Saturday 2 February 2019

Stability in storms

What I read

According to “Huawei confident on uncomfortable time” by John Sudworth (2019), recently Huawei, one of the largest sales companies, without distraction, launched 5G devices in an event in Beijing among a crisis of being banned by the US and its allies, and its grant offers rejected by charity foundations and universities because of accusations of spying via their devices in those regions. Moreover, the owner’s daughter was under arrest by Canadian officers on request of the US due to trading with Iran. However, there is no technical evidence proving interference of the Chinese government on those issues, and the company’s CEO insisted they would not let it happen to customers. Still, remaining doubt about the promise is noticed because  the totalitarianism of the Chinese government can break it.

My response 

Huawei company has been a rookie company for communication devices in global market. For five years, they have pursued being the most selling company by utilizing advantages of cheaper price and higher specifications of their devices when comparing to other business competitors (eg. Samsung, Apple Inc.). Eventually, they are going to achieve the goal within 2019 probably. That is why the US government opposes using Chinese's devices and makes an argument of spying. In my opinion, firstly, it is just a trick of the US government to block widespread of Chinese's devices, and to not let Chinese's companies harm US companies. Because of being capitalism country of US, if the US government directly said that we do not allow Chinese companies to sell products anymore, this announcement would be definitely unfair. So, it would be rather to accuse the Chinese company as a spying company. Then, blocking trading is acceptable and reasonable.
However, secondly, if Huawei company did about really spying activities to those regions, it would be possible as well. As mentioned in news about being communism country of China, when the Chinese government asks for private information of anyone, no Chinese company can refuse for this request. Even though the requests may be revealed to society, the government does not care because no one can investigate and stand against them. By the way, in China, everyone who buys product and uses it in China must accept one of agreements which is about acceptance of reveal privacy to the government upon request. The government is right to do because they claim that this action is for stabilizing peaceful of society and anti-terrorism policy. Thus, definitely, spying can take place to other countries probably by forcing those companies and claiming that they just want to protect our people from outside harmfulness. 

My question

I an little wondering that Thailand is the Chinese company's destination to sell their products as well. Yet, there is no issue against or following this accusation from any relevant government organization who takes care of cyber-security in Thailand. Do you notice for this? Do you believe that spying is happening really? or it is only tricky of US to block selling Chinese's products over US products because the US government does not want to see this, aren't them? 


1 comment:

  1. I like A's thoughtful response to the issues his article raises.

    Although I have doubts, that the Chinese government is known to censor and spy on its own citizens, must make it plausible that they would abuse the rule of law to unjustly do the same to other nations. It's a useful reminder that being legal, being strictly according to the law, cannot make anything just or otherwise right. Unfortunately for Chinese companies, their government's reputation harms them.


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