novels on which they are based. Brown's ideas for his stories are great, but his writing is awful: the dialogue is not natural, the characters are not well-developed, the plot does not run smoothly with a feeling of natural inevitability, and the language is immature in its use of amazing adjectives and adverbs to tell us rather than letting us see.

      But you shouldn't let my opinion interfere with your enjoyment of Dan Brown's novels - I love and get a lot enjoyment out of mindless action films that I would rate very low for artistic merit and which my friends bluntly tell me are garbage. I still like them. There are other things that we can value besides excellence as art.

      And of course, the purpose of these two response comments are to get us thinking about exactly these sorts of issues as we prepare to look at art from an academic perspective.

    2. I have different opinion about his language because I read Thai version. The original in English is too tough to me when I read two of them in high school and the other when I was undergraduate student. The problem is that his words are too difficult for non-native speaker like me.

      Apart from the plot, one thing I like is he mixed other language like German, French, and Latin in his novels. I enjoy this because I used to learn German in high school. And other language looks charming and not boring when the plot drops.

  13. My favorite piece of art is the Yin-Yang symbolic because it can describe the great meaning of everything in the world simply. The concept of it is There are 2 sides in this world, which it represent by the biggest circle cover everything,One is represent by Black Color which mean bad thing or negative and white color represent the positive thing. These color stand alone in their own area but there is a little white circle in black area and black circle in white area which it is represent there are always good thing in the bad thing and bad thing in the good thing. In the other words, there is nothing pure in this world. However, the line that separate both sides is the curve smooth line, which many people can interpret this line meaning in many way.

    1. Any particular version of this much produced symbol?

  14. My favorite work of art is Frank Abanel which is a book about Frank's experience. You may know as a name "Catch me if you can" because it was made to be a movie. I read this book when I was 14-before the movie was made. It impresses me because his experience is very exciting. Fore example, Frank have to act as a pilot when he just was 17, he cheats many banks in USA and many countries in Europe so that he get money than about $20 millions. The reason that I love it does not only exciting, it also tells me that everyone can do anything they want if they play more attention to it like Frank's act, so I have more confidence and decrease my fear to do anything since that.

  15. Responding the question "Which one do you like the most? Why?", I like more the picture B on page 74 (here, is the first picture - "The Art Critic by Norman Rockwell, 1955"). I prefer that because it has colour, the colours are strong, and the picture is funny. It looks like as the men in the table wall beside are looking for the person who is looking to another table wall. And the woman in this table wall is looking to him with a big eyes. The picture appears to be alive!
    I don't know anything about these pieces of art, but I liked it.

  16. As Grace, I also like the second one. When I saw it, I thought the man in the middle of the picture must be the student of art school, who want to copy the picture,then I noticed the caption, "The Art Critic". May it satirize the people, who only analyze pictures and not enjoy watching it? When I go to musiums, I prefer to watch paintings from some distance, so that I can watch all of it.It sometimes takes me a while, until I can find the proper distance. If too close, we see only details and tend to faultfinding and spoil the pleasure of watching it. The expression of the woman in the portrait is lively and looks to be amused at the cricic's behavior.I like the picture, because of it's comicalness and implication.

  17. My favorite is the third one, "Aquila degli Abruzi". When I looked at this picture, I was attracted by fine contrast even the black and white phorograph. It is interesting that people look like a line. Moreover, I like to see and also take pictures.

    1. Haru, I am glad that someone else has finally chosen Cartier-Bresson's photograph over the Norman Rockwell painting. Like many, I like both, but whilst agreeing that The Art Critic is fun and colourful, I don't think it has a lot more depth than what is fairly obvious.

      It isn't just Cartier-Bresson's use of perspective that works well in his photograph of daily life in an Italian village, but the way he has gotten all of the lines to work together that impresses me. From the heavy, strong line made by the stair rail that starts at the middle of the left-hand side in the foreground, the lines lead the eye into and through the whole picture in a zig-zag, intersecting the lines that unify the people going about their daily life: the chicken in the bottom left-hand corner scratching for a worm or grain, the woman carrying buns for sale, the girls playing in front of the church, even the classic lines of the Roman script at the top left both contribute to the lines and add their touch of ordinary, daily life, pro nobis, captured as a perfectly composed moment. I wonder how long he waited for the figures to be in exactly the right positions?

      I think that paintings generally have more value as art than photographs because the painter has far more control than the photographer does, but in this case, I think the photograph wins.

  18. Well, Similarly as Grace and Chieko, I like this piece work of art, picture B. The picture shows a painter looks through the magnifying glass at a jewellery pin on the costume which a lady in the painting dresses. He is amazed, I think, how the pin is there because it seems it does not match her dress. For this reason, I think why he seem to be curious about it. Similarly, the lady seems to startle what he tries to do on her chest. The story in the painting guide us by using the sight of the actors in there. Besides,in the nearest painting,there are three gentlemen in same era costume and their sights direct to the man. Their faces also expresses some criticizing about the man's behave. The most part I like is the amazed expression of the lady.
    And this picture remind me about many paintings on Hogwards school in Harry Potter. In that picture, there are more lively as human. If the painting hanging on wall in picture B are the arts from Harry Potter, that man will be shocked and felt on the floor after the lady scream and the three gentleman complain. Or J.K Rowling might be inspired from that picture.

  19. Q.1
    My favorite work of art is Livin' On A Prayer. It is 80’s rock music of Bon Jovi. When I was junior high school student, I loved listen to Japanese music every day. However, Someday, Michael Jackson and Madonna came to Japan for their concerts. After that, I was interested in Western music, and then I listened to many artists’ songs. When I listened to Livin' On A Prayer, I just love the pace and rhythm because I didn’t understand English, but it was things witch I had never been feel. After that, I loved music of Bon jovi, and I still love Bon Jovi music.

    I like the first most. It likes describing in a picture with pictures, and I think that it is drawn in fine detail.
    I don't know about these pictures.

  20. My favorite work of art is Sang Which the song of Watchawaree. It a beautiful romance song, very popular at the beginning of this year, It was on the Bangkok radio top chart. When I am listening to it, I feel like that I laying down on the beautiful bright sand beach with my lover, the sun is shining on our. Such a perfect moment, I don't want to go. Although, I didn't be with her, It reminds that we use to love each other.

  21. The first one is interesting for me. Actually, I don't know about it. At the first time, I saw it, I found the men in this picture try to notice something that make the three people on the right frame intend his action; however, I am one of them who intend what the man do with the woman on the left frame. For another pictures, in my opinion, tone is not interest me to find out in the detail.


  22. Answer2: I like "The Art Critic by Norman Rockwell", 1955 because it looked like a younger painter who was wonder about the woman painting piece and tried to learn the way how the painting was painted from watching the beautiful one to increase his passion. It looked like he want to be a professional painter in the future; However, I have no idea about these pieces


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