Saturday 2 February 2019

Okinawans Longevity of Life

What I read

According to “A high-carb diet might explain why Okinawans live so long” written by David Robson on January 18, 2019, the high-carb diet such as sweet potatoes consumed by Okinawans household might have an effect on various physiological responses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease protection. Apart from that, there are number of factors that affect longevity of Okinawans such as a unique genetic profile, tight-knit communities - help strengthening relationships amongst neighborhood, and consumption of lots of green and yellow vegetables while maintaining low calories intake. However, there is a caveat to put on the protein-restricted approach; at certain age, people might need to increase level of protein intake. All in all, Okinawans longevity includes many factors involving in making them healthy and fit, not only high-carb diet.

My response 


My question




  1. It really surprises me about high-carb taking. This issue is completely contradict to the mainstream nowadays. As we have known, we need carbohydrate to power our body for day-time and nigh-time activities. If input energy is higher than output, obesity will come to be a part of the life. By the way, it is very interesting discovery.

    1. I tend to stick with the idea that if I eat lots of variety, I'll be OK. I'm not sure how much scientific evidence this belief has, but it means I can eat lots of delicious things. I had a great lunch today at the buffet at Le Meridien hotel, where I stuffed myself with a wide range of things from seafood to several meats and lots of sweets, although not much in the way of plain carbohydrates. But I'm going back on Sunday, so I'll try to make up then for my failure today.


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