Saturday, 16 February 2019

The Loudest Sound You've Never Heard (SkRW3, pp. 90-91, Developing critical thinking)

What we read

We have just read and checked our understanding of "The Loudest Sound You've Never Heard" (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013). 


Our response 

Having read the text a couple of times, Bixby and Scanlon now invite us to respond to the ideas in it in a critical thinking exercise.

Bixby and Scanlon's questions

Having spent a couple of minutes planning, respond to one only of these questions in a comment. 

  • Would it be advantageous for humans to be able to hear infrasound? Why or why not? Briefly explain the  pros and cons that you thought of. 


  • In our daily lives, we are surrounded by  all sorts of sounds. What sounds are the most pleasant of relaxing? Do you enjoy being in complete silence? 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education

Saturday, 9 February 2019

"The Secret Garden" (SkRW3, pp. 88-89, Before you read)

What I read

As usual, before we read a text, Bixby and Scanlon invite us to think about the topic or ideas that are coming up. For the first  reading in Unit 9 of Skillful, which is titled "The Secret Garden: An excerpt," they explicitly ask us to write down and share our ideas before we read the text.


Bixby and Scanlon's question

  • When you were young, do you remember a place that was secret or mysterious, or where you used to hide? 
    • Where was it? 
    • What did you do there? 
    • Did you play games, read, talk with a friend? 

Suggestions for writing

You have 20:00 minutes for this communicative writing exercise. It is not an academic writing exercise, but it is still a good idea to follow the writing process for this piece of work.

You want to write a quick paragraph or two, so it will be a good idea to spend at least 3:00 minutes on some quick planning: choose your topic, get ideas about your chosen topic, and organize those ideas. 

Then write; that is, turn your ideas into sentences in one or two paragraphs. Spend about 10:00 minutes on this. 

And after you have written, you should have about 7:00 minutes left in which to edit your work: review, revise and proofread. A couple of useful check questions for review are:
  • Does my piece of work make sense to a reader who has not seen Bixby and Scanlon's questions above? In other words, is it a unified, independent piece of writing?  
  • Have I given enough details, explanations and examples so that my ideas are clear to readers?  
    •  Do my readers now know why this place was special to me? How well can they imagine it? 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing: Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education

Saturday, 2 February 2019

King Bungaree

What I read

According to "Bungaree: Indigenous man who helped Flinders explore Australia" (2019). Bungaree was born in Broken Bay in 1775. He helped Captain Matthew Flinders to circumnavigate Australia in June 1803. He played a vital diplomatic role, and had been noted for his kindness of heart, gentleness and other excellent qualities and has been of great service to the colony. In 1815, he became known as King Bungaree, but people forgot him because of the racist undertones. 


My response 

After I read this news, I think that people forgot Bungaree because the racist undertones.The problem of racism is a problem that has arisen everwhere in the world for a long time. And difficult to fix, even though this problem will reduce the severity from the past, but racism still exists in society all over the world. Observed from there are statues to Captain Flinder, but as yet, there are no statue to Bungaree recognising his role in the exploration of Australia. I think racism is a human being created to define superiority or inferiority based on the skin color and the different cultures of humans. In addition, each country always adheres to the history of teaching in order to create righteousness to support their past behavior. Every human being has human dignity and therefore should be respected and treared equally. Especially, racial discrimination is therefore a violation of human right that everyone should have.

My question

Is the problem of racism will eventually disappear from this world in the end?


  • Bungaree: Indigenous man who helped Flinders explore Australia. (2019, January 25). Retrieved from

US Chuffed with UK

What I read

According to Vicky Baker writing about it in “Why Americans love the Great British Bake Off” (2019), the surprising popularity in the United States of the British cooking show, where contestants produce a series of baked items, is because it ignores politics and emphasizes kindness among competitors as they help each other overcome problems along the way to making their stuffed suet pastry, souflé, Victoria sponge or other set dish. Attracting people from varied social backgrounds, the show, which is now broadcast by NetFlix, has inspired dedicated Facebook groups, coverage in major US media, and local themed parties working to capture the friendly atmosphere of the British show, which offers no rich prize, only a simple cake stand and the honour of baking best.


