Friday 12 October 2012


Most people like panda, but we can see it only few places.

According to “Washington zoo panda cub died of liver necrosis”, a baby giant panda which was born in Washington zoo in the U.S. was died right after its birth, but the mother panda shows her behavior as if she has still had her baby.

When I read this news, I remembered that a baby giant panda died 3months ago in Japan. I heard baby giant pandas are very delicate and weak, so breeding is very difficult. However, I think that people has made giant pandas difficultly breed because mother giant pandas have a lot of stress in the zoos.

First, they have stayed in their small cage long time. Most animals don’t like this situation, too. When giant pandas are in the cage long time, they would be disappointed their life. Second, many people have seen them every day. Most animals are very sensitive for being stared at from animals because of many enemies in their natural world.  Giant pandas might have thought that people are enemies, too. It would tire them. Finally, they become lazy. That’s why they get their food easily and cannot exercise for releasing their energy in the small cage. This is very bad thing. Some of them don’t like take care of their babies.

I think we only give the similar natural environment for giant pandas with their food and without natural enemies of them, so they will increase. As a result, we can see them many places in the future.


Washington zoo panda cub died of liver necrosis. (11, October 2012). BBC News  BBC News US & Canada. Retrieved October 11, 2012 from


  1. The topic of panda reminds me of Linping, a baby panda born in Thailand. There is a very popular panda channel broadcasting everyday life of this panda's family. I can enjoy watching an evolution of the baby panda. It's gradually developed from a very small animal to such a giant panda within a few months.

    1. I experienced watching this TV program before. It’s very boring for me, so after 5 minutes, I changed another TV program. I want to know why the TV Company broadcasted or has broadcasted it.

  2. Pandas, I think they might be the most popular animal today because medias give a lot of attention to them. I don't know why? It may be because of Chinses influence, one of the most powerful country. Two or three years ago, channel 3 , TV channel in Thailand, broadcast about panda's life every morning. I am not sure whether that might be a tourism strategy. Even more broadcasting, in local sattlelite TV, there is a live channel of pandas' life. It said that the cost of broadcasting is extremely expensive. I think it is not real because this channel has aired all days without breaking with TV commercials. How does the TV receive money? Who pay for them?

    1. I would not have believed this, but I found out that one of the AUA secretaries actually watches this channel. I think it's good for people to have the freedom to watch what entertains them or whatever, but I do wonder who pays for it. As long as it's not supported by the government using tax money, I think it's fine. But tax money should not be used this way. If people want to watch things, or see classical opera, or whatever, they should pay for it themselves because they love it.

      And on the other hand, the government should not be blocking things because some people don't like it, for example, pornography for adults or extremely violent films, video games and so on. Is there any good reason for blocking these types of ugly, mindless and tasteless entertainment?

    2. In Japan, it is not Panda, but the media broadcast a lot of Korean dramas, songs and news. Many Japanese people complain these things. They are not interested in them. Why do they broadcast them? Buying Korean drama’s films is cheaper than making dramas in Japan? The songs are good? These days, I hear that they avoid watching TV, and they watch movies to which they want on their computers instead. I agree with them. I hate that media do propaganda.

  3. Panda is the most brilliant diplomatic instrument of China. People around the world follow news about pandas in many zoos that have been as tributes for closer ties.

    Anyway, pandas in medias are still stuck in worry about their decline in number because of the failure of the artificial reproduction, called insemination.

    1. I am worried about number of pandas, too, so I think that making good environment for pandas more important than semination.

  4. I had two questions reading Mori's response to the BBC News report on the unfortunate panda.

    First, if it's wrong to keep panda's locked up in cages, away from anything like a natural environment, isn't it equally wrong to keep chickens, pigs and cows in the same sort of conditions? And aren't we all causing suffering as well as death when we contribute to such actions by buying meat that comes from them?

    Second, does it matter if pandas or other animals become extinct? Since we all get along perfectly well without pandas or panda products, should we worry about them disappearing completely? Why or why not?

    1. I understand your points, but it's difficult to answer for me.
      In my opinion, chickens, pigs and cows are easy to increase, but Pandas are very few, so we have to prevent them, and disappearing might break food chain or natural valance in the future, and we cannot recover them. We have to avoid this situation.

  5. Every time when I go to a zoo, I feel a bit guilty to see the animals in the cages and in a different environment from their own. In my hometown there is a zoo where the people try “To provide an environment where each species can use their abilities and a space where each animal can relax.” The animals there look lively, but they have to live far from their homeland and in the artificial environment, and I don’t know if they are happy or not.

    Pandas and some other animals are treated specially, because they are rear, cute or intelligent, and used as means of diplomacy or power games between countries or organizations, whereas chickens, pigs and cows are common, not especially cute or intelligent and regarded as food for humans. Of course from the viewpoint of the speciesism, such a different treatment must be condemned. Still, speciesism has not become a common acknowledgement among us. I think, what majority of us can agree with so far would be to make the cruel situation of the domestic animals better.

    Until recently, we didn’t care much about the animals which were at the risk of extinction. For food or clothes we killed many animals without consideration and extinguished them: dodo, quagga, Tasmanian wolf, Caspian Tiger, Japanese wolf, and so on. But now most of us think it is wrong to extinguish other animals even their loss doesn’t influence our lives, and feel guilty about what we did in the past. It is ironical, but the fact that we can kill the domestic animals as our food as many as we need, changed our moral. In Japan there is a saying, “We know politeness only when basic needs for living are met.” I think some morality is a thing which we don’t become aware of until the time, place, and condition and situation of the society allow us to consider them. We started thinking if eating meat is morally wrong. I’m wondering if someday we agree with the idea and give up eating chickens, pigs and cows forever.

    Asahiyama zoo official homepage

    1. I agree with you. Do you know this zoo is success breeding 12 pandas. It is the best number of them in the world except China. I think that the zoo gives pandas natural environment.
      When I read your comment, I thought that animals of Asahiyama zoo are happier than other zoos.

      The reason of successful to breed of 12 pandas in Wakayama, (Japanese)

    2. Thanks Chieko to remind me about zoo. It is regconized that how different feelings between my visiting zoo recently and long time ago. When I was six years old, everything in zoo are extremely interested and excited. My family and I curiously walked through it with loud noise. Many animals had not ever seen in outside such as tigers, lion, giraffe, penguin and so on. Not only variety of animals but also zoo's atmosphere. The zoo was modelled as jungles in different parts of the world.
      This theme induced visitors felt challenge what are inside there. However, about five years ago, I visited a zoo and my feelings are completely different. Before entering, I smelt badly. I felt I didn't want to go inside. When I was there, I had seen many animals and I felt their eyes' expression were sad. Moreover, their physical appearance looked aging as an old car need to fix or change. Beyond that, my feelings were strong and stronger that they should have been inside some restrict place as a zoo,


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