Saturday 2 February 2019

More female pilots take to the skies

What I read 

According to Jonathan Josephs writing about in Could women solve the global pilot shortage?” (2019), the growth of global air traffic passengers demands impact breaking down gender stereotypes in the aviation industry. The stereotype of male-only pilots is questioned by a growing number of female pilots around the world flying commercial airlines such as EasyJet, Virgin Australia and Air France,who recruit more women as pilots, however, stereotypes also create problems for female pilots, in both motherhood and sexual harassment in the industries. The Hashtag “#MeToo” in the society, saying the harassment that they received, and the movement started in the US. The industries are trying hard to change the perception from gender to be looking for talented people.


My response 

This article reminds me of when I was G.12, the high school student nearly admission to the university. My goal is I want to some kind works in aviation industries like  Manager in the airline industry, Airport Staff, Air Traffic Controller, Aircraft Maintenance or Pilot so I chose the university that have to learn about  Aviation Technology Management. However, I am so a little shock after I heard people who know my goal said: "You want to be a pilot, women are not required by airlines so you have to change your mind". First, they misunderstand, they think work in Aviation Industries is working like Pilot but it is not. Another misunderstanding is they said the women cannot become a pilot because at that time the perceptive of them just looking at Airline in Thailand like Thai Airways requires men pilot only. I had known not all airlines need men pilot only. Many Low-cost airlines recruit both men and women pilot too such as Air Asia, Nok-scoot, Nok Air, Bangkok Airways and airlines that shows in this article so I am straightforward to my goal. it was because the perception of people reminded the old things and communications with airlines were not enough at that time.

When I read this article, I was definitely happy because airlines would like to change the perception from men pilot only to become every gender can become a pilot and It will really great if we have some people change the perception about work aviation is not only becoming a pilot" to other people know too.


My question

In your opinion, how would airlines would change this perspective? 



  1. My first thought was "Great!" and when will the women be accepted to be soldiers out shooting with the boys?

    My next thought was a bit different. I've also just read and responded to Fluke's thoughtful ideas on racism, and that got me thinking about other types of prejudiced discrimination, such as ageism. But also speciesism,, the idea that it's OK to treat some animals differently to others merely because they are a different species, which seems like sexism, where women are treated differently to men merely because ... they are women. Specifically, why would it be OK, for example, to put pigs, chickens and other tasty animals in small cages where they suffer for their entire lives before human beings order others to kill them in order to enjoy overeating on their tasty flesh?

    This also seems to me to contradict the Buddhist First Precept because, when you pay for meat, you are effectively ordering others to kill for you, so you are causing the killing as much as mafia boss who orders his paid servants to kill.

    Thank you Nuc for a very thought-provoking post for us to respond to.

  2. This post make me think of my friend who is a woman pilot. She started this career from being a flight attendant. Later on, she knew that she absolutely love an airplane and would like to be a pilot. Then, she decided to leave her job and applied to the pilot school, which she took 2 years to finish the whole courses. She was an only woman in that class. I am very proud of her that she can pursue her dream. Consequently, she became a woman pilot and she really enjoy and good her job. This story absolutely support this news that woman can be a pilot also, even there is still not much woman in that industry, however, it seems to be increasing.


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