My response 

Breakfast by Matthew
I liked this article because although it's not too serious, which is a major reason that the UK cooking show is popular among US audiences, it still makes a serious point: escaping from serious politics and other issues matters to us. It reminded me of when I was staying with my brother on my annual visit to Australia last Songkran. We don't normally watch TV together, but we both love food and my brother is a great cook, so an Australian cooking show was the one thing that we did watch a couple of times. But I'm afraid the Australian version of the "Great British Bake Off" isn't so friendly as the UK version seems to be. The contestants on the Australian show, whose name I forget, were not very friendly at all, and instead of helping each other, seemed much happier to delight in their fellow contestant's mistakes, perhaps because there were more substantial prizes. It was still fun to watch, but I enjoy my brother's meals a lot more. I usually only visit for about one week, but during that time, my brother cooks for me every day, always making sure I get a substantial, traditional home-cooked breakfast with eggs his free-range hens had laid the day before, bacon, and at least one yummy vegetable, and he never even lets me wash the dishes. I've never learned to use his dish washer, so maybe he worries that some of his china might suffer if I tried. He even makes my morning coffee so that I have my essential drug hit before he leaves for work. 

Mum and some nieces
The article also reminds me of how important food is in our culture. I suspect it is an important element in every culture, and it certainly helps to bring my large and often quarrelsome family together in a cheerful atmosphere where we can all sit down and catch up. In fact, while I'm there, my brother also puts on at least a couple of special meals for family members. My family is very large, so he usually does lunch one day for my mum and aunts. This is usually a traditional roast meal, with a couple of his home grown ducks beautifully prepared with plenty of trimmings: peas, potatoes and other roast vegetables, and a delicious dessert. And of course wine. My mum used to cook these meals about once a week, but she's 88 now, and although still living independently, she doesn't cook much, preferring to let others do that. After raising eight children, I think she deserves to relax a bit. 

Going to check the koalas
My family are of Italian descent, and the first thing my Australian ancestors did when they arrived in the bush 140 years ago was clear some land and plant the grape cuttings they had brought from Italy so that they could make their own wine. We don't make wine any more, but it's still a part of special meals. On another day, my brother puts on a more relaxed meal to which my brothers and sisters and their kids and family dogs all come: it's very crowded, but he has a couple of large tables set up outside so we can enjoy the scenery as we eat. My only contribution is to take him and the others out for a couple of meals at restaurants in the nearby town. I tend to gain a bit of weight on my week in Australia. 

My question

How important is food in your family? 


Okinawans Longevity of Life

What I read

According to “A high-carb diet might explain why Okinawans live so long” written by David Robson on January 18, 2019, the high-carb diet such as sweet potatoes consumed by Okinawans household might have an effect on various physiological responses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease protection. Apart from that, there are number of factors that affect longevity of Okinawans such as a unique genetic profile, tight-knit communities - help strengthening relationships amongst neighborhood, and consumption of lots of green and yellow vegetables while maintaining low calories intake. However, there is a caveat to put on the protein-restricted approach; at certain age, people might need to increase level of protein intake. All in all, Okinawans longevity includes many factors involving in making them healthy and fit, not only high-carb diet.

My response 


My question



Where is a Banksy’s art now?

What I read

According to “Banksy tribute to Bataclan terror victims stolen in Paris” (2019), last Friday night, Banksy’s art painted by the famous British graffiti artist as a tribute to the victims of the 2015 terror attack in november 2015, where 90 people were killed during a rock concert by armed militants at the Bataclan music hall in Paris, has been stolen. AFP news reported that the theft  was committed by “a group of hooded individuals armed with angle grinders”, and the suspects drove away with the artwork in a truck, but now no one knows where the artwork is.


My response 

After I read this news, I think this artwork has stolen because other Banksy's art, there are high price, some of there, there was sold for a "six-figure sum", and the brigands maybe think this artwork has a high price. This artwork is on the emergency door, but they can stole it, they cut out and removed the emergency door then the suspects drove away with the artwork in a truck. I doubt that, they cut out and removed the emergency door that near street, but no one heard the brigands cut the emergency door.

However, Banksy's art in Paris has stolen and now, no one knows where it is. It is hard to know where is the brigands want take the artwork to and now is the artwork in Paris, isn't it. But, I hope someone find it soon.
_____________ ______________________ 

My question

If you were Banksy, what do you do?


“Banksy tribute to Bataclan terror victims stolen in Paris”. (2019, January 26). Retrieved from

Stability in storms

What I read

According to “Huawei confident on uncomfortable time” by John Sudworth (2019), recently Huawei, one of the largest sales companies, without distraction, launched 5G devices in an event in Beijing among a crisis of being banned by the US and its allies, and its grant offers rejected by charity foundations and universities because of accusations of spying via their devices in those regions. Moreover, the owner’s daughter was under arrest by Canadian officers on request of the US due to trading with Iran. However, there is no technical evidence proving interference of the Chinese government on those issues, and the company’s CEO insisted they would not let it happen to customers. Still, remaining doubt about the promise is noticed because  the totalitarianism of the Chinese government can break it.

