Saturday 2 February 2019

Worrying rise in CO2

What I read

In “Big rise in atmospheric CO2 expected in 2019” (2019), Matt MacGrath says the cause of CO2 concentration increases in the atmospheric is human activities, especially in fossil fuels and deforestation. Even though forests can absorb CO2 emissions and also reduce the concentration in the atmospheric, this ability does well only in the summer not in the winter. Since 2013 was the first time that average of CO2 concentration was 400 ppm, but the prediction of CO2 in 2019 will be 411 ppm, which exceeded than it was. Moreover, CO2 concentration is rising against the limit of global warming of 1.5 degree target and researchers are concerning about it.

My response 

After I read the news, I never thought human activities could increase more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, I thought it was the process of the world that rising carbon dioxide by itself. Until I have studied and read in many research, they all said human activities are the most important to increases and speed up carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, for example in Bangkok city in the past was difference from today. When I was young there was less of people, cars, buildings and a lot of trees which I have got less pollution but today there is a lot of people, many construction area and traffic jam that releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Furthermore, there is lack of garden area in the city which trees can absorbs.   

In addition, carbon dioxide is the one of greenhouse gases, releases too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that causes greenhouse phenomena which contribute to global warming. Every carbon dioxide emissions activity come from us, so if we do activities in the way to save environment, our environment will better. 

My question

How can we reduce CO2 emissions from human activities?



  1. I was more interested in the issue of plastic bags in stores. I know C)2 is a worry, and that we seem to be destroying our planet, but the planet and life will continue perfectly well, even if the human species pushes itself to extinction.

    But plastic bags came to mind because when I was shopping at Tops a couple of days ago, on the 4th to be exact, they didn't have plastic bags for me. I understand the reasons for this, but I think their policy is foolish and extremely annoying. If they want to ban plastic bags, they should do it, then people like me would not turn up to get a nasty shock once a month. But I think a better solution is for a tax on plastic bags that is high enough to fully cover the cost of disposing of them. The business would then pass this cost on to consumers, such as myself, who could decide whether to pay to use the plastic bag, or to opt to save money.

  2. I had heard from somewhere that in the past, the world was getting hotter until some point it began to cool down and repeating this process like a cycle. But now it's going off its cycle, the temperature is continuously going up, so it becomes a problem.

    I think that there are many ways to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide, for example, not using plastic bags, recycling plastic and paper, using less plastic bottles and so on.

    1. But it still annoys me when I turn up at Tops to buy groceries and they don't a plastic bag for me. I would prefer to pay a bit more to cover the cost of safe disposal. I'm hoping an inventor will come up with a better solution, something that is as cheap and convenient as a plastic bag but that disintegrates in a short time with no environmental damage. Whoever gets it right will make a well-deserved fortune: greed can be a powerful force for good.


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