My response 

Huawei company has been a rookie company for communication devices in global market. For five years, they have pursued being the most selling company by utilizing advantages of cheaper price and higher specifications of their devices when comparing to other business competitors (eg. Samsung, Apple Inc.). Eventually, they are going to achieve the goal within 2019 probably. That is why the US government opposes using Chinese's devices and makes an argument of spying. In my opinion, firstly, it is just a trick of the US government to block widespread of Chinese's devices, and to not let Chinese's companies harm US companies. Because of being capitalism country of US, if the US government directly said that we do not allow Chinese companies to sell products anymore, this announcement would be definitely unfair. So, it would be rather to accuse the Chinese company as a spying company. Then, blocking trading is acceptable and reasonable.
However, secondly, if Huawei company did about really spying activities to those regions, it would be possible as well. As mentioned in news about being communism country of China, when the Chinese government asks for private information of anyone, no Chinese company can refuse for this request. Even though the requests may be revealed to society, the government does not care because no one can investigate and stand against them. By the way, in China, everyone who buys product and uses it in China must accept one of agreements which is about acceptance of reveal privacy to the government upon request. The government is right to do because they claim that this action is for stabilizing peaceful of society and anti-terrorism policy. Thus, definitely, spying can take place to other countries probably by forcing those companies and claiming that they just want to protect our people from outside harmfulness. 

My question

I an little wondering that Thailand is the Chinese company's destination to sell their products as well. Yet, there is no issue against or following this accusation from any relevant government organization who takes care of cyber-security in Thailand. Do you notice for this? Do you believe that spying is happening really? or it is only tricky of US to block selling Chinese's products over US products because the US government does not want to see this, aren't them? 


Amazon delivery by robots

What I read

According to “Amazon Scout robots take to pavements in Washington State” (2019), six automatic robots deliver goods on footpaths around Snohomish county, operate during the daytime and are accompanied by an Amazon employee. They automatically lift their lids when the customer comes to get the goods. In 2007, the San Francisco supervisor restricted their usage: each company can use only three robots, each robot has to operate in a certain area and be accompanied by a human.


My response 

After I'd read this news, In my opinion, this is a good idea to delivery things by using robots because it is cheaper than hiring employees to deliver things and it is much safer than driving cars to deliver things. Also, robots can work better than humans, they don't need to rest and they only want electricity for living which is cheaper than employee's salaries.

However, Using robots to deliver things can cause problems, for example, the unemployment rate will go up because no one is going to use human to deliver things so, it had rules about using robot such as, limited amount per company.

My question

Suppose that you are CEO of some delivering company. Will you use robots to deliver things? Why? 


More female pilots take to the skies

What I read 

According to Jonathan Josephs writing about in Could women solve the global pilot shortage?” (2019), the growth of global air traffic passengers demands impact breaking down gender stereotypes in the aviation industry. The stereotype of male-only pilots is questioned by a growing number of female pilots around the world flying commercial airlines such as EasyJet, Virgin Australia and Air France,who recruit more women as pilots, however, stereotypes also create problems for female pilots, in both motherhood and sexual harassment in the industries. The Hashtag “#MeToo” in the society, saying the harassment that they received, and the movement started in the US. The industries are trying hard to change the perception from gender to be looking for talented people.


My response 

This article reminds me of when I was G.12, the high school student nearly admission to the university. My goal is I want to some kind works in aviation industries like  Manager in the airline industry, Airport Staff, Air Traffic Controller, Aircraft Maintenance or Pilot so I chose the university that have to learn about  Aviation Technology Management. However, I am so a little shock after I heard people who know my goal said: "You want to be a pilot, women are not required by airlines so you have to change your mind". First, they misunderstand, they think work in Aviation Industries is working like Pilot but it is not. Another misunderstanding is they said the women cannot become a pilot because at that time the perceptive of them just looking at Airline in Thailand like Thai Airways requires men pilot only. I had known not all airlines need men pilot only. Many Low-cost airlines recruit both men and women pilot too such as Air Asia, Nok-scoot, Nok Air, Bangkok Airways and airlines that shows in this article so I am straightforward to my goal. it was because the perception of people reminded the old things and communications with airlines were not enough at that time.

When I read this article, I was definitely happy because airlines would like to change the perception from men pilot only to become every gender can become a pilot and It will really great if we have some people change the perception about work aviation is not only becoming a pilot" to other people know too.


My question

In your opinion, how would airlines would change this perspective? 


Brave new world of marketing!

What I read

According to Rory Cellan-Jones in “Tech Tent: The power of influencers” (2019), using influencers, who are social media stars having huge followers, to promote a product is another form of marketing having been brought to many discussions. Regarding the ethics, some influencers have promised to tell people they actually get paid to promote the products, and also, they worry about the product’s quality, while some are not. Apart from that, Mr. Werner Geyser argues with the idea of Dr. Mariann Hardey, who does not believe that influencers have a great impact on customers, that, apparently, influencers have a strong relationship to their followers since they are sharing the same interests, and although it is obscure how generating brand awareness is related, this marketing technique indeed generates the extra sales.


My response 

After I read this news, I was thinking about one of my friend who is addicted to the social media. One day, we had dinner together including other four people and she sat opposite to me. While we were eating and talking together in the group, that girl was playing Instagram. Then, she suddenly found that an influencer she followed promote a lipstick, and she would like to buy it. After that, she told "Let's go to the cosmetic shop after we finish this." And then, We, excepted her, looked at each other's face and laughed about it because we all knew who she was. The influencer seems to affect her a lot, which she always try something that influencer says it is good. If it is good, she will continue using it, however, if it is bad, she just stop using it and start looking for a new one, which she has never unfollowed this influencer since she is still interested in that influencer's lifestyle. This would make me believe to the power of the influencer. They have a strong relationship because they have some similar lifestyles or interests. For example, A person who like making up will tend to follow the beauty bloggers.

In addition, the influencer honesty is a main point that people inclined to looking for. I would say, the social media I use a lot nowadays is Youtube. When I decide to see a clip, the first thing I always look for is a channel's name, because I want to see a good content, yet do not want to see an influencer who promotes a product with dishonesty. In my opinion, honesty means that influencer tell the truth to people. They can promote any products, however, they have to tell us the truth what they feel for that product. Besides, it is not enough to only be an honest influencer, who always tell the truth, they should also have an interesting content. If not, they will not be able to increase their followers, and even more severely, current follower will prone to unfollow them. I think people are able to capture while an influencer is not telling what they feel, but just tell what they should tell, which would lead followers to a bad feeling, and people might unfollow them. 

My question

Do you have any other marketing techniques in your mind that are more powerful than the influencers? Could you please explain?


Worrying rise in CO2

What I read

In “Big rise in atmospheric CO2 expected in 2019” (2019), Matt MacGrath says the cause of CO2 concentration increases in the atmospheric is human activities, especially in fossil fuels and deforestation. Even though forests can absorb CO2 emissions and also reduce the concentration in the atmospheric, this ability does well only in the summer not in the winter. Since 2013 was the first time that average of CO2 concentration was 400 ppm, but the prediction of CO2 in 2019 will be 411 ppm, which exceeded than it was. Moreover, CO2 concentration is rising against the limit of global warming of 1.5 degree target and researchers are concerning about it.

My response 

After I read the news, I never thought human activities could increase more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, I thought it was the process of the world that rising carbon dioxide by itself. Until I have studied and read in many research, they all said human activities are the most important to increases and speed up carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, for example in Bangkok city in the past was difference from today. When I was young there was less of people, cars, buildings and a lot of trees which I have got less pollution but today there is a lot of people, many construction area and traffic jam that releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Furthermore, there is lack of garden area in the city which trees can absorbs.   

In addition, carbon dioxide is the one of greenhouse gases, releases too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that causes greenhouse phenomena which contribute to global warming. Every carbon dioxide emissions activity come from us, so if we do activities in the way to save environment, our environment will better. 

My question

How can we reduce CO2 emissions from human activities?


Selecting and evaluating online sources (SkRW3, p. 86, Study skills)

What we read

One focus of our class in Unit 8 has been the use sources, and the Study Skills for Unit 8 (p. 86) discusses selecting and evaluating online sources (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013)


Bixby and Scanlon's questions

These are the three questions that Bixby and Scanlon invite us to discuss in "Over to you." 

Think about them for a minute or two and then write a quick response in two or three paragraphs. 

Your response will be easier for readers to follow if you do not number your answer. Give enough background to make it clear what issue (question) you are discussing. 

  • What are the potential problems with not evaluating Internet sources before using them in research? 
    • Is this true only of Internet sources?
  • What are some other things that are important to keep in mind when using the Internet for academic research?
  • The next time you use the Internet for research purposes, what might you do differently? Which tips from the list on page 86 will you try? 
    • Do you disagree with with any of the tips? 


  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful reading & writing: Student's book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education